Is it true Islam has violent tendencies? It calls for peace unless the followers are being attacked from what I've been told. Anyone have verses or actions of the prophet that proves otherwise?
Is it true Islam has violent tendencies...
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What retard would think otherwise.
Muhammad was a stupi sand nigger.
>from what I've been told
do you have any verses specifically calling for violence? They told me taqiyya is only to be used in defense against islamaphobes.
When Julius Caesar invaded the old world european territories he raised his hand and said “I come in peace, submit to Rome and their will be peace”.
Peace can involve implications
>God would only appoint white prophet
>Truth cannot be carried by people other than white people
Ceasar really had some great one-liners
It’s to bad there aren’t men like him around today. The old world men would surely know what to do with the Islamic/jewish menance and multiculturalism
so no proof of course.
Islam calls for peace among Muslims only. They want to achieve peace by bringing the entire world into their religion by any means necessary.
It sounds like a noble goal until you think about what happens to the people that don't submit.
Yeah, all that peace and love shit in the koran? That happens AFTER the Muslim armies have gone out an conquered the world.
The army invades, and then gives people the option of death, conversion, or if they're a christian or jew, paying a tax.
Study history from the time Mohammed was born to 50 years after his death. The answer should be quite obvious.
>violent tendencies
Islam doesn't, but sandpeople do
Islam is the real redpill
Christianity is cucked
there is literally nothing in there that says that
it's "obvious" yet no one can give a single line actually calling for violence except in self defense?
They got fucked by the crusades,
>Crescent taken from battlefield flags
*blocks your path*
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--
a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'
-Jesus Christ
>"So it's a religion of peace?"
"Unless war were declared."
>"What happened!?"
"War were declared."
they don't declare war only defend themselves
They are like hells angels
As long as you give them control
No violence
Except every Muslim country is a shit hole. Islam is a system, it comes with political, judicial and social aspects built in. And everywhere they are implemented is an awful place to live by any measure.
>Inb4 they breed a lot
So do sub saharans and latins. Means nothing.
>unless the followers are being attacked
Well yeah, sure, but when you define "attacked" as "living in a world of people who disagree with you" it leaves a pretty broad window for violence.
muhammed was described as white in the Quran
reminder that if Europe embraced Islam it would be a lot less (((multicultural))) than it is now. You would have less freedom yes but women will be kept in their place and homosexuals and degenerates will get executed but at least Europe would've been ethnically European
Not in the Quran, but he is described as a mixture between white and red, and it doesn't end up brown.
But it doesn't matter, he's an arab and therefore a "sand-nigger", that's how people here view him.
Muslims worship a warmongering pedophile. He was an epileptic camel jockey who spread his religion by the sword
Read their book and see for yourself.
Stop learning about shit through other people's filters. Nobody wants to help you to learn any truth but their own.
It's frankly quite idiotic to expect any of the children here to have read anything more complex then image macros. As you can see, barely any of them actually learn about something in earnest before forming an opinion.
>white and red
so he was a ginger you're saying?
what kind of retard are you? you must be some kind of retard if you think Islam is a religion of peace.
it is you racist cunt, convert now and be saved
How is a religion peaceful when you must be apart of the religion to be alive? Islam isn't only a religion but it is a political ideology. In a Muslim country the laws are Islamic laws, and one of those laws is capital punishment for Apostates. In other words, you will die if found guilty of apostasy (leaving Islam) in the shariah courts. In the west we dont have Islamic law, but if we continue to bring in all of these immigrants they will begin to get more and more hostile. Now they are low in numbers but even now they are rising in population and as they become more and more in the west they will demand more and more and once they reach 30-40% of the population our nations will become hell holes, and lets hope they don't become the majority or we are completely doomed and we will have effectively committed the demographic suicide of our nations and may be killed as our western countries will be turned into an Islamic nation. Not by demographics but by law because remember Islam isn't only a religion but a political ideology.
>And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution. But whoever gives [up his right as] charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
Qur'an 5:45
>capital punishment for Apostates
Can you please show me any examples of this, Shaneo?
You fell for the anti Islam Jew, why do you think the west is against Islam? The west is run by Jews, the Jews and Muslims have been at war for centuries, did you know that in Islam usury is forbidden? Most of if not all of the worlds problems come down to usury.
Erm I am against Islam, because Muslims have tried to attack my land land thousands of times? Also I don't want to be a Muslim. Therefore I do not want to be killed.
t. Ahmed
The first terrorist attack in India happened in 1993, we bombed no one or took over anyone's land we got attacked because we are unbelivers of the highest category from them
You won't be killed for not being Muslim you fucking Down syndrome, all that shit you've seen on the news is pure lies, I'm against all religion but I'm just saying you should probably do your own research before attacking someone's belief system because I can guarantee you that a lot of the things the Quran mentions you would also agree on.
Oh yeah tell that to the pakistani Hindu or the bangladeshi Hindu shut up ahmed
>except every muslim country is a shit hole.
>what is uae
>What is Jordan
>What is Tunisia
>What is Morocco
>What is Algeria
>what is Turkey
>Christ cucks are this delusional
Guess who won the last battle of the Crusade?
pretty much yeah achmed
Fuck up you skinny smelly cunt.
Poo in loo
Get some shoes
Use a knife and fork
Apart from Turkey none of those countries have contributed anything to society even after being oil rich
>fight off Terrorists
>took in more refugees
>uae gives your citizens a lot of money and they would earn more what they could do in India
>EU pays North African countries to prevent Sub-Saharans from entering Europe.
>uae is the third largest Contributer to The United Nations
Watch and learn OP
>Quran (2:191-193)-"And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah[disbelief or unrest]is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah[disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah]and worship is for Allah alone.
Convert or die, it's plain as day. Stop shilling for a pedophiles death cult.
>it calls for peace
ha ha ha ha
it does no such thing
i have actually read it
have you? i doubt it very much
the only "peace" is to be between muslims only
otherwise you are to be forcibly converted or killed or enslaved or extorted with the "jizya tax" or beaten or whatever they want if you are not a muslim
even then, all they have to do is claim whatever they did was according to their personal interpretation of whatever passage works
its on the internet for fucks sake
>took in refugees
Topkek, you did not take a single refugee after 2013 neither
did any country in the middle east
>more money
Yeah eat that money when the oil runs out your people were and will remain goat fuckers
Did you know, a slur for native-americans is calling them redskins.
>Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey never took more refugees
>when the oil runs out your people were and will remain goat fuckers
>when ur Oil runs out xDDDD
>Poo in Loo doesn't know that UAE isn't depended on oil
Your kind are beneath me
If I'm considered a sand nigger you are no better you street shiter
>is Indian
>thinks he can actually use funny racist jokes
All shitholes with no freedom
Inshallah bois
>can't suck dicks and march muh rainbow flags in public means no freedom
>uses leftiest argument to counter me
Sup Forumstards yet again
Agreed. Western "freedom" is a joke, you are only "free" to do the things the government wants you to.
>Is it true Islam has violent tendencies? It calls for peace unless the followers are being attacked from what I've been told. Anyone have verses or actions of the prophet that proves otherwise?
islam means peace through universal subjugation. that makes it imperialist, universalist and utopian. that should be plenty
Tho I do agree we aren't the free country. But as long you don't do degenerate acts, and not drinking alcohol outdoors (you are allowed to by alcohol in the uae as long as you don't drink it in public) and say something against the government it's all fine to live here really.
More respect you are talking to someone whose people invented the modern mathematical system
The ones eveyone are using are ones infuenced in North Africa
Not the ones India currently using.
>doesn't give a fuck about what is real or true
>sucks the dick of any imam
>butthurt over being in a shithole
if i were to help you, it would be to inform you that your religion is dog puke just like all other religions
but once you realize this, you must never let anyone know until you are safe outside your shithole country and its religion-based government
i tell you this because i do not hate you just your religion-delusion
if there was a revolution to destroy islam from within that would blow everyone's minds because you are all trapped in your imaginary bullshit
this is the only thing i will do for a muslim
You don't even understand why is credited with it , we came up with the concept of zero and a mathematical progression of numbers not how you draw lines
who cares
thisHow the lines are drawn does not matter
If that's the case then it should be the Babylons that invented mathematicalsystem
Since they had their own numeral system before the Indians