It's fucking over.
I thought we were the state stopping this shit.
Illegal spics get licenses
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What's the fucking precedent for this
now they can vote
Absolute dogshit
We need to get rid of McCain, get our shit together and stop this nonsense
Would you prefer they don't get licenses/insurance and are not liable for an accident?
Arizona is slowly becoming Cuckexas 2.0 if they don't get rid of (((McCain)))
Who voted for those tyrants? Swamp monsters?
please do go on bitching about how this is the wetback's fault
this democrats are spinning around trying to win every election unfairly.
Doesn’t matter in the 12 or so no fault states
This is an extremely silly comment to make.
They shouldn't be here in the first place nigger
Kill yourself, user.
I think he'd prefer they go back to the country they're actual legal citizens of.
Also Tweet seems misleading. Just because Supreme Court isn't hearing the case, doesn't give credence to the lower court's ruling. Although the effect is essentially the same.
Yes, they would go to jail or get deported if they got into an accident
haha no they can't user
Why can't Arizona ignore a court order or Federal law like other states do?
Remember: Voter fraud is ok if the Democrats do it.
Give them a license I don’t give a crap have it say illegal in red letters
I know he's a huge cuck, but was he behind this bill?
Lmao no u can when he brings his entire family to move next door and park on your lawn
Is McCain really still alive? Like when's the last time he's shown himself in public?
>Just because Supreme Court isn't hearing the case, doesn't give credence to the lower court's ruling.
All of the lower courts are feeder courts to the Supreme Court; it's the aim of all lower-ranking judges to get promoted to the Supreme Court, and getting on the S.C.'s bad side would jeapordise that. Also, the Swamp Monster Supreme Court could overrule anything they wanted to at any time and often do.
could have spent the tax dollars on bullets or napalm to rid them of the earth instead
Those lads you're replying to must have read the O.P. wrong.
So, you guys use driver licences as voter IDs?
I would like to know this as well, since McCain seems to be irrelevant to the Supreme Fucking Court.
give them nothing but take from them everything
Idk if he has anything to do with it but he sure is a pain in the ass and needs to go
"Assimilation" is a code word for White Genocide.
State officials would be held in contempt of court, arrested by the US Marshals, and jailed until they complied or a higher court issued a ruling overturing the lower court's decision.
No they wouldn't they would just drive away.
But they're here and there's nothing you can do about it. Might as well make them liable when they do get in a car accident.
There is no voter ID in most jurisdictions in the US. You just go to the polling location and tell them your name, and if you're on the list of registered voters for that county, you do your thing.
A lot of times you will be automatically registered to vote when you get or renew a drivers license in most states. I'd hope this doesn't apply to people who get non-citizens licenses, but I wouldn't put it past those cucks in states like Cali and Arizona.
>But they're here and there's nothing you can do about it.
Au contraire. We send them home. It's pretty simple.
>There is no voter ID in most jurisdictions in the US. You just go to the polling location and tell them your name, and if you're on the list of registered voters for that county, you do your thing.
And when there's 2 or more people with the same name what happens? They just keep crossing names off until the quota runs out?
So your entire version of democracy is based on a bunch of people not going up and saying "I'm John Smith" and taking votes away from John Smith who didn't turn out?
The “Practical Man” is an Incurable Fool
I keep stating the Bob Problem:
“It doesn’t WORK.”
I am afraid this can be misinterpreted into making me a Practical Man.
No way.
The Practical Manis a fool. He is a fool because he forgets the word YET.
The Practical Man in 1800 could have given you an endless number of reasons why the idea of sending pictures through the air with electricity would be an absurd idea, all based on his careful reading of The Latest News From Science.
First of all, he’d say, you would need several billion leyden jars, even the new improved ones..
The Practical Man, like the social science professor, is not not only wrong, he is incurably wrong.
If a social scientist didn’t have a PhD he would be committed to a mental institution. But with a PhD he can say things that are less rational than casual conversation in the ding-a-ling ward and get paid for it.
In history and science, the Practical Man is ALWAYS wrong. But he has a reputation as a Practical man, so everybody knows that the practical Manis always wrong — just as the social science professor is, and everybody reveres him more than they do a Holy Professor.
In the ding-a-ling ward, some people get better.
No professor will ever get better.
No Practical Man will ever get better.
Giving them licenses won't help anything. They'll just flee the scene like they always do so that they don't get deported or go to jail
The supreme court merely said they aren't hearing objections to an arizona law that could only be compliant under daca, because daca isn't decided yet.
Once daca is decided, this can go back up
That sounds awfully swampy.
>it's the aim of all lower-ranking judges to get promoted to the Supreme Court, and getting on the S.C.'s bad side would jeapordise that.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen posted in months. The Supreme Court does not choose who joins the court. The president, with the approval of the Senate, does. It doesn't matter one bit what the existing justices think about any potential nominees.
>implying the ambitious lower court judges wouldn't sell their own children into slavery in order to advance to the supreme court
user., you are a silly person.
>And when there's 2 or more people with the same name what happens? They just keep crossing names off until the quota runs out?
You give your address.
you gotta provide them 9mm to the head
fuck them. they're gonna all die
>the president is a mere figurehead
>the supreme court rules without question
What's the next thing to make constitutional, eh?
Doesn't matter. The president and the senate is who they would need to please, not the current justices of the court. Please think for at least a nanosecond before letting us know you're from reddit.
I live and work here, they all already magically have licenses and SSNs. Cox even gives them Internet with no credit check 10 dollars on connect2compete
Good lord, what the hell is happening to your guys over there? do liberals/california has that much of a grasp on your legal system's throat to make such bonkers rulings?
How is that wall coming along you inbred mutt? jajajja
So when will that happen in states legalizing marijuana or sanctuary cities?
Bring that shit to the Supreme Court and execute any traitor that enables these kind of laws.
hehe you are such a cutie
isn't this just an idiot filter for illegal aliens?
The smart ones will know that they're basically signing up for a government watch list and putting a target on their backs for deportation, so they won't go in for it and continue to be hit and run illegals.
The dumb ones will go in, get on the watch list, and we'll catch them eventually.
It's like all the DACA fags that signed up to get deported... What did they think was gonna happen? We had an outgoing democrat president at the end of an 8 year run, and a full house of republicans in legislative and judicial with an incoming one in executive. Dreamers had to know how that was gonna end.
ICE trap.
ey mang. im ere for ma license.
*snapping of handcuffs*
ay dios mio!
I hope you're including civilians and leftist voters in that
they all need to die. every last one of them
>Allow illegals in
>Get mad when we don't want to make it easier for you to deal with illegal activity
So what you do, is you tell them their driver's license is in the mail and call ICE instead of making one for them. And you've got their address and information all right there on the application.
user., you are screaming; you are an anti-white screamer. You're called that because when you see people discussing things with which you disagree, you scream in an attempt to sctop that discussion. It's not complicated.
You're screaming, man!
I think its an idiot trap for bureaucrats too
they're pushing it through to see the people that support it or fight it so they can be purged. things like this are classical problems that go back to rome/ancient china.
No, lad, it's an anti-white plan to bring third-worlders more closely into white communities in order to use laws already on the books to force conditions leading to racial intermarriage, so-called "assimilation" in order to destroy the white GENOtype, an act of GENOcide. Very illegal.
>60 replies
>no link
Learn to make a thread you piece of shit.
Things like this aren't being done to Asians living in Asians countries, nor Africans living in African countries. However, in every white country, the white population is targetted for such destruction.
Has ICE arrested that illegal from CA that was appointed a gov position yet
no but how bout you do your part and remind them to do it
ice will have an easier time tracking illegals, no?
Yes, I just voted two weeks ago in local elections and that’s our id.
You're silly.
Will they also force them to buy auto insurance?
31 year old, life long Arizona person here. McCain is not the issue. We are a conservative state that is barely holding back the left wing tide from the west and brown tide to the south. Its a demographic problem, most whites here are old people who flock here to get away from the cold or not be taxed on Social Security by the state.
Whites my age are mostly Christians that got married, liberals, fuckups or outcasts. Its depressing because 80% of white people I see are older than me and im getting old.
Fun fact I have actually met McCain and Jan Brewer and Republican Majority leader at the time John McComish. There was an event 2 min from my house and I just walked it. Brewer and McComish were pretty cool. McCain was shorter than I thought he would be and it was pretty clear he had physical problems, likely from Vietnam.
Nigger I walk into a church and sign my name in a book next to my previous signatures from past elections. No one asks for ID; guess my state
Nevada has already fallen. Legal weed was the nail in our coffin we're blue for good now
is there anything more unholy than the eternal Anglo/Semite union ?
The SC once again refusing the hear a case, thus keeping a lower court ruling in place. This is how they're going to take your guns away too, if you didn't realize by now.
Giv milkers new mommy
>I thought we were the state stopping this shit.
You've been a shithole since McCain started running you.
Fine, give them drivers licenses, then deport them.
gov just wants the $50 a year
Stop calling them illegals and undocumented. Call them what they really are.
Second class workers.
Birth rates cannot help with the fiat tax ponzi scheme. Next best thing is to force illegals to become citizens, which is to be a subject to the state. Mexicans know better than not to be.
"america" is an illegal country
what part of that don't you understand?
highest prison population on the planet, incarcerating innocent people, literal ILLEGAL EVERYTHING
but you hicks and retards will "muh freedom" and "muh flag". hahahahha nope.
retards. let this place burn to the fucking ground.
>Call them what they really are.
illegal aliens. white males that have been here for 5+ generations are the second class workers
God damnit people this is why we need a civil war. Trump aint doing diddly fucking squat. Everything is fucked beyond repair. The only way is 1776.
>tfw moving out of this shit state in a few weeks
Good riddance to Arizona and the "valley", aka the Pit
Someone pull the fucking plug on that shitbag already.
Id prefer immigration and law enforcement do their fucking job.
My property tax is paying for these incompetent pieces of shit.
Fuck them
This is how America dies. To old senile fucks who should be in nursing homes, instead they work in our government ensuring dismantle everything their generation inherited.
Just like how in the final days of Rome it meant nothing to be a Roman. It's beginning to mean very little to be an American.
Lol you really think illegal immigration is going to change? I think they only deported like 100k people in 2017. PAthetic
no my friend its worse
your words have been spoken already
And amerimutts actually believe we WILL pay for the wall. jajajjajajajajajjaja
Are illegal spics even going to get licenses? Wouldn't you have to know English? It's not like traffic signs are written in Spanish too.
A lot of those illegal spics don't speak English.
>your words have been spoken already
Concept is hundreds of years old. It doesn't end, it recycles.
>Promise they won't be reported to ICE
>Spics become complacent
>Catalog spics & addresses
>Start trend of taking selfies w/license
>Pictures with most likes get prizes
>Start trend for showing front & back of your #undocumentedLicense
Idiots do this with credit cards all the time, especially for cards w/custom art
>Accumulate IDs
>Report to ICE
>Publish list of voluntarily shared identities
Some idiots might be wise enough to censor their personal info
>All info is in barcode anyways
>Make "DL checker", much like those credit card cleaners/skimmers
>Get job that requires checking ID
Literally fake news. The Supreme Court never said this.
When the courts BTFO prop 187 the precedent was established that lawbreaking is legal.
As expected infowars is a bullshit source. This only applies to people affected by the dream act, not illegals.
Nigger I want them to be criminally liable if they're in an accident since they have no legal right to be driving as an illegal immigrant in the first place.
That's a bold faced lie. The Supreme Court didn't rule on it. They declined to hear it
Called them "unregulated immigrants" so idiot leftists can see their hypocrisy.