Puzzle time.
Bash the pizza maker!?!
you just pull that out of your ass OP?
What'$ in what you eat?
No-see-ums, chiggers, them little things that getcha.
You'd have a bullet in your skull as soon as your toe hit my lawn.
christ is it some faggot badselfeater shit again
Mind control
I wish. This shit all started with drunken Kundalini meditation then some astral punk bitches decided to project in to and ruin my nice buzz cause had to run that shit hotter then CIA.
thats not a dragon dildo
You don't even know what I'm about.
Nope, just another acid loony, cause life ain't a loony toon.
Mk ultra is as real as astral projection caper
get help. you are loved.
Nah, it's candy apple for cheese pizza loving monsters.
The anti-christ loves you, bless your soul.
Imma bump you
I reported you to the fbi and dc police
Paths in life are like lines you walk, here are two from the tree of death to bare new life. Roll the bones.
I did.
cut your dick off and post pics with timestamp
that way we'll know youre serious
There is only one way.
Oh, well the astral department already knew, they told me.
I'm the anti-christ I'm not retarded.
not convinced about the retarded bit desu user-kun
Better flush your drugs
Here yah go.
Place selfie
If true then digits 666 will occur
Well I got to but I need the people to vote.
put a fucking bed cover and some sheets.. degenerate
It's not the 3rd of the 20th though. You got lost. In time.
Post selfie let digits decide.
Have a chew through the CIA library.
>Implying I'm not.
And tidy your play pen
I didn't even realise that was a bed. I don't know why but I thought it was a coffin.
Take your meds
Fuck you, try acid.
Told you
You are not 666 the digits decided. Praise Kek.
>Praise Kek.
You're no better than OP, retard.
>the shitty bavkwards letter grafitti
>muh dulality between light and dark (right and left)
>edgy iluminatti and anarchy symbols
its obvious you're just some edgy high schooler.
Stop posting cringe
I choose bandage
>Ohh little jimmy bought his first strip and thinks he's enlightened
Go to bed fagtard theres nothing there and when you graduate high school drop out of college and slowly lose all of your friends you'll realize what a fucking moron you were.
Face of a true winner
>I wish.
Can't too sane for that, won't even take the pain pills for these.
If I pull off that mask, would you die?
21 bro. Dropped out college, no need to box something good in.
Shits real bro, made a friend of the devil.
>praise Kek
Why does that trigger you? Hallelujah sperg twat. Fuck yourself if you don't get irony or humour, think your genuinely retarded you bring down watchtower faggot.
Color me shocked
I used to have friends like you
No lies brother, your soul can be saved it's quantum energy.
Can u kill some feminists ? Better : feminist politicians ?
No you just see the face of the mother fucking angel of death.
Son this ain't some bullshit meme magic this is premo pepperoni
Just wait for the swing.
>angel of anti-depressants*
You’re a gay cunt.
Do not take these all they is wack static from the ash pile.
Jesus Christ the filth!
Good lord clean your room you fucking faggot.
Nope, just want to fuck the succubus and save the planet.
Whats your deviant art account?
Degit don't mean shit unless the Lord wills it, he has creative control it's a collab
Night lads
I ain't looking for porn this some real deviant shit right here. I am trying to sommon a succubus with pineal gland and I ain't take no for an answer.
Of the dark lord if you shape up.
What am i looking at?
>Why does that trigger you?
Not at all, it's just retarded and so are you.
Op wants to save the world and get his dick sucked by a succubus so I need to drag an army ship worthy Mason's out of you. Build the whole damn house a new.
Meet the bag of bones here to bring new life.
pretty sure putting a baseball bat up your ass isn't quantum energy
No but bashing that pedo podesta the pizza molester would be.