NRA is racist

So basically Sup Forums and the NRA is only for the second amendment when it applies to straight white males. If Women, Gays, and People of color started buying guns, The NRA would be calling for gun control.
In Chicago hundreds of guns are confiscated from low income black people who are just trying to protect themselves are their property. It is disgusting that the NRA isn't advocating for them.

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Women, Gays, and Niggers aren't militia. You'd never see them take part in any sort of uprising.

Thanks for proving my point. I'll be sure to add this quote in my upcoming article about racism and sexism in the gun community.

I have more to add if you're interested.

NRA lobbies for those that provide funding.

I don't see the mainstream media too concerned about the black on black murder rate.

Who is confiscating the guns from black people in Chicago? The black democratic government of Chicago.

But, who cares? Not me my friend.


Before you shit on the source I went with literally the first Google result for NRA minority membership. The problem isn't that the NRA isn't trying to be inclusive. You are jumping to conclusions. Is the fish market in Tokyo racist or is its demographic make up based on its environment? You people will yluse any excuse to explain away ethnic violence by pic, but will make absolutely no effort to understand any "white"problem and will immediately jump to racism. It's lazy and it's part of the problem.

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Show your flag.

The NRA is a member based organization and as such reflects its membership. Women and gays are less common gun owners because they fail to overcome subcultural in-group taboos regarding gun ownership. People of color have a different cultural stigma attached to gun ownership, which is linked to criminal activity, illegality and gangsterism.

You're also missing the point of the organization. The NRA was founded by Union Civil War veterans who realized northern boys were terrible marksman, and it cost them in the war against much more adept southern boys. It later morphed into the civil liberties oriented organization that exists today, but it remains as a bulwark to advance the interests of its membership: non-criminal gun owners. Period.

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Fucking autocorrect.

Also women and gays are predominantly Democrats. That makes them much less likely to be gun owners and much more likely to be pro gun control.

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Guns can also kill deplorables,” uneducated, ignroant, racists, homophones, xenophobes, bigots, rednecks, and mouth breathing knuckle-draggers. I'll take no sides and what the show!

Also, Ur mom gay!

let me ask you something. What happens if trump goes full fascist and makes it legal to kill all minorities? Would the 2nd amendment be necessary in a situation like that? simple yes or no question btw

>If Women, Gays, and People of color started buying guns, The NRA would be calling for gun control.
2nd sentence, already the lie / strawman.

No need to argue against a lie.

Btw: gays, niggers, jews etc are all racist because they hate the NRA only because many white men are membets.

Die racist scum ! Time to bash leftist skulls in!

Exactly, These morons don't know history for shit!


This is really just the same tired refrain of leftists advancing a retarded premise that validity or truth of an idea is dependent on the racial or gender composition of those who advocate for it.

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some women are ok to have guns
the point is to keep the guns away from violent, unstable and mentally ill people
fags, shitskins and some women fall into at least one of those categories

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His mom gay?

Yankee marshal, is that you?

>In Chicago hundreds of guns are confiscated from low income black people who are just trying to protect themselves are their property. It is disgusting that the NRA isn't advocating for them.
Do they own those guns legally? Or did they buy them from the street? Wtf you think? Chitown, as the young folks like to call it, has some of the most strict gun control but yet ends up with more gun deaths than the past two US wars. Add that in your article you cuck.

I tell niggers and faggots they should buy a gun every single day I see them. I especially like saying it to young black women, because you can see the cognitive dissonance crashing behind their eyes. It's pretty simple. If you really think the cops are rayciss and just want to murder black people, you should have a gun more than anyone else so you can protect yourself. It's so much fun to watch them sputter in the face of irrefutable logic.

Nigga, you are taking my guns out of my cold body!
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Not one Sig

Truly the white mans firearm


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> If
> would be

Ahhhh I love when liberals in hypothetical world to justify their anger and taking rights away.

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P226 master race

If Trump is Hitler and Hitler killed millions of people therefore they should use all means to remove Trump.

You been drinking? Cheers! Have a flammenwerfer.


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The state of American education

I hate these people they don't know the feeling of living a country where anymore can walk to you and shoot you! I will defend the US with my life!

If Hitler killed millions I want trump to do the same

that's no the point bro; the point is the left was to remove the guns and trump is hitter. we know Hitler was control opposition/

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Women and niggers, being subhuman, have never built any form of civilization. Once this is understood we can begin to study why they hold no personal responsibility to maintain the ones we are in through labor or with force

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>pol is one person.

This is why the MSM has a less than 10% trust rating.

>250lb man breaks into my house
>sheriff takes 30 mins to get here
>SIG takes seconds
This is the real world,jerk.Get out of your bubble!

I'm under 5'0 and under 70lbs. I got FREE training from the NRA when I couldn't afford it,they are the good guys.I will not be left defenseless because some smug Ivory Tower elitist in their soy-latte echo chamber cities thinks so. You can go be an authoritarian- bootlicker somewhere else!
You can quote THAT in your aticle,CHUMP!!!! Welcome to Texas!

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>it's disgusting NRA doesnt advocate for people who don't pay their membership fees.
Makes me wonder.

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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wtf I'm a commie now?

>pass background check
>buy gun legally
>safely store and use said gun

NRA supports this behaviour all day every day

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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Please write that a black mexican told you to suck a big block cock, you piece of shit, get your jew ass out here!

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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You’re a Racist

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People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: adamsliberty.png (512x384, 197K)

>So basically Sup Forums and the NRA is only for the second amendment when it applies to straight white males. If Women, Gays, and People of color started buying guns, The NRA would be calling for gun control.
there's no such thing as racism, pleb. its ingroup preference, so lurkmoar faggot. the idea that the nra would act differently because of identity politics local to parasite culture is just retarded.

>In Chicago hundreds of guns are confiscated from low income black people who are just trying to protect themselves are their property. It is disgusting that the NRA isn't advocating for them.
citation needed, nigger

The militia, in the 18th century sense of the term, being the whole of the armed citizenry interested and able (i.e. well regluated meaning "functioning as intended") in contributing to the collective defense of civil society, meaning women, gays and niggers aren't militia because they won't contribute to the collective defense in any meaningful way. Women and gays are too useless and effete, while niggers are niggers, and won't lift a finger to help protect the same society they depend on for gibs - hell, they loot their own communities any chance they get.

It's not racist or misogynistic, or emotionally charged - it's just realistic. It's just the way it reality is and all we can do is acknowledge it.

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People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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Black white I don’t give a crap what you are buy as many guns as you want just don’t point it at me.

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: henryliberty2.jpg (691x1024, 79K)

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: jeffersonliberty.jpg (480x360, 14K)

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: jeffersonliberty2.jpg (300x496, 34K)

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: jeffersonliberty3.jpg (480x480, 43K)

>imposes alien and sedition acts on you
Adams always irks me.

>People of color
Welcome new friend, but we generally call them niggers here.
And yes the nogs roasties and fags are more then welcome to buy guns.

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People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: jeffersonliberty-hd.jpg (3840x2160, 1.96M)

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

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>If Women, Gays, and People of color started buying guns, The NRA would be calling for gun control.

Nope, the NRA loves it when ANY legal, law-abiding citizen buys a gun to use responsibly. But, since women, niggers and fags are all terribly irresponsible, with the nigger demographic usually wanting illegal guns to use for illegal activity, that's the issue going on here. Which makes it that the NRA is simply logical and not wanting retards to own guns.

them 150 dollar high points are crazy. Not going to lie... I rented one at the range, fired insanely good for the price, so I bought one. Has not let me down at the range any time I go. I don't get the hate, other than the look.

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: franklin-vs-obama.jpg (564x661, 69K)

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: franklinauthority.jpg (564x437, 25K)

People have forgotten the importance and reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment. This is the quote from Founding Fathers themselves when they wrote it. Spread this around social media.

Attached: jefferson-vs-obama.jpg (640x638, 63K)

just confiscate guns from niggers, spics and white trash people with extensive criminal records, problem solved.

but no, the shameless leftists must disarm the law abiding citizen that never did anything wrong to warrant the revoking of their rights... makes so much sense!

You do relise that the NRA was founded w/the specific purpose of teaching freed slaves how to use guns, RIGHT?

>black property
Property cant have property, my memetic friend.

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Nice source, faggot.
>Goes to Sup Forums
>Oy very, look at these racist gun owners!
What a fucking dumbass.

Black problems are tiresome. Go away.

Ignore him. Spread the Founding Fathers' quotes around social media and other threads.
Make them either side with the Founding Fathers or against.
Make normies understand the reasoning and importance of 2nd Amendment when the Founding Fathers wrote it.

OP you are completely mischaracterising the NRA and you are full of shit.

Also OP is a faggot. OP is always a faggot.

If the NRA was racist then they'd argue to let those niggers keep their guns so they can continue to murder each other indiscriminately

Why limit yourself to quotes from other anons? You can just shitpost all the quotes you need yourself! You could for example post
>I'm an NRA member and I despise niggers.
Then you just quote it in your article. Enjoy.