What does Sup Forums think of suicide?

What does Sup Forums think of suicide?

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Take a Jew with you

You have the right to end your life whenever you want.

all whites should

has this video ever seen the light of day??

It looks more appealing day by day.
The world is degenerate.

Not since it originally aired. There was a movie about it in 2016 with a recreation

/thread/ if every white nationalist in the us killed one kike, they would be exterminated, twice.

Don't do it if there's people who will mourn your loss
They'll miss you a lot

You should go for it Op.

I wish a nigga would

we think you should not commit suicide

Suicide is overrated. I’ve done it twice.

you first


Suicide is for cowards. At least kill some nonwhites on your way out first.

All the time. I'm absolutely terrified of death, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Unless you're a Commie, don't. Having died before, I can tell you how much of a waste it is, not to mention the cowardice of abandoning obligations and loved ones. Help a nigga if you see the signs.

death is coming earthlings

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Byproducts of Nihilism and Atheism spread to further self depreciating memes like white guilt and communism. The ones that aren't strong enough to bare the first salvo of shit self terminate. More victims of the Jewish popular culture.

You are immortal. Your consciousness is constantly being moved to the one universe where you survive.

I’ve always thought this but what if you die of old age?

Ayy lmaos are coming to kill us.

You don't. You become the oldest person on Earth, and now we are not that far from slowing down aging anyway.

Use the right tool for the job

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Cowardly and Selfish.

That said, if you have LITERALLY 0 dependents, family or friends who would be affected by your suicide, i can begrudgingly accept it.

Oh man I remember years ago spending way too much time trying to find out if her suicide ever made it to the internet

Thinking of suicide and taking comfort in the fact you can do it is a way to tide your self over until you are old enough to drink

At least don't proceed like a faggot

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It should be a capital crime and punishment should be the death penalty.

one way ticket to hell

Same here. Some guy once posted an audio clip but it was fake as fuck.

do it
but at a time of our choice and location

Haven't tried it yet; check back if I'm ever homeless

You Racist

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Sorry. Meant for the pud under (you)

I think it takes balls to kill yourself, considering you don't know what's waiting on the other side. People who say it's "selfish" are the stupidest people on the planet. Saying people who are depressed shouldn't kill themselves because it hurts the people around them is like saying someone in a torture chamber shouldn't try to escape because the guy ripping out their fingernails won't have fun anymore.

The only time I begrudge anyone killing themselves is when they have children that are too young to take care of themselves. If life is so bad, then you should not have produced offspring.

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It takes balls to kill yourself, but it takes more balls for the suicidal person to not blow their brains out. You fear life/living, you fear tomorrow and the future. You are escaping reality and life, as life has become a “burden” on you. General helplessness and hopelessness. To decide to live anyway despite these things instead of an heroing to escape or “run away” in a sense, is fighting instead of fleeing. The person who offs themself is a coward of cowards.

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I unironically want to but I know the gun statistics will be used against law-abiding gun owners.

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So your advice is what, telling them to hang in there? For what reason?

I've been living with depression my entire life, and let me tell you: it doesn't get better. It gets progressively worse until you destroy relationships with anyone that cares about you because you don't care about yourself. Being numb all day every day maybe sounds like fun to some people, but when you lose the ability to be happy you lose whatever was worth hanging onto in the first place.

I don't have the "cry all the time, boo hoo I'm so sad woe is me" depression, I skipped that stage and went directly to being hollow. I couldn't summon a tear if my life depended on it. Telling people dealing with depression and thinking that the only way to get it to stop is to kill themselves that they're "cowards" is something people who have no idea what they're talking about say.

It doesn't take balls to stay alive, it takes nothing but food and air. When the food is stale and the air is stagnant, you stop seeing the point of that too.

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For some reason I've got that fucking depression ad on youtube like six times today. Fucking not-so-subliminal messaging trying to mess with me.

At least use a Gucci belt

So have I, literally suicidal for 4 years straight didn’t even care if I hurt my parents or family; only thing keeping me was fear of the afterlife. Go ahead blow your brains out.

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at 22 i was diagnosed with schizophrenia and had deppresions ever since , i am 40 now but it will get better eventually

get a rope then

So using your own logic you're a coward on both ends then? Too afraid of life to live, too afraid of fairytales to die.

Being so scared of death that you can't pull the trigger doesn't make you courageous, friend.

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This is the correct answer.

Shot myself in the head in 2016 and i woke up still alive with same problems

isnt there a chance it magically goes away

Yeah? I never ran across that one. I did come across a fake as fuck Timothy Treadwell bear attack death audio once though. Disappointing.

This OPIt's a violation of the 6th commandment and on top of that you have no chance to repent this final sinful act.

Honestly? they're better off dead, they will no longer leech off society and poison other people's lives with their own self-loath

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It hurts those most who are left behind.
>This Thread again ??


Fuck Off Faggot

>Being so scared of death that you can't pull the trigger doesn't make you courageous, friend.

suicide is easy all you need is one impulsive moment where you are strong and boom , i have seen more people checkout then actually fight in the nut houses i went to , they all eventually killed them self

An heroic act.

I can't speak to schizophrenia, but why would it just "get better"?
Same answer.

Not saying killing yourself is the right thing to do, or that people should be doing it, just saying I understand it and in most cases would defend their choice.

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no u
Just because I want to do a thing doesn't mean I should.

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Take everyone that ever wronged you down with you.
Otherwise what's the fucking point?

Someone saying they were "suicidal for 4 years" is bullshit. Either you are or you aren't. Like you say it only takes one impulsive moment. It reminds me of cutters that like to roll up their sleeves all the time. Either you want to die or you want attention and sympathy.

I wouldn't tell someone to kill themselves, but if they do it then that's their choice. It doesn't make them brave, but it doesn't make them a coward either.

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That's exactly what they're all doing.

>I can't speak to schizophrenia, but why would it just "get better

I do not know i am just not that deppressed anymore like it just fades , what are you diagnosed with and what meds have you taken?

Tbqh you are right, you choose either in fear of the opposite. Are we not life though? Only the strongest survive at life/living. Only the weakest get killed off either inability to adapt with the environment, stupidity, or general defects and mental illness. The “darwin award”. Your goal as life is to live. You killing yourself at your own hands proves you were a failure at life. Your life here in the West is a hundred times better than peoples’ lives elsewhere as well as in different time periods; yet you still decided to hang yourself in the closet. You were weak, and you died as a result. Like I said before, only the biologically and mentally strongest, combined with the will to fight, live. The weak who can’t adapt to the environment or have shitty genetics or immune system, or stupid and impulsive, etc will die. All forms of life follow this order.

But back on the main topic; explain how choosing to kill yourself to end your suffering is better in any way than choosing not to. The impulsive person can either pick up the gun and end their suffering, or he/she can not and live up to their humanity and fight their struggles instead of conforming/submitting to them like a weakling.
Foryou m.youtube.com/watch?v=03lFZQrhyns

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I told you the only reason I didn’t because I feared the one way ticket to hell. If I was an atheist, there were multiple times I would’ve easily blew my brains out without hesitation and tbqh it’s scary and shameful to think that I was in that darkness at the time. Only thing keeping me was the fear of that ticket.

Been trying to find a way to make it look like an accident. Any ideas?

Well that's good, depression is a fucking mudhole no one should have their foot in. I hope it gets better for you.

I was brought to a doctor, then a psychiatrist because I had "sleep issues" which were me sleeping once or twice a week. Thought it was insomnia, turned out because I also wasn't tired it was mania. Was prescribed lithium but it gave me bad stomach problems and made me drowsy at inopportune times. My parents decided it was better to have me off it and awake.

As for depression, that's always been there but I just didn't know what it was. Was told depression made you sad but I was never sad, so I never made a connection to it. I figured I was a sociopath because I never felt anything but after speaking to a psychologist he told me I had pretty severe depression and recommended me to see a psychiatrist. I don't believe medication should be used to treat things like that, and that you are how you were meant to be, so I never followed through with it.

I'm not a danger to myself, and I have viewpoints that can be valuable because of it, so I just deal. I would have a better life if it wasn't there, of course, but I feel like it's such a huge part of me that I wouldn't know who I was anymore if it suddenly vanished.

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My argument was never that people should kill themselves, my argument is that people who do are not cowards. It is most certainly the ultimate defeat, but why stay in a place where you know only suffering? There are arguments to be made on both ends, but I understand more the rationale to take your own life. "It gets better" is not a good reason, because for a lot of people it just doesn't. You are your own enemy in these situations, and killing your enemy in this case is just a win/lose.

Saying things like "in the west things are better" means nothing to someone with depression. All that means to someone with depression is that if they're so useless that they can't even be happy in a veritable utopia, there really is no chance for them. This reasoning would do nothing but make the choice easier.

Impulsively ending your life because your girlfriend just broke up with or something is some pussy shit, but if you've been fighting yourself for years and decide one day "Yeah, this is it for me", that is very different in my eyes.

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They are cowards by default because they are life, yet they couldn’t handle the aspects of life itself and choose to escape life. Whether it was a quick mood change like gf broke up with me, or something that lasted years; suicide is impulsive in nature and is the act of avoiding reality of life in which you biologically are apart of. You avoided your biological drive to live because you were too weak to keep up with the strong. Like I said there are people in worse situations than so many people who kill themselves. These people who choose to live despite being in much situations than a shit ton of suicide victims are considered hero’s and inspiration in my book; the suiciders as bad examples/failures of humanity. I’m going to assume this isn’t going anywhere with either of us so w/e.

So I've got jumper cables hooked up to your testicles. I'm not cranking the wattage, just a nice low hum, but it's constant. You can barely feel it but it's always there, it's not painful but it's enough that you're never comfortable, and you're constantly thinking about it.

This lasts for years, decades even. You've got a good job, a wife that loves you, a nice house, 3 dogs. But your fucking nuts dude, always in the background. Are you going to tell me that you'll just sit there for your entire life with that or at some point are you going to grab a box cutter and remove your own balls?

There's "courage" in both answers. Though one answer will see your testicles buzzing in perpetuity, and the other will not. Maybe you can write a self-help book one day though, titled "Roasted Chestnuts: A story of current events".

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I think it all boils down to a philosophy of how either of us view life in general. This is why we can’t agree, and tbqh I don’t think either of us are right or wrong. I’ve gotten the drift that you see life as generally pointless which is why you come to the notion that suicide can’t be more cowardly than living (or that they are simply equal)? And btw your electric ball scenario is cool, but see pic related. A lot of people actually live through constant forms of pain or torment kinda similar, if not completely like the ball scenario yet still live despite “cutting their balls off”. I’ll be honest though, you’d have to build up some serious strength like a Buddhist monk to conquer the electric ball problem, but I do believe it’s possible to overcome constant burdens such as that, we are just never challenged that way where it requires real mind-over-matter power in our general “comfortable” western lives. People like Wim Hof and monks are examples of this “mind over matter” brain usage that you or I or anyone around us are never challenged to use.

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Its selfish and weak. But I fantasize about it everyday.

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I'm all for it. We don't need whiny faggots taking up valuable resources.

this, also rip lil peep

Because of my specific flavor of depression, you would be right in assuming I don't consider "life" all that important.

External suffering can make you stronger, internal suffering can do nothing but deteriorate you. Fighting yourself always ends in a stalemate, you're giving up something one way or the other. I would never say depression is a life sentence, and people can always pull through. But I understand the mindset that they won't, and that they need any kind of release from it they can get. Even if that release is into absolute nothingness.

I wouldn't *personally* consider suicide an option, but it's more an extension of my apathy than any real moral dilemma. But people that off themselves have more respect from me than from most others. You stared into the abyss and blinked, others don't. I don't think that weighs negatively on you or them, and I wouldn't think it would be up to me to make that call in the first place since I am not either of you.

I don't think either of us are right or wrong necessarily either, I just don't think calling people who commit suicide cowards is either useful or accurate. Arguments don't need a "winner", they are just an exchange of ideas. I think you and I have done just that and come away with a better understanding of either's side. Can't ask for more than that.

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Meh aight I’m tired now you win, good argument. Hope life improves for you tbqh.

I think suicide is painless.

No winners necessary, it's just a conversation.

Same to you bud. I'm glad you pulled through the worst of it, here's hoping it keeps getting better.

It brings on many changes.

And you can take or leave it if you please.


permanent solution to temporary problems.