What does /po/ think/know about Mexico?

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sorry about typo

Need to see some origami first

>/po/ kek

I don’t know what I think of Mexico. Generally, I like Mexicans. I think the country is poor and helplessly fucked by politicians and the drug trade.

Tell me stuff I don’t know Mexico

mexico le pertenece al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador.

la presidencia de la república le pertenece al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador.

la cámara de diputados le pertenece al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador.

Viva el Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador

High levels of corruption
Absolutely savage criminals
Widespread degeneracy
Lovely food

As a Mexican I'll say this, culture and food is great, there are cities and people with lots of money and nice shit but yeah most people are poor, and you are right, conformist attitude of the people has kept shameless corrupt politicians in power...though some socialist shit is making waves in this election, lets hope we dont become a fucking venezuela if he wins

callese a la verga pendejo

I think it’s a place where you can either die a painful diarrhea death from the water or an even more painful dismemberment at the hands of the drug lords.

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People drink coka cola instead of water, and everyone is diabetic and fat.

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In the US the drug trade violence is portrayed as widespread - is it really that bad? On the economic side, I’ve always felt terrible that so many people are in poverty due to corruption and fuckery. I’ve always looked at illegal immigration as a gauge of poverty - like who would want to walk through the desert, risk their lives to wash dishes for half minimum wage? There must be no hope.

Your soldiers salute my elders in Camerone. Looks like your people have memory, kinda like it.

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todo meco, pinche amlo nos va a chingar a todos dejese de mamadas

Oh no Mexico. All hope is lost when you let blacks become people. Just look at us.

Todos los gringos son una bola de pendejos por dejar que los judíos dominen todo lo relacionado al dinero y política y permitir que sus hijos crezcan junto a los negros del norte de áfrica, y todos en el sur de la región deberían morir porque son unos afeminados.

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the drug trade varies with who's in power, if people in power can/are bought by the cartels, there's peace, if those in power wanna be dumb and try to fight it, there'll be tons of deaths...and yes, while a lot of americans hate immigrants, its honestly just people trying to escape poverty and find a new, better life in the US

AMLO te cocha pendeja.


los gringos son pendejos porque no tienen identidad y todos se odian alv, tan siquiera nosotros sabemos que nos chingan pero seguimos siendo mexicanos siono raza

Is it really that bad? well not rhodesian war tiers of bad where blacks were openly killing farmers on their houses 24/7 but a lot of innocent people get killed and kidnapped everyday funny thing is we also suffer from one thing that ruins our youth culture and that is allowing shows that portray drugs dealers as ultra powerfull beings that can make every honest cop shut up and have a lot of money.

Go ask them, they'll probably tell you to come back here though.

arre vamos a ver quien anda de chillon cuando nos hagamos otra pinche venezuela

Ay si wey. Si en México existe mas racismo y regionalismo que en EU

AMLO es un nationalista que quiere poner a Mexico primero. Es mejor que cualquiera de los globalistas capitalistas a quien se las chupas wey

don't drink the water

unless you're from michigan, then it's an improvement

hay racismo pero no es igual al de estados unidos

They’re not sending their best


Pronto, México verá el cambio. Es hora de que el país despierte.

no cabron, mexicanos se odian mas, por eso tenemos esas pendejadas de norte vs sur, indos vs blanocs, chilangos vs todos

ok no, es socialista y punto, y no se la estoy chupando a nadie pero cualquier pendejo capitalista es mejor que ese wey

I’m in Texas so my thoughts on illegals is different than some. I know people who were looking just to survive... their choice was starve in Mexico or risk their life getting to the US so that maybe they can make it and their children can have a life. They get here and take shit jobs at shit pay and get fired constantly so employers can get in trouble for having illegals.

Sure there are tons of shit bag illegals. And unfortunately shit bag 2nd generation. I guess the world is a fucked up place. I’m lucky I have the things and opportunities that I have.


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seas mamon pendejo

Dios bendiga que nosotros si tenemos bolas para matar pinches negros y judios y tambien ponemos a nuestras mujeres en su lugar.

>en el trabajo o con amigos
>"no seas judio user tu tambian aporta"
>"me pusieron a trabajar como pinche negro"

At least our water don't turn our men into soy's.

i love how its impossible to translate mexican spanish kek

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En Mexico se descrimina al indigena sin esconderlo. El blanco es glorificado. Aunque sea en EU tratan de esconder el racismo. En Mexico les vale verga

saquese a la verga puto

Es nacionalista y anti gloablista. Te gusta oh no. Es mejor que cualquier de las ratas del pri y los globalistas del pan. Asi que callate alv y dame las nalgas, que se me hace que tu eres morra

Are you guys trying to conquer California and Texas with illegal immigration so you could annex them to Mexico?

pues si pero como no hay negros ni nada, no hay crimenes racistas como con los gringos

No veo la diferencia, un pueblo realmente unido y con identidad colaboraría en destituir del poder a la burguesía corrupta.

Esto no sucede en México, simplemente es otro país capitalista como Estados Unidos pero con menor desarrollo en el que el narcotráfico mantiene una guerra interna y repercute en el desarrollo cultural y nacionalismo patriótico.

Hay fuerte división socioeconómica en México al igual que en Estados Unidos, lástima de país, demos esperanza a un cambio al elegir a López Obrador como presidente.

at least they're not canada


Perhaps that’s were I have some more respect for real Mexicans. Men are men and women are women. But when you get 2nd and 3rd generation in the US they start to become some real pussies with both genders becoming worthless.

Pero se la chupan a los blancos y descriminan a sus indígenas

Mexicans are fine. Illegal fucks are a problem. Even you Mexicans hate Illegals in your own country. What the fuck do you think of all those Haitian niggers in Mexicali?

or germany

Hopefully not, those retards keep saying they should make USA territory become part of Mexico again while they also forget they are the ones that ran away from our nation like the rats they are and once all their minority privileges dissapear and they will be forced to work they will be the first to cry about it.


no me chingues, es socialista hasta la prole lo sabe, y como todo wey que no es pendejo sabe, el socialismo no funciona...y no sea joto, soy macho

yo se la chupo a los blancos

eso si, odio cuando veo pinches prietas con pelo pintado rubio o que tengan lentes de contactos de color pinche asco

Mira, así están las cosas, el negro estadounidense es el proletariado explotado, víctima de crímenes racistas, delincuente de pandillas. En México sufre de una coacción de parte de la estructura social, tiene que afrontar retos para superarse.

Bien meco el bato

>But when you get 2nd and 3rd generation in the US they start to become some real pussies with both genders becoming worthless.
Well color me fucking surprised could it be something abotu i don't know being exposed to special snowflake propaganda on schools made by the jews? maybe you should think about what caused them to become like this after 1 generation instead of blamming all mexicans as the chicano scum

yeah i can relate. i hate all those venezuelans that cross into colombia

Corrección, les chupan el pene a los estadounidenses o a los adinerados... que se llega a la conclusión que generalmente son blancos.

otro pendejo chupandosela al meco de amlo

I’ll tell you all I know about Mexico. You can probably find a taco for pretty cheap but it will give you diarrhea.

Ponte de rodillas pued putita

De que hablas communista pendejo

El socialismo funciona se le agregas nacionalismo

Yeah we use way to many insults that translate to literally nothing

They don't care about us, Sup Forums in the other hand...

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>getting diarrhea from eating tacos

If your colon is so weak to eat good food then you should stop eating other nations food.

eso si

>El socialismo no funciona
>soy macho

Justifícame de perdido el último enunciado con fundamentos aceptables.

Rightful "clay"

Todos los elites de México son blanquitos. Los fresitas, los que viven en fraccionamientos, los famosos. Poraue un pais de morenos si deja que lo controlen un grupito de blancos? Porque les gusta el pene blanco. Che malinches.

Lo dice el idiota que se fue a vivir a alemania donde protejen a los musulmanes pero dejan que las niñas sean violadas y todo el que levante la mano es arrestado por el servicio secreto que buena vida tienes.

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a ver wey, haz leido un libro de historia al caso? el socialismo no funciona, y menos va a funcionar en mexico, no tenemos los recursos

Ey, tú, alemana hispano-hablante. Le sugiero de la forma más amable, que masturbe mi pene hasta alcanzar el grado de erección sólida y lo meta en su boca para que mientras guarde silencio.

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end it beaner

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También esta el echo de que el socialismo empieza con la idea general de que TODOS renunciamos a nuestras cosas lujosas y que confiamos plenamente en el proletariado, pero olvidan que esta integrado en nuestra cultura la idea de apuñalar a todos por la espalda y noconfiar en nadie con tal de conseguir un sueldo para comprar la nueva troca que anuncian en la tele.

esta bien
conosco mi lugar en el mundo

>Mexico already have many fag pride parades exactly like canada ones

FUCK i blame you for this Canada.

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jajajaj la neta

Estoy en Alemania porque soy soldado, pendeja. Me vale verga este pais. Solo estoy aqui por el ejercito de el señor Trump me tiene aquí. Pero esta bien porque me puedo dejar caer a todos las putitas alemanas. Pero ya extrana a mis Mexicanas nalgona asi que empinate y dame esas nalgas pendeja.

El socialismo a funcionado en Alemania y Argentina con Peron. Solo tienes que agregarle nacionalismo. Asta con Cardenas funciono en Mexico

Orale pues puta. Empinese pues

>dejar caer a todos las putitas alemanas. Pero ya extrana a mis Mexicanas nalgona asi que empinate y dame esas nalgas pendeja.
Hablas como un pinche niño virgen en Facebook, ¿ya se te paso tu hora de dormir paco? los adultos estamos hablando aquí a diferencia de un maldito traidor que se unió a un ejercito extranjero.

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mira nomas para que te calles, digamos que ok A VECES puede funcionar, pero no mames, ahorita no va a funcionar en mexico

Tu madre chupa mi pito
Or something if the sort
(Teach me dirty words pls)

bien dicho carnal

you gringos wish your bad words were as good as ours

Yo ni naci en Mexico.porque me enlistaria en tu ejercito de narcos

it's basically run by white people who have been trying to make it work while infested with retarded beaners.

Why are you sending all your Mestizos here? We don't want them.

Mexicans in Mexico are fine but the spics here can fuck off back to Mexico.

Le soy boys le drumps le magapede XDDDD god you bastards sound like you grew without balls, you need to grow a pair at your insults for both friendly banter and actually insulting.

no pues ya nos dijiste todo lo que tenemos que saber, todo malinche

>el google translato spotted

If you were smart and ifyou were the president you should make a law that force a draft on every ilegal caught by ICE so they are forced to fight as some kind of penal legion so they can pay back uncle sam all those free benefits they got but nooooo think of those poor people feelings better deport them back safely and arrest them 1 month later

Google translate does not have mexican slang. Dumbass white cuck

That we need a third empire as SOON as possible, yes thanku

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Único Malinche eres tu que apoyas a globalistas en ves de un patriota como AMLO

So basically tell them all that if they come to America they will get jobs in our military!? That is the most retarded idea.

Literally said nothing about trump
But thanks for proving my assumption that all Mexicans are retards. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings with my first post, but please don't call the cops, they'll let their boss know you're a rat.

Ok Dimitriev, Putin no esta mirando, puedes dejar de LARPear como AMLO supporter

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