I am an 18 year old high school senior, and I have a plan to slowly redpill these four white women who I sit next to in one of my classes. It sounds tard-tier at first, but bear with me, I think it actually has some potential. I am kind of the quirky-funny one of the group, so I've started telling them a "fact of the day." I am starting off with innocent, non controversial facts, and will slowly progress into facts such as "There is enough genetic variation between the races for them to be considered separate subspecies." My question is, what are some normie-friendly facts and statistics that I can use to gradually redpill these women on the topics of race realism, the necessity of white survival, and possibly even traditionalism?
I am an 18 year old high school senior...
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holy fuck your autistic, get a grip
They're going to report you to the office, get a grip dude, it's not worth ruining your life over.
Just keep your head down, study, take action, and try and do the best you can to get a job with the cia, or another government agency.
you have a huge opportunity here, don't blow it.
You sound like a complete moron.
You and your stupid anarcho-capitalist flag, the fact that you're some dumb student, the fact that your only goal is to bang some whores with your shitty ideology and made-up "facts".
You guys truly deserve to die for Israel, it's not even a joke at this point.
This is retarded. You're a tool. Godspeed and good luck
This is extremely autistic dude, don't fucking do this lmao
Thank god autism isn't contagious because we would all have contracted it by now.
I made a Dutch dyke admit she was scared of migrants to me. Use the feels, it's the only thing that works.
Thanks for something constructive m8
In terms of ignoring human biodiversity, the left got themselves seriously fucked up trying to frame Neanderthals as a separate species.
they're too similar in age to you to take you seriously, unless you've got some major talents or success. I'd suggest showing them videos of black girls chimping out on white girls or each other
nice pic though
dont try to teach women anything, they arent to be taught. they will follow naturally strong leaders and adopt their viewpoints, they wont do their own thinking. sad to say but thats just the truth really.
you could mention the main point of this picture
Tell them that the first country in the world to ban vivisection was Germany in 1934. Let their brains put the rest together.
If there's one thing chicks hate more than the risk of being unpopular it's animal cruelty.
>I'm an 18 year old with basically nothing to my name, give me some whistleblows I can throw out to ruin my life and any chances of a decent career
we're not in this for the lulz you retard
several level one redpills incoming
the best way to redpill them is to be the best white man you can be. you're young, lifting eill pay easy dividends and your school provably has a gym. answer your teachers questions confidently and correctly. lead class discussions with mature redpill arguments.
godspeed user
don't redpill women unless you're dicking them
No fun facts. If anything light “how you ever noticed...”
Sadly, I'm going to have to agree with the others. Hide your power level at all costs, user. It's not worth the risk. The fact of the day is a very good idea tho. I do similar things with my already redpilled girlfriend to grow her knowledge and really reinforce our worldview. I know it might seem like you're not doing anything productive in the movement, but that's incorrect. Every single one of us is important. Don't forget that, user.
Stay strong. Hide your power level.
like the other user said to use emotions their emotions to break the indoctrination. Nothing has a quicker and longer lasting affect like violence against innocence. Find some vids of Africans necklacing (tire and fire) or vids of fights. There's enough content out there
If you think facts can redpill women, then you don't understand women.
seriously tho, dont try to redpill women. they either are or arent, but its not worth the effort. feels always wins vs reals in their minds. its just biology. lead by example and they will naturally follow, but dont go full nazi in public ever.
not really a redpill but a huge load combined with an attractive body and they'll probably be hanging on to your every word.
Also read "The Multi Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams
Get them to watch this.
You watch it too
Bro. KYS. Start working out and stop trying to RedPill 4 blonde women in your class. Youre going to look like a retard.
the way you tell lefty pol from actual anons is they can't recognize a fun larp when they see it
the left won't know fun even if it was their wife's boyfriend
Why not both? If he's fucking them they're probably more likely to like what he has to say
just make sure you bang them all, if you know what I mean
I'm not by any means a Nazi myself, so there is no danger of me going that extreme on them. I'm friends with these people. I can get somewhere if I work slowly.
tell them that studies have shown that women were happier as a whole back in the 1950's then today. Also good luck to you, trying to redpill four white women at once is more than what most people on /pol can accomplish
Stop worrying about what women are doing. Focus on your self, save money, and get your self secure. Get fit. A well made man is worth following; the right people will draw themselves to you if you are consciously making an effort to focus on your goals and aspirations i.e. bettering your self and becoming successful
i'm inferring by you pointing out the fact that the women are white is that you, in fact, are not white. stick to your own kind.
Everyone knows what you mean.
What would this have do with his career you idiot? Employers won't know about some conversation he had with roasties when he was 18.
the only way to redpill women is with your DICK
Tell them women are inferior to men
They respect that, they will think you're alpha
thats why its important to use emotion when redpilling. It is pretty easy considering redpills by nature are emotional, you just have to know how to present them as such
I'm white, and quite fit, I work out often, and am well spoken. I have a lot of the attributes that help me be more convincing. That is why I am trying to use them.
You forgot about the ignore women part.
just rape them user
listen OP, while it may appear that there is a lot of vulgar mysoginism in this thread, it is based in some truth. women are not logical by nature. redpilling them with facts is counterproductive. like other anons are saying, lead by example and they will naturally follow the tingles in their vagoos. i know it sounds bad but thats just a hard truth you have to learn. truth is a terrible thing, it has great destructive power, it can deconstruct you you are as a person and send you into a downward spiral. dont put this burden on the woman, dont be angry that this is their nature, in the same way you arent angry at an animal for doing what it does because that's it's nature. sorry that us anons couldnt provide what you were looking for but we have to work from the shadows for now until the overton window is shifted. if you want to spend effort redpilling people stick to your white friends. let them know gradually about those topics you mentioned until they naturally learn the truth about the JQ.
last one; knowledge; intent; determination; KNOW and DO.
You're doing gods work user. I hope all young anons screen cap this.
Go for it faggot.
>dont go full nazi in public ever.
I did this in high school because I was an edgelord and nothing bad happened to me. I heard a jewish kid wanted to fight me but must of pussied out.
Can't redpill women. It's better if you try to redpill their boyfriends.
I think I'm going to tell them stories and show pictures about what is happening to whites in South Africa. It should tug at the heart strings and hopefully evoke some racial consciousness.
tell em the wonders of sweden
If you think women can be redpilled then you are not redpilled yourself.
I understand it's not easy. If I can even give them so unconscious biases that will affect who they marry and have children with, I have won.
Good idea. I'll make sure to tell them about the mass rapes in Sweden and Germany.
Cringe Award goes to ... OP
>unconscious bias
Its already been stated but who you are and who you want to be is the best representation of the ideal you carry.
nice gif
Try with comparations betwen animals , then slowly if you can get the discution to human races.
Jesus Christ is the Life, the Way, and the Truth and you must repent or you will die.
3 An undisciplined child is a disgrace to its father;
if it be a daughter, she brings him to poverty. 4 A thoughtful daughter obtains a husband of her own;
a shameless one is her father’s grief. 5 A hussy shames her father and her husband; she is despised by both.
Sirach 22: 3-5
ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja!
Get a load of this autistic fuck.
Enjoy being an incel you dumb inbreed hick.
There's a great deal of wisdom in this, but the choice isn't so diametric. What we can't expect it to wholly or instantly win women over by rational argument. That doesn't mean little tidbits, as the OP suggests, aren't effective. They've proved very effective in my experience, especially if you are also making their reproductive organs tingle. Down the road when the overton window has moved further, messaged will resonate with these earlier planted seeds. Examining how cultural forces work reveals the validity of this.
The other big point is to give them info on their figure children. Bring to their rational minds the consequences to intelligence and beauty of miscegenating, etc... Make it vivid and emotive.
15There is no poison worse than that of a serpent,
no venom greater than that of a woman.
16I would rather live with a dragon or a lion
than live with a wicked woman.a
17A woman’s wicked disposition changes her appearance,
and makes her face as dark as a bear.
18When her husband sits among his neighbors,
a bitter sigh escapes him unawares.
19There is hardly an evil like that in a woman;
may she fall to the lot of the sinner!
20Like a sandy hill to aged feet
is a garrulous wife to a quiet husband.
21Do not be enticed by a woman’s beauty,
or be greedy for her wealth.
22Harsh is the slavery and great the shame
when a wife supports her husband.
23Depressed mind, gloomy face,
and a wounded heart—a wicked woman.
Drooping hands and quaking knees,
any wife who does not make her husband happy.
24With a woman sin had a beginning,
and because of her we all die.*
25Allow water no outlet,
and no boldness of speech to a wicked woman.
26If she does not go along as you direct,
cut her away from you.
Sirach 25: 15-26
Guy women are only as red pilled as the Chad they're fucking. Unless they're a virgin their brains are not capable of understanding the facts you'll give them.
Jew detected.
Think in term's of Plato's formulation of women being, in part, "lesser men".
You can't win them over by rational argument alone, but if you are considerably attractive to them, and couch your rational discourse with enough emotive force, they can have some positive utility down the road. Remember, prior/initial exposure and repetition are key propaganda principles.
Especially speak of their future children in your formulations (in a round about way often - so not always addressing them personally). Skillfully birth in their minds how, whatever you are talking about, will positively or negatively effect their children - from genetics to societal factors.
>be polfag sitting next to white wommins
>consider strategies for espousing rightwing viewpoints instead of insemination
Great plan. 10/10