>Cambridge Analytica undermined our democracy.
How long will this last? Can we hope for another full year of absolutely nothing?
>Cambridge Analytica undermined our democracy.
How long will this last? Can we hope for another full year of absolutely nothing?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the same as Project Veritas, but for the left.
>backed by the force of several mainstream media sources with no modicum of skepticism
How? Also, data gathering through faceberg for political campaigns is old news. It's like the left has been asleep for the past 10 years.
Cambridge Analytica is UK.
Christopher Steele is from the UK.
>CA did the same thing Obama did ten years ago
>CA do the same thing Channel 4 News have been doing for three years
The hypocrisy is all so tiresome.
What would the implication even be here?
Putins white, i see no evil
>American voters undermined our democracy
That the UK meddled in the US elections at a much larger scale all the while pointing the finger at Russia and trying to incite WW3? I don't even know, it's all so tiresome. Libtards are so brain-dead that I'm starting to sympathize with the kikes who want to enslave them.
It seems to me like Steele had very little to do with the UK at the level of government when he was creating the "dossier". It's definitely suspicious, but it seems more as if the UK has just officially bandwagoned onto the war with Russia bullshit.
I honestly can't tell if people who believe Trump/Russia shit are retarded or lying. This is just an extension of the same shit. Last week it was fucking Stormy Daniels.
There is the connection to GCHQ who were monitoring Trump..
We got that titbit from the Alexander Downer / papadopolous drunk in the London pub narrative..
Which died when both Downers and Papadopolous connection to HRC were unmasked.
It could have been like that at first, but not anymore. The Russian spy who got killed which the UK is blaming Russia for was connected to Steele, so they're engaging in the meddling by protecting Steele at some level by now.
Libtards are actually that retarded, they don't care about truth so they just keep lying and convince themselves that they're right. Kind of like children who refuse to admit they're wrong, except worse. They're actually bad people.
>Cambridge Analytica undermined our democracy.
Nothing is going to happen as always. It's all distraction to keep you in line. Different arms (institutions, groups, companies) of the same beast interacting with one another, you are at the center. It's all a puppet show.
>The Russian spy who got killed which the UK is blaming Russia for was connected to Steele,...
Skripal was recruited by Steele when Steele was in Moscow with mi6.
Didn't realize Steele himself actually had a direct connection to GCHQ.
>Which died when both Downers and Papadopolous connection to HRC were unmasked.
Just the amount that people have stopped talking about something as soon as an HRC connection is found is hilarious.
>Skripal was connected to Steele
Oh, absolutely. The theory that Steele used Skripal as a source to make up vaguely official sounding Russian connections appears solid. It's absolutely fucking wild to me that people would continue to insist on something that has never had an empirical or even rational basis to it. Especially considering I could take at least some of their criticisms of Trump seriously if they'd drop the blatant lies.
Anyone saved the Cia manual for shilling that was leaked here few years back?
Wasn't the Us laws changed that its okay from goverment agencies conduct information warfare againts its own citizens now?
Anyone got any ideas or sources what does the said law say about private companies conducting that said warfare?
Also lets go for general moral talk on manipulating peoples minds with technology
so regardless of the past uses, ai + psychometrics + targeted advertising= democracy is done forever. no?
I found this interesting
>Also lets go for general moral talk on manipulating peoples minds with technology
I don't understand how it would be any more unethical than regular advertising. Most things are designed to be propaganda anyway.
In general I find the idea that the only reason someone would have voted for Trump is because they got conned annoying. The alternative was worse, and I personally only voted for him because at least as a candidate he was against escalation against Russia via Syria.
>take at least some of their criticisms of Trump seriously if they'd drop the blatant lies.
This is the great irony. But it's also how you know that they likely have no valid criticisms.
>as a candidate he was against escalation against Russia via Syria.
>US preparing strikes on Syria, carrier strike groups set up in Mediterranean - general
MOSCOW, March 17. /TASS/. Russia’s General Staff see signs that the United States is readying strikes on Syrian governmental forces as carrier strike groups have been deployed for the purpose, Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department Colonel-General Sergei Rudskoi said on Saturday.
"We are aware that there are signs of preparations for possible strikes," the general said in a televised interview with the Rossiya’24 channel.
He added that "groupings of strike carriers that carry cruise missiles have been deployed" in the Mediterranean and Red Seas.
Very useful stuff here, thanks.
Here's this for anyone else who wants to get some solid analysis on the Skripal case.
>The Strange Case of the Russian Spy Poisoning.
Applying the principle of cui bono – who benefits? – to the case of Sergei Skripal might lead investigators away from the Kremlin as the prime suspect and towards Western intelligence agencies, argues James O’Neill.
>undermined our democracy.
Took data from individuals and targeted political party marketing at them to influence tgeir vote.
How is this any different to businesses selling you a product?
It was her turn
I dont give a fuck who's Turn it was.
If you partake in the social media degeneracy be prepared to be manipulated by those with access to your data. Also can guarantee the Hillary campaign was doing the same thing just didn't get the same amount of penetration.
>Robert Parry
Glad to know other people on Sup Forums read consortium news. I've appreciated their consistent time investment in covering how malformed the Trump/Russia narrative is.
You're missing the big picture m8
What is the big picture?
Read widely.
Think for self.
Among the detritus there are gems of truth...
... And you know you're over the target when you're getting flack...
It was her turn.
No wonder why neocons and neolibs are flipping their lids over this agent being gassed in the UK. He was being used as a tool to push the Russia narrative.
Comfy news article user. I assume reading this will get me put on an alphabet agencies watch list.
>Among the detritus there are gems of truth
This is something people could stand to learn. I nearly ignored him when I was younger because of his "interpretation" of the second amendment. But he's been sharp on the Syria shit since it was happening.
lol hardly. Fuckerburg is about as lefty as it gets. If he sold data to a group working for Trump, then he without a doubt sold data to a group working with HRC. Aside from this, anyone who didn't already know that kikebook spies on you, was living in a dreamworld.
2late m8
You already on/pol/..
Everything here is logged.
Eventually they'll take this down, but until then...
>implying there's a difference
They were all working together you stupid shit
Well,I meant... I read a tonne of web, from all "sides" and shades..
I then mine for what makes sense to me...
I'm in the same boat, I was just referring to CN specifically. Though I'll generally avoid most mainstream articles unless I'm just reading financial news. Wading through op-eds and getting "talking point" news isn't my idea of information.
Care to elaborate?
>I'll generally avoid most mainstream articles unless I'm just reading financial news.
>Wading through op-eds and getting "talking point" news isn't my idea of information.
Another perspective on the Skripal kabuki.
The US may be about to start a land invasion of Syria.
The offensive would start from the US base at the Al Tanf border crossing and extend through Abu Kemal to the American and Kurdish-held areas on the eastern bank of the Euphrates.
The troops would be supplied through Jordan. It is possible that Britain would also take part in this operation.
The 2,400 man strong U.S. 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrived in Haifa in Israel on March 14, 2018 aboard the three US Navy ships of the Iwo Jima amphibious ready group.
The Marines may be on their way to the Al Tanf base through Jordan. Another 200 US troops are said to have arrived in Al Tanf the previous week.
Unconfirmed rumors claim that an additional 2,300 British troops also arrived at the base along with Challenger tanks and Cobra and Black Hawk helicopters.
The attack would start with with a massive cruise missile launch on Damascus from NATO warships. The ships are said to be assembling in the eastern Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. Russia has promised to retaliate against any ships launching missiles at Syria.
This warning was first stated by the Russian General Staff on March 13 and again on March 17.
The missile attack would however be only the first part of a NATO attack.
It would be quickly followed by a land invasion from Al Tanf.
As I am writing this, (theduran.com
Attacks by the US and US proxies have the tendency to coincide with ISIS attacks in the same area.
ISIS has recently launched massive attacks along the Euphrates river and more may be planned.
Any Western aggression on Syria would have to be...
Any Western aggression on Syria would have to be preceded by a false-flag provocation by Syrian opposition forces.
Britain pays lip service to international law and it could not launch a war of aggression without an effective propaganda campaign.
Russia claims to have information that a staged chemical weapons attack is being prepared.
The March 17th warning specifically says that the preparations are happening in southern Syria near the Jordanian border under U.S. supervision.
It now seems evident that to real reason for the poisoning of Sergei Skripal was to drum up British support for a war against Syria and Russia.
One must must thus ask who would most gains from such a war.
If the above analysis is correct, then the answer would be Israel.
>Russia has promised to retaliate against any ships launching missiles at Syria.
Lot of histrionics over the poisoned Skripal...
Not much (any) concern Russia is warning they will retaliate if Syria is attacked.
Seems to me this is a Bay of. Pigs scenario, and "everyone" seems asleep at the wheel.
Holy shit
>Everyone in the media and government blames Russia
>Russian spy dies
>Everyone looks at Russia and the uk government
>Cambridge Analytica is outed
>Normalfags link the two
What we have been experiencing was but a small series of wins. However, these small wins will eventually cumulate to the redpilling of the entire population
Don't lose hope, Sup Forums.
>Russia claims to have information that a staged chemical weapons attack is being prepared.
This will ultimately be irrelevant even if true, the amount of conflicting evidence and lack of positive evidence in the case of both the Ghouta chemical attack and Khan Sheikhoun attack weren't considered at all. People even hear the phrase "chemical attack" or "chemical weapons" and they go full war monger. Of course the chemical weapons are a pretense, if they were really a concern we'd be doing the exact same thing in Sudan we are in Syria.
>HEY Hol up I said hol up hol up hol up hol up hooool upppp hol up HOL UP u be meddlin wit our elecshuns?