Anyone have any questions? I am in the belly of the beast here.
Learning about white privilege is part of the curriculum, we had to learn the different types of racisms, were told that whites cannot experience racism, and was told that Asians are richer than whites in America because they had less oppression than blacks.
Also big supporters of Trayvon Martin and any black person that was killed and featured on the news. They believe that all black representation of media is almost the sole cause of blacks demise in society, that and historical oppression.
Mind you that this is taught mainly as fact and not opinion.
Any questions?
In one of the most liberal colleges in the US, and I'm in an interracial communication class
who is Tony Martin?
What was the impact of democratic policies such as the law and order act 1994 and the welfare reform act 1996 on the black population?
Bring a gun to school
Who fought to free the slaves, republicans or democrats?
who gave black people the vote, republicans or democrats?
interracial communication? wtf? I thought we wer all the same. Does that mean differen races need different communications? But I thought race doesn't exist and noticing stereotypical differences is well racist? What are you learning there?
Alvin Morris (December 25, 1913 – July 27, 2012), known professionally as Tony Martin, was an American actor and popular singer. His career spanned over seven decades, and he scored dozens of hits between the late-1930s and mid-1950s with songs such as "Walk Hand in Hand" and "Stranger in Paradise". He was married to actress and dancer Cyd Charisse for 60 years until her death in 2008.
Probably more homeless blacks
What kind of job are these little fucktards gonna get after (((school)))?
What's the demographic makeup of students in your class?
Any dissenters?
>>we were taught that, that's colorblind racism. so yeah even though we are all equal we are all different and even though we are all unique we are the same.
Makes sense right?
You at Berkeley my dude?
You should bring a big ass firework into the classroom light it and run.
I am one of four white males students in a class of about 20. everyone else is either black or white women.
I am the only person who questions content in a subtle manner. Everyone in the class agrees with every core concept without question.
I'm in the comm. field so I was required to take a diversity credit. But some people want to be Afrocentric scholars and such, or whoever runs the diversity wing at businesses.
Southeast Michigan
My id is “you 4 my AK.”
Something tells me that might start a black lives matter rally
Talk about African immigrants and how they seem to be doing alright despite the systemic racism
Tony Martin - author of The Jewish Onslaught
>An essay on Black-Jewish relations, primarily in the United States, by a professor of African American History who became embroiled in controversy over his classroom use of a book detailing the well- documented Jewish role in the Atlantic slave trade.
The Jewish Onslaught discusses, among other things, the increasing attacks of Jewish organizations on Black leaders and scholars, the alleged halcyon period of a Black-Jewish alliance, the Jewish role in the slave trade and the Jewish attack on Afrocentrism.
no guns allowed at gun free zones sir, but yeah i'm not violent in the slightest if that's what you're asking
Some washed up skate boarder, his Underground game had a great soundtrack, though!
Everytime I try and bring up a subject like that they just nod their head and spin my words in class.
Ask how White people's racism causes every single black-ruled community to be dirt-poor. Ask them to explain the White racism process in detail.
It is claimed that is due to historical oppression. All black communities are poor due to societal oppression from the white-based system that is in place in the United States. Also the subconscious racism that all white people process from the media denies any opportunity to blacks.
This is what i'm told
dude put them onto this
>interracial communication
Its something that has crossed my mind, bringing up a topic such as this.
One hot topic in class is that there are far too many white men in hollywood movies and tv shows and need to be replaced with POC and women.
Yet colleges being the extremely sensitive places that they are, I wonder how they would react if "white men" was replaced by "Jewish men" as they really are.
>diversity credit
Tf is that suppose to actually mean?
There are about 3 jobs total for that. And theyre already taken
Does a nigger teach the class? Poat his email address
Are you at Evergreen? Oregon?
I would never give my money to a university these days. My kids will be either paying theirnown way or I will help them start a business
Ask if China is oppressing Africa right now or is it only oppression when white people build up African infrastructure and cause population/economic growth.
Tell em about your favorite black comic, Vince Champ
OP just gonna say this, document everything
if you can put it on a free blog so people can see it
if you wanna see a chimp out send the professor a link to it
After a fake graffiti incident on our campus (somebody sprayed KKK in red, white and blue but it was a black man) the president has caved into demands and supposedly buckled down to demands from the black student organizations and are forcing students to take classes such as these, and classes that focus on blackness as a response.
Half of the semester is over but I will try my best, but I also don't want this to come back to me and be identified. People are very vicious here and I have already landed myself in hot water getting in peoples faces arguing about this stuff.
just get a pdf of it, print it out and drop it on some desk
She will give an answer to that I already know--- "I don't know enough about that subject to comment, I would have to do more research."
She probably knows about him and thinks he is innocent due to discrimination, but I can't speak for her.
I won't say where for now, maybe in another post loosely related to this but not directly related to it.
they'll just continue to brainwash people if you don't argue, but it might be more productive to de-legitimize them by documenting their stuff
What can I do? I've done it before but it hurts my chance of networking with people because people talk.
Also even lowered my grade at one point, this class that I often raised my voice in got me some shit grades on essays, like a 0/50 at one point even though it was complete.
I'm just one person and I have a little to no support system in terms of back-up.
yea are you too stupid to come up with an argument that white people can also experience racism and present it to the class without coming off like a douchewad bag? good criminey
I'm glad you're learning valuable lessons about white male privilege. Fuck whitey.
How am I supposed to argue that whites experience racism when she doesn't believe its even possible that whites can experience it?
I try my best to question everything that is presented, at one point sources such as "Buzzfeed" and "Huffpo" are passed as legit sources. If these people are in this deep how am I supposed to compete with this?
it's not possible for whites to experience racism, whites created racism by being racist.
Tell that to the south africans that are getting their land taken away for being white
>How am I supposed to argue that whites experience racism
You're not. I would just avoid trouble and move on if I were you.
These people are hardly human anymore. Fuck them.
He's just going to rationalize that whites deserve it, dude.
they're not getting their land taken away for being white, they're just finally dealing with reparations for their racist history. If I steal $5 from you and 10 years later, you take $5 from me, you're just getting it back.
umad that I have irrefutable logic white boi?
I think the real question is why are you even taking that class?
clearly OP isn't afraid of progress, you regressive trash.
Did you just assume my race?
wayne state?
you're either white or a bootlicker. You pick.
>Any questions?
No. just because you have to sit through that shit doesn't mean we do.
Which are you?
it's pathetic how not a single professor has been killed over this shit yet. if white genocide means you docile cowards will go extinct then it can't happen soon enough.
You should start agreeing with them but take their ideas much further. Like whites need to give up property, more black only spaces. See if it gets tricky with other minorities. Like Mexicans should also pay reparations. Basically take it to the logical conclusion.
Wait. You're in a liberal college right.
Wasn't there a scientist somewhere that claimed that race didn't exist?
Maybe I'm just being a faggot, but maybe you could play on that edge.
very close
An idea that I had as well, but I will give her this credit: She said that white people are not evil at the start of the semester and that all races have done bad things.
Covering all her bases basically.
an anarchist
but really though, white people are really the devil
I have to, in order to graduate
Ask him how Asians have surpassed whites in average income, have a lower crime rate, and have disproportionate representation in academia even though they were oppressed by whitey for a century.
Also ask how they surpassed all other minorities so much more, including Hispanics which were less oppressed.
If anything, she would call that scientist a form of a racist. If you want I can go back to the slides and pull up the different types of racism, its a real trip.
There are people user that will be more than happy to fight along side you.
These stuck up little bastards are going to bite back, don't be surprised by that. You can either keep your head low and just let the conditioning set in on your fellow students, or you can start fighting back and hope to be the change you're hoping for.
Document the class, record, don't hold anything back.
>white or a bootlicker
Thanks for playing.
says the dirty an com degenerate
I brought up Asians the first day of class and dismissed my argument. Saying something along the lines that they were not as oppressed as other races.
There are plenty of videos on live leak that shows blacks being racist.
Heck, just ask nicely here and someone will post some examples.
they only say that to keep you calm until the kill command is issued
Tell her that they were more oppressed than Hispanics yet still do far better. And even then, ask her how they managed to surpass whites no matter the circumstances.
Okay, thanks for the nightmares.
If you're on the side of whitey, you're either whitey or a bootlicker. I am not on the side of whitey.
hence why I assumed she said it as a tactical cover up
She comes back with this line everytime "I would have to do more research on that to form an opinion"
>you're either whitey or a bootlicker
>he actually said it again
she sounds very informed and intelligent. I'm glad she doesn't jump to conclusions without doing research first. I hope you give her a good review on ratemyprofessor.
everytime i bring up a counterpoint she nods her head and repeats what I say more loudly to the class but changes some words around to fit her narrative. I don't know if its because she thinks I agree with all her theories or if she does it on purpose.
you seeem..... upset.
le master troll
I have an idea: when she says that, try telling her that you’ll do the research for her. Compile something and show her statistics and tell her about their history in America. She’ll take what you’re saying at face value and possibly reconsider her positions. Also, before doing this, try asking her why she would teach what she does as fact if she hasn’t researched anything about its flaws.
thats a fair proposal
Here is a checklist we did in class
Check off all the statements that apply to you.
I am white.
I have never been discriminated against because of my skin color.
I have never been the only person of my race in a room.
I have never been mocked for my accent.
I have never been told I am attractive "for my race."
I have never been a victim of violence because of my race.
I have never been called a racial slur.
I have never been told I "sound white."
A stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it is real.
I am heterosexual.
I have never lied about my sexuality
I never had to “come out.”
I never doubted my parents’ acceptance of my sexuality.
I have never been called “fag.”
I have never been called “dyke.”
I have never been called a “fairy," or any other derogatory slur for homosexuals.
I have never tried to hide my sexuality.
I am always comfortable with P.D.A. with my partner in public.
I have never pretended to be “just friends” with my significant other.
I have never been ostracized by my religion for my sexual orientation.
I have never been told I would “burn in hell” for my sexual orientation.
I have never been told that my sexuality is “just a phase.”
I have never been violently threatened because of my sexuality.
I am a man.
I feel comfortable in the gender I was born as.
I still identify as the gender I was born in.
I have never tried to change my gender.
I have never been denied an opportunity because of my gender.
I make more money than my professional counterparts of a different gender.
I have never felt unsafe because of my gender.
I have never been catcalled.
I have never been sexually harassed or assaulted.
I have never been raped.
I work in a salaried job.
My family and I have never lived below the poverty line.
I don’t have any student loans.
I have never gone to bed hungry.
I have never been homeless.
My parents pay some of my bills.
My parents pay all of my bills.
I don’t rely on public transportation.
I buy new clothes at least once a month.
I have never done my taxes myself.
I have never felt poor.
I have never had to worry about making rent.
I have never worked as a waiter, barista, bartender, or salesperson.
I have had an unpaid internship.
I have had multiple unpaid internships.
I went to summer camp.
I went to private school.
I graduated high school.
I went to an elite college.
I graduated college.
My parents paid (at least some of) my tuition.
I had a car in high school.
I’ve never had a roommate.
I've always had cable.
I have traveled internationally.
I travel internationally at least once a year.
I studied abroad.
I’ve never skipped a meal to save money.
I don’t know what “Sallie Mae” is.
I spent Spring Breaks abroad.
I have frequent flier miles.
My parents are heterosexual.
My parents are both alive.
My parents are still married.
I do not have any physical disabilities.
I do not have any social disabilities.
I do not have any learning disabilities.
I have never had an eating disorder.
I have never been depressed.
I have never considered suicide.
I have never attempted suicide.
I have never taken medication for my mental health.
I can afford medication if/when I need it.
I have never been told I’m overweight or "too skinny."
I have never felt overweight or underweight or "too skinny."
I have never been shamed for my body type.
I consider myself to be physically attractive.
I can afford a therapist.
I’ve used prescription drugs recreationally.
I have never had an addiction.
I have never been shamed for my religious beliefs.
I have never been violently threatened for my religious beliefs.
I have never been violently attacked for my religious beliefs.
There is a place of worship for my religion in my town.
I have never lied about my ethnicity as self-defense.
I have never lied about my religion as self-defense.
All my jobs have been accommodating of my religious practices.
>I am white
I stopped reading there, what a piece of shit you are.