Trouble in paradise?

Trouble in paradise?

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I don't get it

Why do they want to leave to culturally enriching city life and become rural and suburban retards?

they have taken to shitting up other states now.

That what happens when you put homeless shelters in metropolitan areas just to spite someone politically.

California is a shame upon the united states and it's people are showing it.

Only privileged soibois and chinese live there now.

I've always wondered why the national Democrats have take their budgets and instead of trying to run ads to persaude people to vote for them, just pay the surplus voter bases in the West, and Northeast to move to swing state.


More like:
>Trouble everywhere else as they flee a solid-blue state and turn other states blue in the process

>poor people are leaving
So long, shit stains

We have to build a wall.

They are locusts

Reminder to haze and assault any and all Californians caught outside of their containment zone.


Have fun with all those soy drinking veggans voting for #Her in 3 years in red states.

here they come to texas to vote D and continue the cycle
they never learn

me and the senpai packed up and ready to D up all of texas

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Ima buy a mcmansion in your shit state and then buy your mom's house and rent it out to an immigrant family. And just kick back and watch my property values rise again.

This is true and everyone should be concerned about Californians fleeing yet taking their cognitive dissonance with them

t. Californian that moved to a different state a decade ago with democrat parents

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Cancer is spreading

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its been happening here in az for the last few years. just look at the 2016 election:
maricopa county. houses 80% of the states population. 2016:
743,000 votes
704,000 votes
in comparison, here are the 2012 results:
748,000 votes
604,000 votes
741,000 votes
590,000 votes

plz, stop coming to this fucking state. stay away. please for the love of jebus stay away.

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They are coming here to Washington and shitting things up as well. Not that it could get much worse. We have a saying. Every time a Californian immigrates it rains. It rains 300 days out of the year. Whatever. I just bought a house. Come make me rich fuckbags.

Fuck off we're full.

Texas has been losing Republican margins by roughly 2% every 4 years since 2000. Trump will probably carry it again in 2020 but with under 50% if trends do not change.

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doesnt work that way

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eh you shouldn't being caring that much as washington was already a liberal shithole to begin with. long before cali fags showed up to your state. if anything, all cali fags should be going to the liberal paradise shithole called washington. they're fit in well there.

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> it's people
> tfw the person you hire to teach English can barely speak it

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Why am I not surprised an ancap doesn't understand supply and demand?

Iowa here - fuck off, we're full

>eternal King county is all of WA meme
Eastern WA joining Idaho when?

I'm a real Californian. Hopefully the gaylords will finally leave to your states and then we'll see who is laughing

>leave to infest other states

>particularly lower income residents

nope sounds perfect

It's funny because it's the Immigrant Paradox.

>Group of people live in Place.
>Group influences politics, policies in place
>Policies in place make it unlivible
>Group doesn't realize this, doesn't think that far ahead/connect that many dots.
>Group decides it's some other wordly force causing them misfortune
>Group has to leave the Bad Place for the Good Place
>Completely absent minded of what made the Bad Place bad in the first place.
>Go to new place,
>Completely set up same exact social systems, cultures and eventually
>Of Bad Place they left

>Identity is also wrapped in Bad Place
>So Bad Place has to be Bad enough to move away but people can't point out any of the problems of what makes the Bad Place Bad without offending the identity of the person who moved from there
>Thus creating the Immigrant Paradox/Immigrant Cognitive Dissonance.

Hahahahaha! It’s the roach exodus. Not enough food they move to the neighbors! Now the rest of Americans get to deal with them bitching and wanting Neet bucks!

based nip .. accurately describing the state of California from across the ocean.

>particularly lower income residents

In other words, the rural and suburban retards are getting the fuck out, leaving only ultra high IQ city people. How is this a bad thing?

Well, you can't expect cnbc to be honest about or a Californian to understand the real reason for their problems.
>mo money fo dem programs.
>unrestricted illegal immigration and paying non citizens gibs.
It's almost as if the people in control of the levers of government are intentionally trying to crash the country with no survivors, or at the very least attempting to balkanize the US and instigate a civil war. You seppos better wisen up.

they're a plague upon the south culture from our cowardice towards the leftist threat

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the-they lu-luckily only move to the cities tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

flight from California has been going on for decades. Oregon and Washington are full of Californians.


That's what happens when dems take control of an entire state in every conceivable way.

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we're praying hard for the W A L L in Texas

I moved to Texas about three months ago and frankly I kind of regret it. I left San Diego to get away from Mexicans, not surround myself with more of them. Also it's ugly here. Everything is flat, no hills and hardly any trees. And everybody has an obnoxiously large truck for no reason and the public transportation here sucks. But I won't be able to save enough on SSI to move for another two years so I guess I have to make the best out of it.

Stupid fucking leaf....

>tfw did a year of AIT in AZ
>not a single incident of racism in over half the state I've visited
Kek, stop man. You are right though, there are almost no niggers here. Mostly spics and whites. Was the weirdest fucking state I visited in my service.


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Fuck the Mexican border wall. Build the California border wall and the let them reap what they sow.

>DOMESTIC migration

I'd be willing to bet CA still had a huge net increase in legal and illegal beaners. Same goes for most states. There is a massive inflow of people coming from all over the world to every state in the union. Legally, illegally, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. We have de facto open borders.

Fucking international and interstate cunts keep buying all our property, fuck of to your own states and countries okay?

Fucking rent has skyrocketed in Tucson now because of the commiefornian plague

Can't wait to finish uni in a year and gtfo.

>138,000 people in a year
>from a state of 39.5 million
>a .3% decrease
>not even counting illegals already there and the ones that have snuck in
Oh yeah. They are definitely hurting. This will radically alter California's political climate and social makeup.

and that's how cancer spreads! what these fleeing Californian fail to realize is that no one wants them where there are fleeting to. They think they bring their quirky, hip culture with them but reality is opposite.


tfw still have two years to go before I can leave this shit city

Adding to this a quick search shows that they added 300,000 people in 2017. So they still have a net gain.

Not soon enough, brother.

It will look like detroit soon enough. Watch how fast it collapses, especially when they don't have mexican slave labor to cut their rose bushes.

A civil war is inevitable, and it’s arguable that the sooner it comes, the better.

I just moved to SoCal from the East coast. I've got money. Everyone is Asian. Strip malls and traffic hell. This place is fucking terrible. The Asians are fucking weird and are a majority at many elementary schools. At one they bribe their children into the classes with the best teachers. At a public elementary school. "Neochina arrives from the future" and it sucks shit

>vote democrat
>ruin your state
>move to better state
>vote democrat

You guys are so fucked

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Democrats are like locusts. They destroy one field and move on to the next.

We're so fucked, we're becoming Canada.

The lower end homes in my area CA is 450k easy, this is a dumpster fire tier house. The jobs around, careers included aren't able to pay for these. I'll be leaving this unsustainable liberal shithole the first opportunity also.

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Yeah and they are fucking immigrating to OUR STATES.

Keep your god damned trash where it belongs, Califaggot.

You mean everyone, no one here has fucking money.

This. Everyone go home, theads over.
The leftist policy’s here are still insane. We just got out of a housing crunch and rents are starting to flatten out, why? Becuase builders are responding to the market and added 100,000s of new units in the last few years. Next election there is going to be a statewide ballet for statewide rent control, which is going to fuck the whole state of it passes. Nobody is going to build shit

Make sure they're not conservative. You'll need their votes to help make up for all the new blue votes in your state. Conservative native Californians are finally reaching the end of their patience and leaving their home state.

>Trouble in paradise?
not at all, this is what liberals do.... they fuck up the place they live in and move on to the next prosperous region to fuck up

Agreed. This is bad news. They'll spread their cancerous ideals everywhere they go, never realizing that the political ideas are what made where they are fleeing from unlivable in the first place.

this is bad for the rest of us. californians should be killed on site. they are not welcome in any other state.

Stop being such a fucking wimp. You beg the libtards not to come to AZ, they will sneer and move in even faster. You have to frighten them. You have to make them feel profoundly uncomfy and unwelcome, EVERYWHERE they go.

Or else.

With more illegals in your country than the entire population of Canada... that would probably be an improvement

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I can confirm this, I work at a hotel in Tennessee and I get a lot of them coming in saying they're moving to the area. I just worry they'll just vote the same policies that makes California shit

reminds me of that german bitch who spent her life promoting open borders then turned tail and ran to poland when she realised what she did. traitors deserve the firing squad.

The article reported it as a net decrease of 138k

So 138k more left than came in.

I feel so bad for non-lib cali-turds. I reside in KY for school, and have my license for TX (during summer cause hometown San An), and it's cheap as fuck living in both states, without sacrificing too much for school. I couldn't imagine having to pay over 1k in rent. for a 2bd, with the gf, I pay like barely 400 a month and it includes everything except electricity (which is 50 bucks split).

Apologies I didn't see that.

Fucking this.
Houses in South Central LA sell for high 300s-low 400s and it's ugly as all hell and crowded. It's ridiculous. If you want to live in a nice area with good schools for your kids and parking for your car, you're paying at LEAST 1 million for a home in LA county.

All the fucking chinks buy houses with cash above asking price, as stores of value or rental investments which drives up the prices of all the other properties.

The USA needs to put a limit on the Chinese buying housing property somehow.


>falling demand causes market to regress to equilibrium

this is blonald blumpf's fault, the state should absolutely intervene at the taxpayers expense.

How does this happen...? It's no more special than any other state, if anything actually shittier than most other states... In Montana you can survive a winter in a cabin if you have simple hunting skills... You can't survive cali unless you you beg.

I hope they stay tf out of Texas.
I've never understood the refugee mentality.
>Let's move from out shit hole to a nice place
>Then let's do our best to make it like the shit hole we just left.

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californian here, own more guns than the average texan and drive a big diesel that i actually use for work. Am i not allowed ?

this has been happening for awhile now. reverse oakies

Dude, we will accept you into our fold
Come to Texas, don't bring any of your commie friends.
If you have half a brain and work hard you can have a good life here.

i pay 525 dollars a month for a room in an apartment surrounded by illegal mexicans. Its also one of the riches counties in the state

How high would you be to think an expensive overcrowded shithole like California, crawling with asians and mestizos, was paradise?

If you own more than 3 guns per adult in your family, and 2 per kid, you are welcome.

the problem is they are spreading their liberal bullshit and degeneracy to other liveable states. they are leaving california physically but their stupid fucking child liberal brain hasnt actually made the connection that it was the liberal bullshit that turned a fucking paradise into a stinking shithole in a few decades.

I don't know how it got this way, I'm sure there's a variety of reasons but to live here you have to pay way more than half of what you earn, which is shit because that leaves you will little money to invest and try to get ahead.

People live with their parents longer or live with a few roommates to make the rent, but I don't know anyone around my age (mid twenties) buying houses. I hate it, I'd like to move but all my family is here as well as my girlfriend's family.

Praying for a red California in my lifetime.

well i got i think 13 or 14 so if it comes down to it youll be seeing me

Better than fleeing in Russia because of starvation and nazi cops though Mr Boris, spasibo for your troll slide thread.

a true american, of course. the leftist scum must be contained though. it's their way of thinking that is the most dangerous thing. they'll bring their progressive elitism wherever they go. they won't think 'gee maybe following this ideology turned our state into a hellhole, maybe we should change.' they're too good for that.

Sounds pretty awful, desu... How is it? Does cali even have good game meat to hunt? I know you don't have a real winter, but still. Can you live like a real human? My biggest fear going in the woods is a black bear instead of a nigger.

>red california
lolololololololol holy fuck that is funny.

Little by little,we meet in the middle

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That's enough to get accelerated citizenship, depending on your dependents.

Fucking cocks. I let the air out of car tires with Cali plates here. Go back to your shitty containment state.

This shit pisses me off. My rent has gone up the last 4 years and my state even went for hillary because of all the fucking californian migrants.
T. Nevadan