You know what they're doing pol
You know and you're ok with it
You know what they're doing pol
this is not new, whoever wrote this article is bogus.
Didn't he just say something about only something big will unite the country?
>blue beans never forget
>a new conspiracy theory
Major announcement coming next month. Could this be it?
Bluebeam was repurposed its not aliens anymore after podesta/blink182 fucked it up
This Crisis is already defeated.
The truth would horrify you.
not to worry, we are prepared, their shit will backfire, but when the time comes you must volunteer to help the normies
What happened, a journalist read Watchmen?
Does anyone else think these bullshit headlines are actively hurting foreign relations? Seeing "DRUMPF LITERALLY WANTS TO NUKE SWEDEN" in the headlines and then "According to an anonymous source on Reddit" buried in the article can't be good for America.
Sup Forums is an anti-establishment website
More like Watchman is based on a Journalist.
No bogpill pls
need some tips?
Folks, the fake alien invasion is just setting the stage to make us VULNERABLE to the REAL alien invasion the aliens are planning!
Alien memetic energy died some time ago.
They tried to get it to gain traction but no one's buying it...
> Muhh Ayyyys and chit
Anything written by the Express is only to be believed by complete fuckheads. It's about 1 step above the National fucking Inquirer.
Oh! That's the reason /ptg/ has been posted several thousand times
Project Bluebeam's been around for a long time.
pol failed to understand that drumpf was talking about going after mexican illegal aliens
How would a fake alien invasion even lead to world control? Everyone would know its fake because there would be no actual aliens attacking us. Just bombs going off that would explode like human made bombs. The entire idea is flawed and would never fool the world.
When I read about this back in 2009 the narrative went something like:
>government uses holograms and realistic sound effects to simulate alien invasion
>manipulate people's emotions with electromagnetic frequencies
>people feel sudden overwhelming dread and apprehension, making them think it's the real deal
>logic goes out the window because fear is our most powerful emotion, and it always overrides reason
>government enacts martial law under the guise of keeping everyone "safe"
Dont worry we will just wait for them to give us infinitely superior technologies to have better quality of life as their servants than we ever would without them
Couple hundred years time a human will be the President of the Galactic Federation
Do you think religious people would believe such nonsense
It will literally bring back blooshed crusade times again
>Trump activates it
>Find myself totally okay with all of this
>false flagging an alien invasion
How would that even work?
Try me.
>'stage' alien invasion
Don't they already have like 11 million of them
We already have an alien invasion....ICE is trying to fix that.
Yeah it's called "Project Bluebeam" it's been a thing in conspiracy circles forever. I think Muse even wrote a song about it. The idea is the military staging an alien invansion and then pretend fighting it off.
The problem here is that in today's world, everyone calls everything fake the second it happens. The massive scale of the light show/display couldn't go off without someone opening their mouth and saying something. I work in movie/film/music/concert production. Everyone's always snaping set photos when there are signs everywhere saying you'll get fired for it. Normies can't keep secrets.
They'd be live on Facebook from the alien spaceship while it was happening. We can't cover up anything or keep it a secret. Bluebeam is just a silly idea.
Who's to say it's all Americans? I see plenty of Clickbait in broken ass English.
The second anyone enacts martial law for any reason in the states, people would rebel for the sake of it. That's what a good number of people seem to be waiting for, confirming all their fears.
Is the Pleiadian Galactic council of light done bombing out the underground illuminati Reptilian bases?
What? Finally revealing to the world the reverse engineered UFOs they've gathered over the years? So what. Its about time.
Absolutely horrifying in an existential sense, not in a spicy enchilada sense.
>shock claim
who even reads this crap?
At this point actual aliens could actually invade and you’d have general threads on Sup Forums and YouTube pointing out the “inconsistencies” (and blaming Jews of course)
sorry bud, but watchmen came out in '86 - blue beam was presented in '94.
moore beat monast by 8 years...