Verbiage to convince a woman to have sex

Verbiage to convince a woman to have sex

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Wanna ride in my lambo and then come for some champagne in my penthouse?

Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

I've got some nice Bounty at my place. Want to try some? You do like Bounty, don't you?

>Verbiage: 1. (noun) speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions.
I don't think that's gonna work, user

Reparations white bitch, now!

hey baby wanna fly on my private jet to my vacation home in the maldives?


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Do you mind if I open carry?

>Unironically worked on Tinder dates in Seattle

Head back to my place for some coffee?

Sometimes the classics work best

You madman

I can buy another bottle


“I have $600.”

memes aside, if you have been playfully flirting already and are in a semi-private location lock eyes and say "I am going to mount you tonight"


I'm a male feminist

Woogaga daga waga, You must submit to da black benis filthy whitey!

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>Answer 2 am texts
>Walk over when they look you in the eye
>Say yes when they offer sex

These would have worked if I had wanted them to.

after getting eye contact and a smile from a slut walk up to slut, grab her by the pussy and say "let's me and you get out of here and do some fucking"


you're coming at this the wrong way

you shouldnt have to "convince" her, generally speaking, she will want to and you will want to, and you just initiate physically and she will either half-heartedly protest then acquiesce, or she will enthusiastically reciprocate

if you're not good looking or wealthy, this situation takes more time and effort to reach, and you'll have to be realistic and settle for somebody in your league. Spend some time with the girl, ask her out. If you don't bang the first date, keep trying, you can suggest cooking a meal together at one of your homes, that increases the intimacy and likeliness of her developing sexual desire

but you shouldn't need to bribe a woman with money or favors or anything, you CAN, but I think most men find that the transaction is ultimately unsatisfying. sex is not just wet friction on your dick, its also the social experience of affirmation, a fellow human *wants you back*. Do it in a real relationship, or even better, wait until marriage.

Now lets say you're married for a longtime and you and your wife aren't fucking as much, because she doesn't want to. That's a case where you genuinely do need to do some "convincing". But again, stay away from the transactional style, dont bribe her, dont let her use it as a bargaining tool. If your wife doesnt want to fuck you, ask yourself why. Are you guys out of shape and not attracted to each other much? Maybe you can push her and yourself to exercise. Are you guys having other problems in your relationship like finance, etc, so that bad feeling is preventing sex? In that case, make the argument that sex is important for overcoming arguments in a relationship, you have to reaffirm your love and care for each other in order to set aside your disagreement for a reconciliatory path


>you shouldnt have to "convince" her, generally speaking, she will want to and you will want to, and you just initiate physically and she will either half-heartedly protest then acquiesce, or she will enthusiastically reciprocate
Oh shit! I just realized that there were several occasions where girls were waiting for me to give them the D and I was out to lunch.

Highly recommend it, multiple benefits
>Threat of a gun is now in the mix
>Women are fucking stupid and even if they're "anti-gun" will think you're dangerous and cool

“Want me to give you the ol’ lick-a-roo?”

>let's not turn this rape into a murder
10/10 effectiveness

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show bobs lasagna

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do you root?

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Want to help save the white race?

you guys are hopeless
it depends on the context

Worked for the Irish prime minister's father.