Where do rights come from exactly? If some say that they come from God...

Where do rights come from exactly? If some say that they come from God, how can they make their case in a secular nation, where people can be agnostic?

Shouldn't rights come from reason, like Voltaire stated?

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No, because reason is subjective while God is absolute.

Whether you believe in God or not is irrelevant in this scenario, because the fact remains that "God given rights" remain supreme to subversion while any rights based on subjective reason can be manipulated.

Rights come from God, not government

They come from The Big Bang.
First there was nothing, and now you have unalienable rights that evolved from monkies. Happy? Fuck off.

>Where do rights come from exactly?
when i am born i am able to wield any weapon to the best of my ability. therefore i have the right to bear arms. rights come from virtue of birth and are immutable inalieable and undeniable

Man is flawed. Man will abused himself and his power. Man looks to god as an image of his ideal self that he strives for but will never reach. Man cannot take away your rights to life and liberty because those rights are not his to give.

>> inaleable

It's pronounced, "in uh lien uh bull"

Like when you buy a car, the bank has a lien on it until you pay off the note...

It basically means, no liens can be taken against these rights.

From a willingness to use force to assert them. At its most basic level sociopolitical institutions like mannerbunds support your claims (rights)

The difference being that inalienable is a legal term of art, while inalieable means nothing in law.

Carry on...

But isn't that the same argument the left uses for abortions? Who determines who is right, and in what criteria?

Rights only exist if you can project enough force to make people believe they exist. Rights come from man.

This is where reason and faith need to meet. At what point does a fetus become sentient?

I'm aware of an 18 week fetus surviving outside of the womb and maturing into an adult...

Endowed by the creator means mother Earth gave you those natural, inherent, inalienable and unenumerable ancient tribal rights

Rights come from ruling bodies
>because reason is subjective while God is absolute
This isn't entirely wrong. Two people may come to different conclusions with regards to rights by starting off with different axioms.


Rights come from weapons.

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Just because your rights may be violated doesn't mean they don't exist...

Rights are simply the foundation of a justice system, they mean nothing without justice, and are used to determine when the use of force is justified.

rights are an anlgo-saxon invention to justify wars in foreign countries. Back in the day forcibly taking land from others was an absolute bro-tier activity that all the lads wanted to get in on so they could win glory, fame and plunder the riches and women of exotic locales. Anglos became increasingly moralistic and neurotic so had to create elaborate justifications to continue behaving like they always had.

This. Cuckeeists (atheist cuckolds) are insane.


but god given rights are not inalienable, theyre always subject to manipulation, and are the perfect insulation from waking people up to the threat of their being stolen

This guy gets it.

But... God isn't just some fluffy thing either, dude. Different religions follow different gods, how is "muh God" absolute from such a perspective?

Rights come from reason, reason comes from God

The only way rights can be inviolable is if they come from a creator. In any other situation rights become a legal concept subject to change over time.
Even Ayn Rand, an atheist, believed in an absolute objective morality above all else, and she had to believe in that because if the morality that grants you rights and freedoms under Objectivism was not absolute and inviolable, then it could change over time and cease granting those rights, which is irrational.

It isn't God that's absolute, stop making it more complicated than it needs to be. It means that in a just system of laws, a hierarchy must exist where human rights can't be repealed, or aliened. So the dominion over these rights is given to God; whether God exists or not doesn't change the fact that the power to regulate these rights doesn't exist within the government, that power is permanently ceded...

Rights aren't rights because they can't be stolen... Rights are rights because in the event they are stolen, you can justifiably escalate the forceful reclamation of them to any point necessary. All the way up to lethal force if the situation demands it.