Sup Forums here. Recently started visiting Sup Forums and all of you seem to hate the Jews so much. Why is that. Where can I learn more about them?
Sup Forums here. Recently started visiting Sup Forums and all of you seem to hate the Jews so much. Why is that...
Other urls found in this thread:
all u need to know
Forget jews, this is now a penis reaction thread
Shill thread until proven otherwise
As an anti-White, do you agree White countries should be permitted to say no to mass immigration and "assimilation" without being call NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS like all the non-White countries are permitted?
because of this
No we don't hate the jews. We love the Ashkenazi jewish MILKERS. But jews hate white people, that's a solid observation! We don't know how we can solve these relations without ovens.
and this
Jews made all dubbed anime and censored all the burgers into burgers.
They're losers who have no way to feel good about themselves so they have to hate people they've never met and assume they're all lesser despite having no actual actions by individuals that would make them deserve to be hated
The fuck are you talking about? OP asked about jews. Drop some redpills, not sperg out like a fucking retard.
OP never said he supported mass immigration or even mentioned muh nazis and muh 6 gorrilion.
I actually recently came back from a 2 week trip to Japan. It just felt really nice there as a homogeneous society.
I live in California (Los Angeles) and I'm starting to get really annoyed with all the liberal talk here. Was never into politics but slowly learning things
and this .
watch this short video
Go back
New York City.
oh shit
Culture of Critque has the answers you seek.
It's all lies and shills from Hillary's campaign. Real Sup Forums loves Jews because Trump loves Jews. Jews are the best thing to ever happen to white people.
Now, Sup Forums is by default a bit more cautious of the possible intent and their ethnic background as a possible reason for certain actions.
Sup Forums often oversteers about jews, but that won't make them innocent. Many Jews advocate open Borders, cultural Marxism and have position in Media, the Legislative and Academia.
A head figure of International "Jewry" would be George Soros, who has funded refugees to get boating to reach europe, but most Boats were intentionally faulty so our Good-goy news can report on washed up children bodies and how its our responsibillity to stop their suffering.
The Jew kills his enemy without firing a single Bullet, he turns Mother against Son, Daugher against State and morally breaks the host Society and fills it with not only different but hostile cultures to the host nation's, changing the Face of the Nation without being able to revert it.
>Why is that
Baby penis cut and suck ethnic cult that exhibits group think and collective victimization while simultaneously attacking people for even thinking about acting clique like.
You didn't know that jew(ish) inbreds are pedophiles? Wonder why the media never reported how many cases of herpes and deaths have happened due to their rote 'tradition' of shoving their progenies' member in the mega kikels mouth for the past 5000 years.
Imagine being a little shlomo. On your 8th day all the men from your tribe in current year +3 get together to watch you get initiated into your ethnic cult. Some old man rips your clothing off and cuts your foreskin off, saving it for Mrs. Shekelsteinberowitz's facial cream, then lick his kike lips while he lunges mouth first for your kikel kock. Josiah and his brother, I mean grandfather, what's the difference, fap furiously in the corner while you scream.
This is the first step in understanding the pathology of the kike.
Now are the Jews a race of people or a religious group? What country do Jews come from? Israel? Why do they have such contempt with people that are not Jewish?
Was Hitler justified in hating the Jews?
speak for yourself, all kikes are cancer
decide for yourself OP
jews are a race (not white)
What? You never noticed the big nosed villains? Like in Evangelion, usually people with great political power are like this, who you think the japanese are pointing to?
Kinda both, you see those who deceive you are not only siting in Tel Aviv, they've migrated to germany before ww2, you might spot a jew by his name... A german-jew has a jiddish name which is pretty much an blend of jewish german, they often have german names or misspelled german names. Schwartz (schwarz = black) or Roth (like in Rothchild, but rot means red) then there the obvious Stein, Berg, Gold, Silber-names that have generated when Names were professions and have gotten these because of them being influential Merchants.
Now, these jews in american are more than likely not ethnic jews anymore, but still are religious jews. They still uphold a moral code to speak for white people and tell them to stop being so "white" or "masculine" while reinforcing a black man to be as savage as he can be, because "he can't help it"
Obviously for every jew saying stuff like that, there are millions of impressionable young people demanding to end "white privilege" because they've been told that white privilege is the original sin of every white man and he has to be put in cages for it.
It's not a simple matter to discuss for pollacks, you see.
Read resp. Listen to “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion“
... and shit bricks.
It's all in there. It's from 1901 resp 1905 but it's ALL in there.
It's also in there, how it's all gonna end ...
You find it on yube.
It will change your live.
I still havent stomached it.
And no it cannot be a forgery because it was created and even published after it leaked BEFORE it all started happening as layed out in the protocols. The process is ongoing and what we see now is the last phase of destruction of the states, before they start the total revolution sumiltaneously in all countries in the west, then the total starvation, then the absolute ultraautoritarian regime led by them.
Again.: learn / listen / read the protocols n shit bricks forever.
jews hate non jews because they are literally insane (from inbreeding) and because they are thought to hate gentiles by their "holy book"
ah I remember my first JQ redpill thread
very eye opening i hope you see the light OP
>Jews are prone to Schizophrenia
It's almost like some Races have inherit differences, Traits and abillities...
Obviously a black man and a white man can be schizo too, but you find me a /MLP/ fan that is black and has a high-protein diet and has a good social life, then you can finally convince me that these magical unicorns exist that tells me that our difference mean nothing.
Just keep your eyes and ears open and you'll learn all you need to know. Remember - not all Jews are sneaky, conniving thieves out to steal your shekels and undermine your culture, just like not all Blacks are violent, shiftless niggers... but stereotypes exist for a reason and you'd be a fool to ignore them.
Pretty agreeable statement and in difference to tinfoil-people, not autistically paranoid.
Hitler did not "hate" jews. He recognized their predisposition to corrosive and destabilizing of National harmony through Marxist teachings etc. He worked out a plan to ship most jews of Europe to the middle east or Madagascar.
you'll find with the evidence provided in this thread that jews are in fact destructive and destabilizing of National identity/harmony. Do yes not only was Hitler justified in attempting to expel the non native jewish population but so were the dozens of prior Nations who kicked the jews out hundreds of times.
Gelatin Art Group WTC, Mossad agents filming the twin towers the day of the 9/11 attacks. Look it up. Shall i continue?
They are only a religious group in the nominal sense. Think of it this way. Is there such a thing as an atheist catholic or an atheist muslim? Why is are there so many atheist jews?
It's a religion that is centered around themselves and their collective ethnicity or race.
Jews are eternal wanderers, kicked out of most of their 'homes', a rootless international clique with no base until recently.
The contempt for the goyim is driven by their cult's adherence to being god's chosen people. Everyone else is chattel for them to control.
Hitler pointed out many sound and valid reasons to hate this cult. Their hypocrisy and outright refusal to examine their group's own actions without throwing out the holocaust red herring is a continuing source of Sup Forums memes.
Looks like im being monitered. My posts are failing to load and im being returned server errors. :^) Hi JIDF.
Sup Forums here, fuck off.
I agree. Krieg bis Sieg
It's because the Jews melted the steel bars on the World Trade Center
Just read this and check the sources and names yourself. Plenty of good info in here, some of it is unproven though (as far as I can tell) like the kike taking small pox blankets from the infirmary and passing them out to native american tribes.
The Jews are using Funimation/Crunchyroll/etc to finance/Hijack/Take over Japanese anime now.
Don't take my word for it, it's said by one of the Japanese directors who are inside the industry.
Oh fucking hell.
That looks like a fucking hamas headband on her leg
R o l l for m i l k e r s
>Russian troll from /a here to troll and slide
Spasibo Boris
>mfw one of my best friends is Jewish
>mfw he's a pyro and wants to light (((Jews))) on fire
I'm pretty sure that One Piece is gonna talk about how jews ruined the world
Its all there, they just need to connect the dots
Then Japan will truly believe
The (((World Government))) is more than an allegory or cohencidence
Now that you mention it does make sense. It would be simple for Oda to write the story like that.
It's not completely hopeless. Their weakness is being exposed and exposured to the public.
Name the Jew, and name all the anime they are financing, every season.
One Piece is already compromised.
Fishman arc was Babling some nonsense about taking precaution so that racism and hatred (Hody) doesn't take root in your country.
This is very informative Sup Forums thanks. Another question I had was how exactly did the Jews rise to power if they were constantly kicked out from every country they stayed in. Assuming every country kicked them out knowing the dangers they posed towards the host country.
But it showed that hodie's hate was very irrational and not based on facts
I think the fishmen are included so everyone can have their own nationalism and fight against the world gov
They arent particularly likable, but its important that they have their own sovereignty, just way the hell away from civilized people
>But it showed that hodie's hate was very irrational and not based on facts
And thus manipulating the viewer/reader against what he stands for.
Make them oppose ethnic purity/homogeneous societies.
Do you not understand what manipulation is?
To say the viewer to sympathise a certain point of view.
The British/Americans handed them power over the world.
For cheap oil.
Now the USA is 56%, and UK is being raped out of existence.
The Anglo are paying dearly for their ancestor's foolish decisions.
>if they were constantly kicked out from every country they stayed in
This didn't happen, they obviously stayed in many countries.
Just look at the US today, they obviously accepted Jews into their country and did nothing to stop them from Influencing their politics and financial system.
There is a very good reason the US is financing Israeli wars.
Thats not how I saw it
Hodie is the epitome of black hate and jealousy
Its obviously very irrational, he tries to hurt people who are trying to help him
Its not like the fishmen are even multicultural, people just pass through there
Anyways, the ponyglyphs will reveal what happened in the lost century, and I bet it will be a mirror of the jewery that happened in the 20th century and thats why it had to be hidden
White American people that experience Japan inevitable start to wish they could have that because it's fucking beautiful Bros. I'm convinced it's the entire reason Jared Taylor is a thing.
>White American people that experience Japan inevitable start to wish they could have that
That's funny, because white Liberals also flock to Japan to destroy Japanese homogeneity.
being forced to move constantly,they became skilled merchants and were the main drivers for the slave trades and other such profitable markets
they found their way back in through "merchant" practices and finances. They were always involved in/with European finances. They funded wars that would destabilize the region so they could make their way back in. The Napoleonic wars etc were financed by jews.
AndThey are led by a Jew.
Of course. Of course they are lead by a Jew.
Every single time.
jews are doing to whites what whites did to us. so they are fucking based
I understand your point of view, as I also hail from a western colony.
I don't entirely care all that much about the fate of the west. But I will get severely pissed is Japan is destroyed by the Jew.
>more garbage with no confirmation
cite sources you nigger mongrels
I really don't think jews are trying to teach us how to use the toilet
retarded christfags wouldnt let christians bank
>says nothing about the nigger hate
You should watch this movie sometime:
It's a very beautiful movie.
No nonsense about rebelling against traditional marriage, unlike the corrupted Disney abomination.
No nonsense about baiting women into hating men, unlike the corrupted Disney abomination.
The Chinese are "manipulated" into patriotism and love for the country.
The west are manipulated into wars between men and women.
you really dont even understand disneys mulan if you think mulan didnt want to get married, she was just a fucking sperg who didnt want her grandpa to die.
none of that is a source for the image. a source is something that explains how such assertions are indeed facts.
JIDF pls go
Retarded kike. I wasn't the one who posted the image. It's not on me to prove anything.
I simply lay down the evidence of westen trash corrupted by jews, vs original story.
Brother Nathanael offers a wonderful inside view into the world of Jewry, from a former Jew, now an Orthodox Christian.