Are niggers really all that much worse then Aryans?
Are niggers really all that much worse then Aryans?
Define worse.
>Lower IQ?
>More violent?
>No morals?
>Objectively look more like apes?
Yes x1000000000
of course desu
Yes, you liberal shill.
Yes, user. They are very bad.
HAHA. That's me in my Gen 1 Ford Focus.
I'm not sure, as "Aryans" is a stupid fucking pseudoscience anyways.
The general adherance to it is the reason you will never get your ideas about race taken seriously.
And if you seriously believe in that shit you should euthanize yourself for the sake "of your race".
But perhaps it's better that way, who even cares about race once we make it to transhumanism?
You guys are like those faggots that would kvetch about rock being satanic just before the field of music broadened for everyone.
And even if that isn't a good analogy, I don't fucking care, man, our race will die and I don't give a fuck.
As soon as we make it to transhumanism it doesn't matter either way.
>But with niggers we won't get to transhumanism
Well, see if I care, humanity should be wiped anyways, and we are doing an excellent job at ensuring our extinction, black, yellow or white.
And the funniest thing is that most of you faggots think that the ongoing climate change is some sort of bad joke.
Even if the world only consisted of "Aryans", you would still find someone of whom you could say "oh, look, that dude is stealing your resources,
you have to destroy (((them)))".
Literally not any better than the fucking commies, not in a horseshoefaggotway, but still.
And do you know what's best, the regards for environmentlism or the lack thereof would be a liability for a society that wants to "conquer the stars".
Even with a better base line, it would still take centuries until the required technology is there, and you fags going on a bout climate change being fake
would endanger humanity of starving on their waste like worthless bacteria in a perti dish 10 genereations in even in such a world.
You are truly a pest, fuck you, Sup Forums.
And fuck you too, faggot OP.
>If I can find an example of an Aryan who is worse than a nigger, niggers won't still be shit on average
You tried.
>"Aryans" is a stupid fucking pseudoscience anyways.
Please go back to
I know that the terminioogy is for that kind of migration.
However, that is a little like cats saying "we wuz tigers".
And even if it were completely accurate, you are getting nowhere with the word of "Aryan".
Use "European" as a place holder and keep that term on the back burner.
Even if you are not a literal neo-nazi, if you unironically use "Aryan" over here in Germany, you are a joke, you are burned, your credibility is gone.
Man, the amount of damage idiots like you have done to the movement is immeasurable.
Maybe you should head off to reddit?
Well, that would make no sense, they are more productive, even if they suck up to niggers and kikes.
>that is a little like cats saying "we wuz tigers".
What is?
>And even if it were completely accurate, you are getting nowhere with the word of "Aryan".
Irrelevant to whether the term is pseudoscience or not.
>tl;dr unrelated ranting
Typical Sup Forumstard
You think Aryans can't be niggers too? Nigger is a state of being not an ethnic group.
>>that is a little like cats saying "we wuz tigers".
>What is?
Well, even if the "Aryan" term is accurate in a scientific sense, in the current perception of the term its a little like "we wuz kanguz" for niggers, albeit with more of a nazi-side-taste.
>>tl;dr unrelated ranting's retarded.
Man, how can you not see that selling the old ideas under the old banners is stupid if the banners have been smeared with shit in the minds of most people you should be trying to reach with them.
Sell the old ideas under new banners ffs.
And you want to call me a retard..
Nigger is a term exclusively used to describe niggers. Who are black. Which is why the term nigger is interchangeable with black.
>in the current perception of the term its a little like "we wuz kanguz" for nigger
oh, you were acting like that is the primary sense of the word. What exactly do Nazis think "Aryan" means, and why it is "like we wuz kanguz"?
>you're retarded
I didn't just mumble a bunch of unrelated topics without connecting any of them with any discernable logical form. You're just rattling off your opinions and feels triggered by the word "Aryan", not making arguments, ie, you're behaving like a typical poltard
>You're just rattling off your opinions and feels triggered by the word "Aryan"
Well, okay then, guess I'll try to talk to my fellow participants in a society where they learn about the ebil nadsis and their Aryan theory from grades 5 - 12 about the "real truth" about "us aryans".
Seriously, I don't know how else to put it.
Why do you insist on Aryan, just use "European" or "R1b" or any other term for that matter.
God fucking damnit, what am I not communicating correctly here?
Seriously, no one will listen to you.
It's like talking saying "Racism is right" to a normie out of the blue.
They will shut down and you'll be ignored.
If however you approach the topic more carefully and use different words, inching closer to the truth bit by bit, moving along the conceptual matrix of ideas that is embedded in *their* head and not *yours*, then you may have some progress trying to "redpill" them.
I was trying to mark the importance of rhetoric and wording.
But alas I am not good at it, since I can't even get you to understand what I mean.
Kek, literally could be integrated into north-african society.
Neo-nazis have conflated the term Aryan with the american definition of White. The Nazi definition of Aryan is confined to Nordic people. It is like we wuz kangz because the Nazi party never intended for someone like the person in this photo for example to be labeled as "Aryan".
You are talking about Nordicism.
You messed it up.
Nordic is conflated with Aryan and there is Nordic, Dravidain, Dinarian and others that are subsets of the "Aryan Race".
>That picture
El abominacion..... la CREATURA...!
Look at nigger majority areas vs. white majority areas, you will then see the answer
>I'm not rattling off my opinons and feels
>vomits poorly formatted wall of opinions and feels
Wew... ok I'll try reading one more of these posts, then you get a final (you) and I'm out. You need to work on brevity, and maybe get a textbook on logic and critical thinking. Say more by saying less.
>my experience talking to people about Aryans in grades 5 - 12...
>Why do you insist on Aryan just use European or R1b
Why, makes you feel uncomfortable? Aryan is an accurate term for what it describes. Europid, Japhetic - -these are just synonyms for the same thing.
>God fucking dammit
More feels.
>No one will listen to you
This is your anxiety, more feels. Not my problem.
>people will ignore you
Irrational, emotional people like you?
Pic related. Your job isn't to redpill the world. People who can redpilled usually want to be, they seek it out, they let you redpill them. people who shut down are automatically disqualified from being worth your time and concern. Move on from them at that point.
>But alas I am not good at it, since I can't even get you to understand what I mean.
Jesus kid, say LESS. Pick what's most important to communicate your arguments and DON'T ADD MORE TO IT.
>Neo-nazis have conflated the term Aryan with the american definition of White.
No, neo-nazis didn't do this. The two concepts have been conflated since both terms entered common usage.
>The Nazi definition of Aryan is confined to Nordic people
False. Pic related is based on National Socialist era education materials.
>It is like we wuz kangz because the Nazi party
You fell for the memes. Lurk more, read some books. Stop learning from memes and podcasters, they tend to lie and get things wrong on purpose.
>Nordic is conflated with Aryan and there is Nordic, Dravidain, Dinarian and others that are subsets of the "Aryan Race".
Which is why Aryan outside of the Nazi context is a reiteration of we wuz kangz
"During the 19th century it was proposed that "Aryan" was also the self-designation of the Proto-Indo-Europeans.[8] Based on speculations that the Proto-Indo-European homeland was located in northern Europe, a 19th-century hypothesis which is now abandoned, the word developed a racialist meaning.[8] It has been used in Nazi racial theory to describe persons corresponding to the "Nordic" physical ideal of Nazi Germany (the "master race" ideology).[note 5]"
What Aryan meant to the Nazis is obviously not what Aryan means to you.
This is the Aryan race as proscribed by the Nazi party? Those photos seem pretty recent. XD
The best niggers are like the same as the worst aryans. That leaves 99% that are really worse
LOL. Now “Aryan” means “I am from Idaho.”
>This is the Aryan race as proscribed by the Nazi party?
Yuuup. These laws formed the model for the Italian Race laws too. Read the Leggi Razziali and Italian Manifesto of Race adopted into law to conform with the German race laws in 1938. All Europid people are defined as Aryan. There is a distinction in 3rd Reich law between Aryan and German for legal purposes; some laws applied to Germans specifically, other to Aryans and subject peoples of Aryan extraction.
>Which is why Aryan outside of the Nazi context is a reiteration of we wuz kangz
Sup Forums tier myths, pic related
Why can't you worthless faggots learn the difference between then and than?
Also, for it to be "we wuz kangs", you have to be arguing that Europids aren't the descendants of Indo_Aryan civilization, ie, the Yamnaya culture. That's false, genetically and ethno-linguistically, Europids are Aryan-derived peoples. There are causcasoid non-Europids that are as well.
So, how is that like West Africans claiming to be Egyptians?
But rock is satanic and it turns humans into hedonistic mega assholes.
>thinking that the music that was heavily shilled by jewish music cabal is not satanic
>doesnt know that rock is entartete Kunst
you have to go back Sören
What does "the model for Italian race laws" have to do with what the Nazis believed? If I want to know what the Nazis believed why would'nt I research the Nazis? XD
"The Aryan Master Race conceived by the Nazis graded humans on a scale of pure Aryans to non-Aryans (who were viewed as subhumans).[8] At the top of the scale of pure Aryans were Germans and other Germanic peoples, including the Dutch, Scandinavians, and the English,[8] as well as other peoples such as some northern Italians and the French, who were said to have a suitable admixture of Germanic blood.[9]"
>What does "the model for Italian race laws" have to do with what the Nazis believed?
Italians aren't Nordic, they're a mixed, mostly Mediterranean people. They're still Aryan. Thus, your statement "Aryan means Nordic to the Nazis" was false.
>"The Aryan Master Race..."
Why are quoting Wikipedia to me, when we have better sources? Have you ever tried to read a primary source about the 3rd Reich?
Enter the kangz! XD
Fucking retard, it was the Nazis who introduced the term Aryan, and hence it was the Nazis who set the boundaries of the term. To the Nazi party Aryan meant NORDIC not fucking somali.
I'm here to publish a disertation on Aryan? XD
Ejit, you want better sources read the citations.
>Derides wikipedia, but doesn't know what it actually is. XD
European = Aryan
>it was the Nazis who introduced the term Aryan
Nope. Already dealt with that here:
And pic related, all before the Nazis... xDDDDDDD
You didn't answer, how is saying "much of the world is Indo-Aryan genetically and linguistically" like West Africans claiming to be Egyptians?
> retard xDDDDD
Like pottery, right?
>"The Aryan Master Race conceived by the Nazis graded humans on a scale of pure Aryans to non-Aryans (who were viewed as subhumans).
Well, we know that's false, so... xDDDD
goddamnit thats funny, I hope he caught her
goddamnit thats funny, I hope he caught her. sauce?
He's just safety minded. Fumes. And doesn't want to get petrol on his suit of clothes. Naturally.
Either that or a negro stole his clothes and the Aryan is out to gas him.
You're to racist to look for the innocent answer in these photographs.
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t. cia
To the Nazis "European"=Aryan?
a lot. unless you like BBC, national socialists are much more endearing than niggers. in other words: if you prefer niggers over nazis, you are automatically a faggot.