Average Face of the Americas

Notice anything?

Attached: Immagine1.png (1600x864, 1.11M)

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>Le 56% is just a meme

Attached: canada100%white.png (398x312, 254K)

Uruguay and Argentina are literally more white than this 56% landfill. Fuck this place.

Attached: 1515970483931.png (1024x768, 760K)

after we're all spic-niggers down here, we're moving up north to destroy your shit

We are all Mestizos and Metis. Ain’t nothing wrong with it.


Yeah. So much for the 1% rule

Canada once again coming out on top.

Did they composite all Hispanics and Blacks?

Speak for yourself

Any time you see an american flag its safe to assume that you are most likely talking to a non white person.

argenteina is white

La creatura....

Attached: 1518418369078.jpg (480x736, 73K)

Argentina is whiter then the U.S.

Attached: 1521260712132.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Don't worry leaf. Trudeau's letting in tons of Muslim shitskins so you'll soon have a darker skinned retarded inbred population to go with your shitty politics.

Historically it has happened time and time again. The caste system in ancient India was made to keep whites untouched and away from the nonwhites. Same was probably true for ancient Egypt too. And it will repeat itself in the US.

Enjoy it while you can. Once America is assimilated by the mestizos and becomes like south america they'll target you next.

you're surprised?

American foreign policy post-WWII can be defined with one word

It's an excellent meme that hopefully keeps waking enough white people here that people will push for permanent White Genocide reparations, leading to the end of that genocidal crime against white Americans.

No retard. The 1% rule about being black. If this was a composite the American would be dark

They take samples from the large population centers, California, New York, Florida,Texas. Surprise these are where the most shitskins are.

Nothing new here

Yes there is, you greasy spic.

Attached: latamgenetics.png (2116x2552, 450K)

Attached: latamgeneticseuropean.png (3328x3040, 1.97M)

Must be all the Nazis there.

Fuck Mexico is fucking whiter than we are time to KMS

>Argentina is unironically whiter than America

Attached: 1521124964246.png (499x499, 92K)

the fact that Argentina is whiter is the one that really gets me

yeah yeah having a bunch of niggers and mexicans bumble fucking around in the cities makes us all brown retards, fuck off kike shill

America is white!

Fuck you hombre

Even Uruguay is whiter

holy shit burgerland BTFO by Leafs and Argie scum KEK

Attached: 1508296177195.jpg (858x563, 43K)

>mfw Argentina is whiter than my country

Attached: 1519778668426.jpg (960x938, 85K)

no bully

Nice try, Pablo. Shit’s still fucking awesome up here. Trudeau will be gone soon and whiteness will be back in business.

What the fuck I thought we had way more east Asians than mulattos I barely see any blacks

Brown eyes?

LOL the United Statian is a fucking spic lmfao

we're like 49% and falling fast right now dude

>Mexicans are whiter
Pathetic. We have to ship Tyrone back to Nigeria.


why do all of these average face things always look the same for every country but also nothing like anyone I see on a daily basis?

Bruh I'm pretty sure even Venezuela is whiter.


there was no indication of how this stat was made. what was the sample? was it truly randomized? are you a faggot?

these questions, remain unanswered (except the last one)


Attached: ClottyTheBlooddropSaysJustOneOfMe.jpg (758x800, 249K)

There is no pride to be had in being a mutt.

Nonwhites are not American, this is your average american male

Attached: whiteamericanmale.jpg (400x610, 22K)

Attached: leaf-gold.jpg (1618x1123, 456K)

Yeah but both countries are comprised of whites and natives, who are paler than American blacks. It doesn't necessarily give you a good idea of number, only complexion.

Honestly surprised Canada doesn't have significant expressions of Chinese and Sikh features. I feel like the last white man alive in Vancouver.

Composites aggregate the exagerated features of different people to create an “average” that represents the prototypical face for a group of people. The people who don’t have any exaggerated (ugly) features are few in number and generally in the highest percentiles of physical attraction

i refuse to believe any actual white person would be dumb enough to waste their time on this shithole website

Attached: IMG_0455.jpg (989x5094, 942K)

HeIIo reddit.

way to prove my point

It's all the Nazi refugees from WW2 culturally enriching the country

Attached: Don't you wanna.jpg (276x183, 12K)

I actually look like the uruguayan guy, just paler and with darker hair and more defined features

>Speak for yourself
I am, you WASP planetwrecker.
Metis, but same difference. You can go get fucked, too.


pick one

Attached: 1508733255208.png (376x309, 121K)

Mfw the time of year subjects faces were taken could skew results.

Attached: super tan.jpg (500x376, 77K)

>Notice anything?
Yes, Argentina is whiter then the US.

Attached: 1505089335395.png (960x960, 282K)

Argentina is surprisingly white.

OP is a faggot, who doesn't know what post IDs are, and that it's not a good idea to make someone with parkinsons a photographer?

Costa Rica is hottest out of the lot.

>I am
>We are all Metis
Not unless you're using the royal we faggot.
>WASP planetwrecker.
I consider the Mestizos to be Native American; what I find hilarious is the fact that the entire race was crippled by their own inferior bottle-necked genes. So crippled in fact they had to take in the genetics of Europeans and Africans just to offset their own demise. Your entire race has not recovered from that, but has instead decided to look to an autocrat to keep them in check. Topkek have fun with being a miscegenation

La Orgres las Americana...

El ogrillo del norte

When like 40% of the population is a different race then of course it's gonna set off the "average" when mix mashing a ton of faces together. Determining how the average American looks is much more accurate when separating races.

Attached: screen-shot-2015-09-11-at-12-29-10-pm1.png (600x461, 343K)

whiter than you Muhammad
also get the fuck of my Sup Forums

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>anime is reddit

but seriously, get the fuck out.

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reddit af

this video is you
because you're a faggot and not white

Attached: animu.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

la luz extinguido...

lmao only Canada and Argentina are white

pick one

edgy just like reddit makes em

Yeah, you put Brazil on there twice. 0/10, Sage this shit

Dios mio...

>triggered mutt


You should consider suicide, reddit-kun.

Attached: 1506494683358.jpg (349x349, 25K)

go for it reddit

Lol bullshit. Show me a picture of "white people" in argentina and compare them to white americans. We'll see who is whiter.

But reddit-kun, you're already dead.

Attached: 1519364419236.jpg (397x361, 37K)

did he pull your trigger, krout?

Attached: 1519840009261.jpg (1188x1125, 457K)

el demonio indescriptible...


Attached: argenteenagers.jpg (760x480, 58K)

Meep meep :^)

Attached: muslims_capitol.jpg (990x646, 158K)

Argentina is all European

>american exchange students bringing the average down

They need a wall.

I thought you guys were overwhelmingly white?! What the fuck happened?

>going to a place with even worse education standards
Why would an American do this?

What you don't see in that picture is a security presence so large and well armed that it literally cannot exist in Germany anymore by law.

Coming soon to Europe :)
Faggot lefties trying to make some type of statement, but sure, you win I guess.

here's a random pic of some students from my high school. these are real whites. None of that spic trash genetics. Ignore the chinaman in the front row.

Attached: IMG_4540.jpg (1080x719, 255K)

>"these are real whites"


>What you don't see in that picture is a security presence so large

A single American cop?

Attached: fat cops.jpg (640x424, 45K)

Alot more white than Argentine mestizo/italian spic trash lmfaoo

South America is hands down better. Nuke the north and central. Look at what south America has.......Adrian Lima.......miss universe......best food Peru in the world......most white people in Argentina.........best weather .......Charles Darwin Galápagos ........lowest crime rate Bolivia......sorry Mexico and North America don't offer anything good to this world