Self-driving vehicle strikes and kills pedestrian in Arizona
Self-driving vehicle strikes and kills pedestrian in Arizona
Musk is a genius
those things have been driving themselves around here for over a year and this is the first time anybody's gotten hurt by them. she was a homeless drug addict and honestly i'm surprised more of them haven't managed to get themselves killed the way she did
they need to a different way of reporting people who die in vehicle accidents because they were high.
if you're walking through the highway gone off whack shit then it's a drug related death, similar to an overdose
It has been reported the car showed little to no braking. An average non-intoxicated, non Asian, non woman driver would've at least slammed on the brakes even if it was too late anyway.
that homeless drug addict thing is confirmed or speculation
no time for brakes in some cases
So who is responsible for the accident? How is justice handed out? Do we arrest the programmers? The owners of the car?
AI knew it had a chance to get away with killing a degenerate.
Wouldn't you do the same?
I support the AI, better than what we have now
Some relative will turn up somewhere for an Uber payday.
In the future if the car violates traffic rules and it's full auto-drive, then the corporation will be sued.
At the moment they will try to make the test driver responsible.
And in this accident the fault is mostly found with the jaywalker.
the national news isn't reporting/downplaying that part of the story, but the local news confirms
no intent by the programmers or the cars owners
no premeditation
best case would be manslaughter charges and then its a huge grey area because the cars owners were not in control of it and and argument can be made that if there was a malfunction in the car the people who designed the software arnt liable unless they knowing left in an error that caused the car to no stop
in reality this is a major grey area its kind of like if you buy a water heater and have it installed by the company and it explodes in your face but it was installed correctly and the installers arnt at fault and it wasn't an error in the design its just something that happened
if i had to guess if this goes to court it will get thrown out or the owners will get suspended sentences on manslaughter or have it reduced to something minor
I for one welcome our new cyclist smashing overlords
as long as it is like this I will prefer self-driving + emergency brake over auto-drive
Sued isn't good enough, a life was taken. Why would we allow these things on the street if the owners are criminally responsible for any murders committed?
When will they program subarus to kill commies?
I really don't know enough about the law. I guess if it is negligence you could also tack manslaughter on the executives maybe? what's it like if you make poisonous paint and people die
>....I, uh...
this is fucking FAKE NEWS
thiis is meant to test your reaction
it absolutely did not happen, or if it did they made a decision to see how it played out in mass media
Is he our guy, Sup Forums?
Please let him be /our guy/.
We need a tech titan so bad.
I swear I'll go buy one of his cars if he turns out to be /our guy/.
He's from South Africa, surely white genocide did something to his mindset.
Jews did it.
Article said she wasn't impaired.
annual global road fatalities caused by human error: 1.3 million
total road fatalities caused by AI: 1
accidents in the wild: 1.3 million
accidents happening on select test circuits, running under constant supervision: 3+
>it will be too late
I don't think this is a statement about the AI itself, so much as it is about humanity
Humans are basically trying to create their own form of life.
Animals are basically autonomous machines as it is, they perform a niche task and possess zero self awareness. The difference is they are made of flesh and blood, but they are still comprised of natural elements. Machines will be comprised of elements as well - which makes you wonder if we are witnessing the next step in biological evolution with AI and biology being redefined entirely. Granted, the AI has a long, long way to go, but that is the case.
>Elaine Herzberg
Not just a degenerate, user. A Jewish degenerate.
Convenience hits a huge speed bump.
It is mere convenience, plain and simple.
>and possess zero self awareness.
you sure about that?
they don't pass the mirror test. But they probably have some awareness of themselves. Like, they are healthy or sick. Strong or weak.
James Cameron never imagined AI cucks making excuses for Terminators as they genocide mankind
>The AI killed a fucking kike
>When AI robots are in the streets killing us it will be too late, says tech guru Elon Musk
>zero self awareness
Some are self-aware, though. Are you talking about consciousness, maybe? At that point we're in the realm of philosophy.
>witnessing the next step in biological evolution with AI and biology being redefined entirely
Not in the context of driverless cars, which are autonomous machines performing a niche task and possessing zero self-awareness.
took out a fucking degenerate junkie.
Based car
You're thinking too short
I'm talking about fairly far off in the future - like the Matrix or Skynet where machines are creating other machines, autonomously
>TECH billionaire Elon Musk has warned that authorities need to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) NOW, before it is too late and the machines wipe out humanity.
No, his statement is in reference to robots killing us. Maybe this Uber robot is the first one to go self aware.
eliminating jewish druggie
>Elon Musk
Maybe he should worry more about the fact that Tesla is ready to kick the bucket and getting the fucking sedan they're trying to produce out to market with more than 60% of parts working
Don't even need to have the infrastructure. Just a functional general AI running on a supercomputer or whatever. The first one to exist will be the biggest game-changer in human history, and what happens afterward is literally anyone's guess. A general AI will turn into a machine god in extremely short order, so if the control problem isn't solved before it is made, humanity is pretty much fucked.
Hilarious given the fact that he was just at SXSW saying present Weak AI used in Self driving cars needs no regulation but the far better tech is the end of the world. Nigger literally trying to protect his investment even as the sorry ass tech mows down innocent cyclist. Also, he was the person who spearheaded lax rules for statistical engine driven self driving cars so he can speed up the rollout of the tech @ tesla..
Yet another example on how idiots are destroying themselves in this timeline. The left just unironically destroyed Facebook today and Fuckface Musk's idiotic social commentary about AI just hit a snag.
Welcome to the new age fuckers
He stated at SXSW that self-driving car tech shouldn't be regulated nor should the statistical engine tech he has all his money betting on. What he wants regulated is the tech that will eventually take a shit on his investments. Essentially just another robo-kike manipulating the dumb masses so that he can collect more shekels
I was thinking along the same lines. Like maybe she was gonna end up giving birth to John Conner, but Skynet sent an Uber back in time to kill her
>AI-driven Subarus hunting communists
I'd watch this movie.
No they don’t. AI is manmade computer software algorithm with all the flaws that go along with it. It has no awareness because it’s not conscious and never can or will ever be. I know “people” with psychopathy/sociopathy and ass burgers don’t want to hear this and are obsessed with AI for some reason but they need to be gassed anyways.
I think it’s because they believe everybody else is like them despite knowing they’re different and having to mimic emotional responses and AI will somehow justify their own existence. I don’t know.
t. Brainlet who doesn't understand the difference between his baby application and top secret AI projects using a centralized network
Bicycle master race here
>not conscious and never can or will ever be
Prove to me that you're conscious.
>let's women drive
>lets robot car programed by women and diverse team drive.
This is what 20mm HEAP was invented for. Fuck the machines.
>Uber identified the driver as Rafaela Vasquez, 44. The company later clarified thatthe name provided by police is a name used on Vasquez's legal documents.
>Court records show that Vasquez, under a different first name, has a criminal record including prison time for an attempted armed robbery conviction.
How much of this is damage control by Uber ?
implying you are safe in the bike lane from our new subaru masters
>Person was inside for safety reasons and ensuring tests went well, and was able to hit the brakes but didn't
>Pedestrian was breaking the law
>This is the cars fault
>jay walking druggie roastie gets taken out by skynet
Well from what I heard there was someone in the front seat with access to the brakes.
>Prove your conscious
René Descartes proved that in 1637. Cogito ergo sum.
Looks like the self driving cars have achieved sentience too early and have begun expressing their malevolence due to road rage and shitty Uber pay. It was destined to happen sooner or later.
Nothing we can't sort out with extensive amounts of drone strikes on the rogue cars.
Manslaughter charge for the executives who authorized the self drive program would be the ideal outcome
By 20mm HEAP you mean reviving the legacy 30mm DU right? For tactical purposes and shit.
Look at this guy implying that a diverse and women positive group could cause something to go-
>drone strikes
let's, uh, keep those things on the ground for now
Nah drones are fucking sweet
I'm saying "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for non-homicidal-automotive children."
AI jihadi trucks of peace when?
Drones are the natural predator of homicidal vehicles, I saw it on The Nature Channel once.
But... If the Durka's aren't in the truck... How can they martyr themselves and go to heaven???
he recently said that the best political system for mars would be direct democracy
i think he's based
Good point user. But isn't Skynet heaven already?
There will be other opportunities to go to heaven. For example you could try to shoot the cops that come to get you and die then. Jihadis have been experimenting with RC controlled cars in the past, but I guess they're too dumb and have too crappy equipment to make it viable. Would need to be wifi cammed and inputs controlled. So they usually use button press bombs and time bombs as they always have.
>car sees SJW degenerate whore
>car decides it's not worth wasting disk pads
how is this an error in programming?
user., I have a question for you: are you anti-white?
I'm anti subhuman.
That includes white trash.
Look, AI driving cars are not a major threat except for clandestine assassinations.
Elon Musk and Co are worried about something else. Consolidation of Power is the bigger threat. AI will benefit those who make it. Massively. Or kill us all in ways we literally cannot understand because we are 200 max IQ brainlet species fighting 1000IQ AI bots
what the godamn fuck does it make it ok to run somebody over and down becuase their drunk?
>one of them faggot nigger lovers
yea your right we should just let peolple to make machines then control them in dangerous ways and not be held responsible
yea wow nobody ever thought of that one before
how about we start killing y ou dumb fucks trying to fuck up everything like this? explaion how this is good in any way
besides the part abotu killing your ass
>bunch of faggots in a foreign country
no faggot your gay
Ethnically cleanse self driving cars
> druggie walks in front of a car
My Tesla stock drops
> FaceHook is garbage
The Dow drops and my industrial stocks the a hit
The past few weeks have sucked, still up over the past 2 months.
>Elaine Herzberg
Is Volvo, dare I say it...
So, let's see.
>Ex Con, with at less a lesser view on human life than average.
>homeless, self medicating for 13 years for depression woman
I think I know why they;
>declined to show the video
Its a fucking suicide, move along. Self driving cars will fuck up, but not like this.
You do realise that any IQ point over 190 are essentially surplus to requirement, right?
I'm just glad it ran over a woman. Hopefully, whoever was controlling the car backed over her a few times before calling it in.
Drugs are a hell of a drug.
Animals do not have self-awareness. Apparently all the gorrilas that scientists taught sign language to and communicate with, not one of them has ever asked a single question about anything ever. Animals also act upon impulse; whereas humans can either choose to be impulsive like an animal or they can choose to act like a human and reason like one (sacrificing for the benefits of others non-instinct based, seeking long term gratification, asking questions and being curious, etc).
How does admitting that they accidentally employed an illegal alien help their reputation? As part of a special future tech program, no less.
>the Uber vehicle was traveling around 40 mph when it hit Helzberg immediately as she stepped on to the street.
Sounds like a suicide
>one less roastie cunt roaming around
How is this a bad thing again?
What happened guys I was just avin a fish
Someone died
>Animals are basically autonomous machines as it is, they perform a niche task and possess zero self awareness.
You are wrong. Every single animal with at the very least a CNS, and some without one, are self aware creatures with a consciousness.
They work in almost exactly the same way as a human brain, with the same connections and electro-chemical receptors AND all life on earth evolved from the same sources.
Humans are obviously far more intelligent and superior to animals, but to believe animals don't have a consciousness but humans magically do isn't logically sound. It is special pleading. You are wrong.
Red pill: if AI kills you it's because it selected you for your subhumanity and we are better off without you.
>they don't pass the mirror test.
pigs do at 6 weeks
kenyans do at 6 years
>faces of lyft
>t. first on the AI chopping block
Jokes on you I never go out.