Sup Forums explain to me how jews aren't white

Sup Forums explain to me how jews aren't white

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Because they're semitic arabs with a hook nose. They aren't caucasians.



Milkers thread

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titties in mouth

Wow is she 10% jewish, 90% white ethnicities? Wooww muh dik


Why do all jewish girls have just big kosher cannons

Sup Forums explain to me how 23andme works wow i can't believe jews are genetically different

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They are not european, they are mixed with negroes.

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They are Levantine aka Eurasians like Turks. They are a different group than Europeans. Race=/=Skin color.

big milkies?

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Goddamn, I'd impregnate her something fierce.

big milkies pls

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Is she Jewish? I was looking for an image and found nothing.
Why are you so interested in mixing white men with Jewish women?

Race has nothing to do with skin color. Jews have different bone structures and you can tell what they are by just looking at their face. They belong to the Semite race.

more milkies pls

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wtf I love white women now

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Jews are white when convenient then an oppressed minority when that works in their favor

Their nipples aren't pink.

sweet baby jesus

Jews are not always actual jews. There are the original middle eastern jews and then there are the ashkenazi jews which are just europeans that have decided to become jewish. When you see people claiming to be jewish who look european, it's because they are of european blood.

What about Hila from H3H3? She's got a sexy flat chest.

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Jews consider themselves Jewish, not white. They are two different things. According to Jews themselves. They wish to be separate. I am guessing you aren't Jewish, so you have no authority to classify them as anything

Would impregnate

>Sup Forums explain to me how jews aren't white
Are Jews White? (Revised)

Ashkenazi Jews Are Not White

DNA Links Prove Jews Are a Race, Says Genetics Expert

Europe's Ashkenazi Jews are 50-54% Middle Eastern

I'm Not White I'm Jewish

Jews are a Race, Genes Reveal

Jews in America Struggled for Decades to Become White. Now We Must Give Up Whiteness to Fight Racism.

Origins of North African and Central-East European Jews

it doent matter if they are 90% european genetically if they want to destroy us they are our enemies

Who's saying they aren't white? They look white and are classified as such in most of the world. With the exception of some small Jewish groups who have Middle Eastern and African origins, Jews are mostly white.

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Explain to me how they are first. Their culture and psychology is not white and in fact is anti-European regardless of their skin complexion (there is more to whiteness than skin complexion)

>Who's saying they aren't white?
The Jews themselves.

>They look white and are classified as such in most of the world.
Race is more than skin color.

>With the exception of some small Jewish groups who have Middle Eastern and African origins, Jews are mostly white.
"Mostly White" is non-White.

...Leave it to a sandnigger to claim Jews are Whites.

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also this and this and this >would pollute genes.
t.greek male.

I'll rather fuck a niggress than a kike, or an anglo... or a gook and slav or a kraut.

context sensitive

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Stolen genetic codes doesn't count.

im still stuck between rachel weis and elizabeth hurley. not literally, obviously

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Honestly, user, from just the neck up, do you actually find her attractive?

i find that hard to believe senpai, 110 i.q people don't get that way by being mixed with 70 i.q monkeys, and i'm no fan of jews

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Look at the delusional mutt. Jews in America and Europe literally identify as white and people treat them as such.

1) A Jew is not European.
2) Not Euro = not HUWHITE.
3) Jews have no home.
4) White people have homes.

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>Sup Forums explain to me how jews aren't white
Apart from a shitload of inbreeding it's mostly just that they have a special club to be in

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here, Achmed, let me give you a QRD. Abraham, the father of the jewish people came from the land of the Chaldeans, which is modern day Iraq, from there Abraham went into the promised land, Israel. They were in and out of their a bit, a side excursion to Egypt due to a famine, slavery in Babylon, and then they returned to Israel, then around 2 thousand years ago the Romans showed uo, and Schlomo go agitated and tried to BTFO the Romans, Romans saw they were trouble, and then, to the horror of Europeans, the Romans dispersed the jews around Roman Europe, whereupon the jews took to the only thing they could do... selling other human beings into slavery. Now I'm sure they fucked a few Slavic slave girls along the way and picked up some of our superior genes, but to call them white is quite a fete of fantasy. There ya have it... they aint white, they just larp as white to get into white institutions.

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They really don't though. Most of them have a very large percentage European admixture, which is where I'm assuming the titties come from. The more semetic they look the smaller the milkers almost always.

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Blacks Are Learning That Jews Aren't White and Have a New Name for Them... (((Small Hats)))

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what and said.

and the same way pic related isn't white.

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>Mutt education

Ummm Semites are caucasian

Because that would destroy the neo nazi propaganda

>Their nipples aren't pink.
That's a deal breaker for me.
Brown nipples are disgusting.

>abbo education
Semites are Caucasoid.

I see you Shlomo. Show your nose, now!

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The tribe))) was slaving Europeans a thousand years b4 it ever got to west Africa

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Well, for the sake of posterity I do consider them white. Of course they will disagree with my fervently on this. They will scream 'no I am not a goy' - preaching to the audience to isolate themselves.

But then, when the day of the rope comes. Lined up against the wall are all the White traitors. What I am doing is not anti-Semitic. I am just cleaning house. These fellow hooked nose whites are just being dealt with for betraying their people.

>treat jews as white
Those creaturas are sandniggers.

Who are Jews pretending to be like?
They look nothing like nordoid Anglos and nothing like Iberians or north italians.

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Fucking this
