Honest question Sup Forums....
Is it REALLY bad to be sexually attracted to your cousin......?
I have a cousin I just want to bang her so bad....what's wrong with cousin love?
Honest question Sup Forums....
Is it REALLY bad to be sexually attracted to your cousin......?
I have a cousin I just want to bang her so bad....what's wrong with cousin love?
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Ain't nothin wrong with a lil cousin lovin. Better you than some stupid spear chucker.
well see here Cletus, in most of the civilized world fucking your parents siblings, child is seen as being gross
But cousins are distant people.
Especially if you live in different states.
Sage this thread before the Eurofats wake up and make fun of us!!
It's not the most unnatural thing, but banning sex/marriage with cousins is how Christianity added a full standard deviation of IQ to the European stock, so...
You will be either nigger-tier or Arab-tier for trying to act on your urges.
You are not the suomi-eesti autismo serkku poster are you
I'm pretty sure condoms were invented for this very reason. You should be good, just don't know her up.
I so deeply want to leave your country and start my own.
>But cousins are distant people.
>Especially if you live in different states.
>>that reddit spacing
Do you really think that physical or emotional distance has anything to do with why you shouldn't fuck your cousins? Are you baiting me?
>A Wh*te supporting incest
Imagine muh shock
It's awkward dude, I did with my cousin and everytime we meet for family reunions is awkward.
why not fuck your sister then?
>just don't know her up.
this is what happens when cousins have kids
just white people things
Who's going to know about it?
You can keep it a secret, as long as you don't have children.
>Who's going to know about it?
You her and God? That's three people too many.
Don't bump these shitty threads. Learn to use sage. Newfags, refrain from posting at all for a minimum of two years.
Worked for the obamas
All my cousins are hot. I may have said some things when I was blackout drunk at a party I wonder if they know
>I just want to bang her so bad..
Disgusting, if you want to sex your cousin ask her father to sell her to you in marriage. It is only right.
/pol wants nothing to do with your /b post.
>just white people things
>Has never been to the South or the UK
no. a study of iceland found 3rd cousins to have the highest fertility rate and lowest birth/childhood complication rate of their offspring. outbreeding is as bad as inbreeding, there is a happy medium between similarity and difference.
3rd cousin? Then game on:
Sexual attraction is there for a reason user. Follow its logical conclusion and ask yourself the million dollar question:
Are you going to marry you cousin and have kids with her?
Are you prepared to raise a retarded kid and be the black sheep of your entire family?
If you answered yes to both of them, congratulations! Hope your chromosomes can handle the rough sex and your kids don't hate you too much and that you can handle not killing yourself out of shame.
I have a grand uncle who married his 1st cousin (or second idk) and the children turned out fine. I mean, I'm from the north of Ireland and inbreeding happens all the time with out people being aware, but we are ok, ya know? My sis for example, she dated this guy and he and her went up to me aunts house. Mh aunt was doing a family tree project and the boyfriend was looking at it and he days "Why is my mothers name on this!?" So turns out he is actually a 5th cousin of mine. My sis was dating her 5th cousin and she never would had known if it wasn't for my aunt researching and collaborating with other distant relatives in on the project.
Post pics and I'll tell you whether or not it's worth it
same here good grief i wish i could find a pic online just to see - she is beautiful just like my aunt :3
And he says not days. Typo
but then again 1st cousins are probably too close. i'd say sex is ok, procreation is not. 2nd cousin and above, go for it.
dont do the sin.
let me bang her. I will share the experience.
That's using your loaf, T.B.H., lad.
Not a lot really. Genetic issues are in the same percentage as women over 38 having kids, we don't regulate that.
Too late
Oddly enough people don't realize how fucking inbred niggers actually are. For all they're making fun of white people as cousin-fucking hillbillies or rednecks... surprise, surprise... niggers live in all those same exact rural, podunk areas and they're still fucking their cousins too. In fact, they actually do it and have no shame or regret. Sex is sex to them, as long as they're doing it they rarely care who it's with. I've known several niggers that bragged about losing their virginity to their cousins. Inner city ones too.
There are even "ebony" romance novels all about fucking one's uncle. Black people don't get nearly the shit they should for being inbred. If we had the data I'm more than willing to bet they're more inbred that whites, even in the same rural areas. White inbreeding is a meme, black/hispanic/arab inbreeding is real.
oh its only a inbred island nigger looks like were in the clear boys!
if you live more than 10 miles away from her, it's completely fine , what the fuck are you talking about user.
only in europe. otherwise if you live in free and progressive country where freedom is held in high regard then not at all.
oh you are from ameriga! burger why ask us about what is, shall we say normal over there...? sage this bread.
i like where this is going
so there may be a chance that biologically breeding our 3rd cousins is ok
Yes your genetic difference increase the farther you two are apart.
white peeps ladies and gents
Women can't keep secrets.
Breeding between 1st cousins is undesirable as a norm which is repeated generation after generation, but once every 10 generations or so isn't anywhere near as bad as people say. Horse breeders and dog breeders actually breed first cousins all the time if the grandparents had desirable traits.
it means it's optimal
Just for the record, while incest is criminalized in Maryland, it only counts for heterosexual vaginal intercourse with immediate relatives. Everything else is fair game under the law.
For some reason, it’s a $500 fine if you marry your son’s ex-wife/widow. Now THAT is fucking bullshit.
Holy fuck, these bot posts are getting bad
what no bot posting here user
>damage control
OP let's make a deal
you don't bang your cousin or breach the matter outside of the internet
and in exchange i will use my talents to draw you some fine ass fap fodder of your cousin.
that way you get the urges out !
I can make her tits huge or whatever
It's up to you, I can do it by description, but i can guarantee it will be better if you post a pic
pic related is one of my more tasteful pieces
and is obviously not lol
Islamic law has inheritance laws that encourage first-cousin marriage, and that has been going on for centuries. Hell, a large number of marriages in the Middle East TODAY are between cousins.
As for niggers, they certainly do inbreed deliberately, but there is another problem. Many negresses don’t know the fathers of their children, and many niggers impregnate multiple sheboons. As a result, there is oftentimes unintentional half-sibling incest which occurs, especially in urban areas.
Actually, research done in Iceland suggests that third cousins are ideal for reproduction. I’d still go for more degrees of separation than that, but incest is not nearly as damaging genetically as people tend to believe (as long as it’s not prolonged).
Kill yourself.
all I want is a hug from her. why is life so cruel? stuck with a shitty job in a shitty part of the nation where people speak spanish
I wanted to fuck my cousin, but then she became a wigger got fat and spit out 2 niglets. Now I cant even look at her.
Nothing wrong with it. Marry your cousin and breed her. It is halal to marry cousins.
I don't speak virgin
This is how amerimutts are born.
You filthy degenerate.