Pol you fucking niggers, substantiate this shit
the websites proofs are all broken links and images
do you really think the fucking sheep are going to do the research themselves?
Pol you fucking niggers, substantiate this shit
the websites proofs are all broken links and images
do you really think the fucking sheep are going to do the research themselves?
Other urls found in this thread:
bump you worthless niggers
substantiate this shit.
where are the sources. do you think its easy as googling every fucking name? because I got 1 out of 9 on ebay alone after an hour of research. how the hell is this supposed to
bump you fucking nogs
Gib Answerd
give source you fucking faggots
bump you shitlords
It's just bullshit. Barely any people who seriously believe this can even conduct empirical research. They're just retards who want to think they're smarter than everyone else while contributing nothing
It's like saying fat people are behind the world geo-political-socio-economic system because most people who are in charge of things are fat
Can’t even read it
T. Retarded shill with a meme flag
Go fuck a crumpet
Don't trust anyone here, except the occasional person who encourages you to go digging for evidence for yourself. Also be wary of meme flags...faggot.
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I trust my friend and research I've done for myself, but I'm tired of being called an inferior piece of shit by a bunch of contrarian special snowflakes like who cringe at the thought of this information going mainstream so it better not be too fucking compelling
if the conspiracy theory about the jews were at all realistic then they probably would get more evidence after like idk hundreds of years of reaching "THE JOOS DID IT " llol
>newfriends are now a daily thing.
>shill threads always attracts tons of facts and redpills
>shill threads also contain the enemy
Shill threads are a net gain for us.
The more counters we hit them with, the more newfriends we redpill
And the more obvious their tactics become.
If we do not respond to them. They will do their job and shill it on the board for hours. Newfriends then become exposed to the purely controlled narrative that we must stamp out.
Please, someone refute me.
It doesnt take too long to pop in and put these shit fucks in their place, and stop this decline into degeneracy.
Unless of course, if you have any reason that my observation is wrong. Lets discuss it.
>durr eyem retarded
all I asked for was something to substantiate this bullshit you nog
closing your eyes and screetching is just ignoring how weak your evidence is.
provide substance
it shouldnt even be hard if you're right.
Then do not use meme flags faggot.
Shills will always be flaggots
>hmmm, should we make a better case for our movement? nah lets just make fun of meme flags
you guys are even dumber than niggers
Bumper Sticker
You sound incredibly insecure and neurotic.
Says the LGBT flagger. How's your mental illness doing?
nigers niggers niggers niggers, jew jew honky whitey nigger nigger white boy cuck fuck bitch whore kike. thats all that is really needed to be said about this thread
What movement you retard?
inflamed because a bunch of retards cant source their claims even though it would only help them if they did
>what movement
the movement to stop whites from committing suicide by two bullets to the back of the head
maybe if you fucking faggots sourced your shit I'd stop being surley
>small bump
3 faggots bumping themselves repeatedly
most pathetic thread this month
im bumping it purely because he has a point and i dont see anybody from Sup Forums proving him wrong.
>its funny to me
>Whats the Matter Sup Forums ?
dont let the faggot get away with this now come one!