Say something nice about this drunk cutie. Also, Juni Taisen thread

Say something nice about this drunk cutie. Also, Juni Taisen thread.

She is cool!

I want her to sit on my face. hmanga when?


She's my new favorite candidate for 'characters stuck in shit shows' threads.

>combine drunk girls with catgirls
my life is now complete

>this show will never be famous enough to have doujins
>even if it does, they'll all be about Monkey being raped on a warzone, Chicken being a slut or some yaoi shit.


Congrats on probably making it to the top 3 I guess? I hope your death is painless.


rat wins
the end

Guys, the monkey can still win!

I think that's actually what's going to happen

most likely be yaoi shit with bunny and ox

She and boar are the best characters stuck on this show.

>there will never be any Rayet doujins

doujins never

Sheep a shit!


Her husband is obviously a cuck.

>show character's backstory
>character dies
As expected of a genius
Forgive Frodoposting, but why don't they just puke the jewels out and settle it with rock paper scissors?

That was probably monkey's plan unironically. For some of them, killing the others is easier and more fun.

yeah I do wonder what walking around in lingerie has to do with peace negotiations

Monkey had it coming.
Still feel like she'll win with Rat somehow though.

I wonder why they went such a predictable route. Backstory=death and deaths currently going in reverse order of the zodiac (except for snake) which means we know who will win.

No zodiac themed anime will ever top etotama

I liked her ''''''surprise'''''' win over Sheep but she won't cut it against the final boss. Seems like a one trick pony - get drunk, charge really fast. At least she'll be too drunk to feel pain. She's not a character I'd look forwards to seeing suffer, unlike shitters like Rabbit.

>last trio is gonna be Ox, Rabbit and Rat
fujos were a mistake

Really? boar was a retard. The only reason people liked her was because MUH NTR INCEST LESBIAN

This. Boar was smug as fuck and then got rekt hard right away.

seems most likely, the whole ive seen this guy somewhere before they all seem to share might even hint that they fought him before

Best character was Dog.

This. The pattern doesn't change. It's all a matter of how he wins, not if he wins.

Old Boar and Sheep sure didn't look like they got some amazing wishes granted

Maybe they wished for millions of cocks but it can't be shown on-screen

Is this show worth watching?

Not really


The fights are literally 2 seconds long except ox and horse if you were hoping for decent action.

I don't know what I'm hoping for, I just heard it was good.

once pattern recognition kicks in, you need to turn off your brain to the get the most out of it.

Sounds good, I'll go catch up in the episodes that are already out.

Is this drunken cat girl a common character? Because I'll watch the fuck out of a show with copious amounts of drunken cat girl.

why do Japanese think saliva is erotic?

It's fucking disgusting when it's dangling on your face like that

She's Jackie Chan

she was sucking his dick and gave back the semen

I wouldn't call it good. It's not offensively bad but outside of nice graphics there's really nothing to it. The plot is extremely simple and formulaic, the cast is comic villain rejects with fantastic superpowers but it seems like only one guy put points in DEF so everybody dies in one hit.

Monkey is gonna survive, Rat mumbling about smartphones was foreshadowing (backshadowing?)

Picked up.
Thanks OP.

The show would of been tolerable i the homicidal rich girl survived and just killed everyone.

would watch

>homicidal rich girl
Mercenary warmonger.

She was the most entertaining thing about this terrible show.