Come anons, join us on this venture.
<OP> It's #NotRacistWhen We Do It
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Old bread:
See img for details
Post your favs
Keep this shit coming and archive it somehow
tell your friends
Bump, nice work
They delete it any second
But I am magnifying the voices of PoC; that would be racist.
i just like reading the posts from idiots that are mad they're not white
pretty much every account/thread I RT is gold
Followed you user. Have a bump for fighting the globalist scum.
This is good. More!
Oh and you should also do a reply to pic related with Israel subbed in for America. Maybe we can meme him into responding.
gonna be crazy when I get put in jail for this shit
I'll probably get drone struck actually
BTC link in the bio
>Starts by pointing out ''colored people''
>Moves onto ''brown people''
>Ends up calling out jews and blacks
And that's, kids, is how you turn into a Sup Forumsack
Pretty good idea. Some people will call it cucky but just ignore them for now, they spend too much time within echo chambers and don’t realize how many people haven’t been exposed to anti white racism.
gay black dude deleted that tweet in seconds flat kek
forgot the img sorry
What the fuck was that monkey language even trying to convey?
are you sure, either way it agree
cape on or “putting the cape on for” is like defending someone, think superhero
I think he meant cape like conceal
The catch here is that Twitter will also have to put the other user in violation. :,D quite the dilemma for the admin at Twitter.
i have no idea what fake deeps means though
Fucking genius twitter. Kek
Today op wasn't a fag, have some tits.
always forgetting the damn image
suddenly twitter learns why being the speech police is a bad idea
Even if I do get banned what's to stop someone from doing the same thing again and again
Twitter is really kinda caught in a catch-22 w/ this one I think
Don't they have to tell you what post broke the rule? Just make sure to keep screenshots of all the original tweets so you can report back here what tweet gor you b& and what tweet you copied. Gotta also get the original tweeter deleted.
Pretty sure they do yeah but the rules are ambiguous. The thing is I'm not really "picking" on anyone, they're all setting themselves up for it
everyone should RT the tweet from The Cut that I did. (see img)
Lets see what happens?
No you're not picking on anyone. Just merely retweeting what they say merely changing who they are tweeting about. Constructive criticism really.
>telling Sup Forums what to do
or don't. thinking about it they probably already saw the message
I give it a week until (((twitter))) bans the account for racism
people said "an hour" "a day"
Now they're saying "a week"
until then I love seeing memes of my work
Concentrate on 1 ethnicity
Also post reactions
Owen Benjamin pretty much did that on Oscar night, all the anti white comments he tweeted some version of them against minorities and blacks
bummer that I didn't see it
I wonder if he'll try and say I stole his joke
(wont lie he's a huge inspiration)
We will make another one :P
just tweeted a FHFFFBREDDIT link if anyone is interested in a thread called "can PoC be racist" in r/Racism
I don't dare link it here again (fucking rabid mutts)
some of the replies i've seen from people are hilarious
Everyone should start doing this not just one joke account
>everyone should do this
I agree; you start OwO
asian's are not a protected race. it's fine to publicly shit on them. you have to replace white with black. that's the attention getter. saying asian or even colored just softens it.
it's the blacks that are the most fragile, they are the ones that can't handle a fraction of the toxicity they spew on a daily basis thrown back at them.
turning "fuck all white people" into "fuck all black people" is the heavy hitter
just create a bunch of fake and be racist against every other minority and whites. there, you win.
There's no way twitter won't shut this down, sadly.
Surely I've been reported by now
nogs can't handle the bants
a well deserved bömps, keep it going user
thanks hans
where's the salt?
Seriously just call them Nazi back.
This is a game they play, just insult them in exactly the same way they do.
>black Hebrew Israelite
all of this hinges on intersectionality which is a farce
I seriously think most of them are speechless and just want to ignore it
Not today, bitches.
i bet you could write a fucking script to do all this
all you'd need to do is pick out the names of faggots to watch
This is very potent, keep doing this. You're doing the exact right tactic.
Use .png you tard.
do I want to know why?
Saw that pic years ago, i wonder where she is now. Is she 35, post wall and desperately trying to get pregnant? Or did she manage to get married young?
Is that real?
These images are from at least 2003
>is that real
is what real?
>busty interwebz meme chicks of 2005
>Where are they now?
this needs an FB page I can spread..I don't own cell phones
>Owen Benjamin
Is that the jew that made a fucking comedy career out of telling the same
>nigga stole my bike
joke that Sup Forums invented 15 years ago?
TF can I get shekels like him is my question
twitter is a shithole country
>lmao shut the fuck up dashonda
>tfw I'm not kosher so I'm not allowed to have a stand up comedy career triggering liberals with racism
Anyway OP
good stuff
red pilled memes for teh lulz with kek magic
d e v i l i s h
Here's a graph that is not racist and does not imply that whites are suffering more than blacks, which is of course impossible.
in fairness the original is not wrong
bike stole my nigga
zucc on this =-)
I always forget the fucking link
facebook dot com slash Its-Not-Racist-When-We-Do-It-2106000152952129
uploaded 100+ images to this facebook album
facebook dot com slash media/set/?set=a.2106005899618221.1073741829.2106000152952129&type=1&l=a4d2f20a86
Well, that was one. I kinda enjoy these.
hell yeah anons OwO
It's wooorking
and fucking BUMMP
Fucking ride this out until they ultimately ban you.
You're doing gods work.
Bump boiiiii
I work for FB. You are going to get instantly zucced if you make statements about an entire race. Yes we zucc blacks if they say shit like “white people are trash”
those emotes are killing me, holy shit
Bullshit larping faggot. I can find 100 examples of black on white racism in fb in 5 minutes.
So you work for a jew that thinks he is to good to pay me and your taking about morality.
>#NAACP #Race #Racism #Bigotry
Imagining someone speaking this out loud makes me fucking angry
@ Sup Forums
who do we blame this shitshow on? #reddit ?