Do you think of Donald Trump's presidency as being God's curse towards the people of the mainstream media who hate his scripture and a blessing to the followers of Christ who have been oppressed under Obama with the Johnson act being heavily enforced, people being punished for not making LGBT cakes, people being told not to say merry christmas to not offend Muslims, journalists and whistleblowers being tracked down, arrested, or killed for exposing Obama, and pro abortion taxes? The existence of the Trump curse seems to be good enough evidence to back up that theory.
Donald Trump
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I think it's Christian whites about to 2018 Maccabee some Jewish oppressors
Donald Trump is literally King David
Goliath is very much like Hillary Clinton. A woman with a lot of power who thought that she could use all of her influence to defeat Donald Trump. Fortunately for America, instead of her beating Donald Trump with the power of big brother on her side, she got embarrassingly defeated by Donald Trump, because nobody messes with God's anointed leaders. Donald Trump, like King David, became the leader of a nation afterwards.
Goliath isn't Hillary. Goliath is the entire system of zionism and all who embrace it. It's all coming down.
Please show me connections between Goliath and Zionism.
No, I think you're a brainwashed idiot. The reason Trump and Bannon waged a war on the media is because they don't want you reading anything that contradicts them. They want to control what information flow is getting to you. So if anyone criticizes you, just call it fake news and your supporters won't read it and only read information you feed them.
Well done, you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
Can you give me a higher quality picture? The smallest text in the picture is almost impossible to read.
If you're on a phone, click the link and remove the "m" so it's not a mobile link.
Please give me evidence soyboy.
Yes, it's much better to listen to the propaganda the see eye eh filters through our esteemed establishment MSM. That is what our media is, btw, it's a mouthpiece for an agency that has literal death squads working right fucking now.
The fact that you're literally an unpaid, unthinking 24/7 Trump propaganda machine that won't read anything other than what Trump tells you you can?
No, I think you're a brainwashed idiot. The reason Hilary and the msm waged a war on Trump is because they don't want you believing anything that contradicts them. They want to control what you are allowed to say and do. So if anyone criticizes you, just call it racism and your supporters won't read it and will do what you tell them.
Well done, you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
Your delusional nihilistic, hedonistic, and atheistic won't stand. Your system has killed more than 80 million people and oppressed millions more. Let me ask you this, how can be here on earth or understand ethics without a god? Creations have to have a creator. The miracle of Australia and Guatemala with them reading the Bible and the fact that Bible hating nations like those in the Middle East are completely barbaric proves the existence of the God of the Bible. Either you admit that your ethics are shit, or leave this thread and whine about everything while reading Richard Dawkins.
Well yeah, because Trump is a fucking idiot. And I'm not on such friendly terms with media outlets either, they compared anti-fascism to fascism (which is fascism imo) and made Jeremy Corbyn out to be a Russian spy. But I don't go around making stupid conspiracy theories and if what they say is sourced and not deliberately misrepresented I'll take it on board.
Sorry, there's no cure for mental decay like this other than a bullet in the brain. Sorry for your condition, don't feel bad when we fix it for you.
>Asks for proof
>Makes stupid assumptions about me and does not give me an article or anything to back up claims
Just another soyboy strategy, make claims and show no proof for them, only make assumptions.
>Goliath is very much like Hillary Clinton
>Old woman who couldn't win even with the entire state apparatus tacitly supporting her
She's just an idol m8, a song and dance puppet
Sadists like you should realize that wishing death onto people does not make you feel like a happier person, it makes you a more miserable person, because when you get that person killed, there is one less person for you to pick on.
Unlike the ridiculous news sources that you look at, right wing sources have actual substantial documents and interviews to back up their claims. Left wing radicals like you barely provide any evidence for your claims and make shit up on the spot.
You should look at Mark Dice's book "The True Story of Fake News". It shows how untrustworthy your sources are.
I guess you may be right.
Where does the picture talk about Goliath?
The giant is (((debt)))
Please explain how a ruthless giant connects to our debt.
Oh yeah, right. Makes much more sense now.
Aren't the Rothschild family a bunch of Satanists in the occult? John Todd (a guy who claimed to have knowledge about the Rothschild family) said they were demons, which if true would make a lot of sense. Like you have shown with that picture, the giant known as the Rothschild family has taken over a lot of influence in our world.
Satan, Moloch, and Lucifer are TITLES or designations, NOT names. YHWH, Jesus, and Kek are NAMES, NOT titles.
Satan means adversary, opponent, accuser, or enemy in Hebrew. Lucifer means lightbringer in Latin. Moloch means King. The being designated by the TITLE Satan varies depending on who is speaking. To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.
Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek, who are both emissaries of the True God above the demi-urge, sent into YHWH/Saturn's material prison to bring light to specific groups.
Moloch is a title for YHWH
Satan being resister for whichever side, so a resister of natural and resister of synthetic, also from Sanskrit Satanama, truth.
YHWH or "jehovha" is a self actualising meditation, obviously appropriated by the kike god and forgotten.
Lucifer as a good morning light name of Yeshua and Venus
rural whites voted him in
the steel tariffs will be killing the soybean exports of many rural farmers
seems about right
Lol when someone is a memeber of a cult. Just lol. Beware the light bringer fellow cultists. Murder me if I dissent
everything he touches he degrades
Uhhh I'm not really sure
he doesn't seem like the most "Godly" or righteous person, but he is definitely giving the scum of washington and the media a decent ass-blasting on our behalf.
He also champions Christianity too.
>Revised Standard Version
A corrupt Bible - affiliated with the National Council of Churches, a known Communist front group.
Pray for Trump, he needs it, he's a dummy.
Trump is a false prophet. Christianitys final push. The west will fall after his presidency.
You seem to be cherry picking quotes that shown support towards Trump to make that whole Russian collision story (which was disproved by FISA memos) seem factual.
You seem to be showing support towards the black power group BLM by showing a random picture of a beating that you didn't even give any sources to. Also, please explain why you think Christianity and the west will fall. I highly doubt that an omnipotent god would allow his agenda to crumble.
Donald trump doesn't believe in God, it's just the safest path. You're an idiot if you actually believe gods real or that he believes in it.
Please explain how this Bible has anything to do with Communism.
I'm gonna refer you back to one of my older comments.
Let me clear up the safest path comment. It's the safest path to votes. To the public. Majority of people believe in God, it's the safest path to win people's vote.
Yeah I don't give a shit about your opinion, meme flag. See you in hell ;)
I'll manipulate morons like you by playing the holy man and you'll be totally clueless to the subversion
Whether this is true or not is irrelevent to me as a Christian.
The fact is, that he explicitly panders to Christians and claims that Christianity is the foundation of the west. This in itself is a HUGE benefit to Christians.
It has absolutely emboldened the evangelical base to mobilize and begin demanding more hardline stances from their leaders, like they always should have.
I'm going to refer you back to one of my older comments (again).
P.S. Why would you say "See you in hell" when you don't believe in God and I'm a Christian. Also, how do you know for a fact Trump isn't a Christian? Only God knows peoples hearts. One last thing as a response to your voting remark, sure, many voters are Christians, but most people by politics, not religious devotion.
The way that I know for certain as to whether or not someone follows God is based on their actions and beliefs. I don't instantly think someone is a Christian because they say they are. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama claim to be Christians and look at the shit they have done to ruin our country.
*most people vote by politics*
How does that Bible have anything to do with Communism?
Sorry, couldn't relocate one of my older posts, so I reposted it without looking to make sure whether I didn't originally post it or not.