Collectivism, including fascism, leads to a worse society. Prove me wrong.
Pic unrelated niggers
Prove me wrong
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Founding fathers prove you wrong.
almost any civilization ever....they almost all collapsed due to not following cosmic order now die!!!!
THESE were the most individualist niggers ever.
Hence all their discussion and decision to only allow whites into the country.
Sounds pretty individualistic.
I think them drafting a constitution made to protect individuals from the government and uphold individual rights overshadows some off-hand comments
Also, you don't need to be collectivistic to realize that people of the same kind should live together.
It wasn't off-hand comments.
I'm not sure how much you know about American history, but the very first congress in 1790 restricted immigration to free WHITE peoples of good character. This is when they were deciding who to let into the newly founded America.
Protection from the government will always be necessary. No need to deny the realities of race.
>Collectivism, including fascism, leads to a worse society.
An Historical example:
Look at the Historical period of Germany between WW1 and WW2, with the decline of the institution of monarchy Germany fell into a disaster of degeneracy, economic collapse and societal meltdown, only the rise of Fascism could again bring order to this mad world.
The Idea behind collectivism is that a group is always stronger then the sum of the individuals, that is why in times of crisis all governments became more collectivist, simply to be able to function properly.
Authoritarianism has historically always existed to some extend, the smallest instance of it is probably the family, which is a really collectivist (and technically communist) institution.
Not sure I can. To think fascism is a subset of conservatism, you would have to be using some idiosyncratic definition. In plain worss, youre high as fuck or just retarded. What do you mean by the two terms, and how are they related?
Can you read, nigger?
capitalism is a collectivist society where the majority sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the few
Lets just ignore the statistics about social mobility and those who move up in class every year through education and hard work.
All lies from the fat cats who hold bags of money, amiright?
>move up through hard work
you mean through ass kissing and being a good slave?
I'm not going to explain it to you because you wouldn't be able to comprehend the explanation. Know why? Because you're a nigger. Now fuck off back to the basketball court.
Here is an hour long but answers your question
>in times of crisis all governments became more collectivist
Governments don't become collectivistic, people do. Also, people didn't adopt collectivistic values after the 2008 financial crash. Family is an individualistic institution because, most of the time, everybody benefits individually inside of it. You don't need to sacrifice yourself for the family, because you benefit from what you get as being a member of that family
I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.
yes you do you stupid fuck.
who are these dumb """individualist""" shitposters? are you retards from the literal skeptosphere?
>Also, people didn't adopt collectivistic values after the 2008 financial crash.
Because it didn't threaten people for their lives?
The crash wasn't the same thing as a war.
> Family is an individualistic institution
If you want to argue the Family is individualistic, then Fascism is individualistic too.
>everybody benefits individually inside of it
That is also the case in a Fascist totalitarian state.
>You don't need to sacrifice yourself for the family
Irrelevant, it is what people CHOOSE BY THEIR OWN FREE WILL.
Of course the dad doesn't HAVE to run into the burning house to save his son, but he WILL do it.
>I'm a libertarian
A lolbert or do you actually have some position that can be taken seriously?
You know what little nigger. That cherry picked piece of shit did not accurately describe me to any amount and im as individualistic as Stirner. So go fuck yourself commie faggot
Obviously my views are more adapted to today's society. Right now i'd just like to see the growth of government to slow right the fuck down.
So you are a white nationalist?
When's the last time there was a war in America? It was over slavery, collectivistic opinions.
Fascism is about the entire state, not a group of three people nignog.
Not true, Jews did not benefit inside Nazi Germany you stupid motherfucker
Most people today wouldnt choose to blindly follow your retarded ideal for society so go suck a dead moose.
I'm a white nationalist for consequential reasons. Our society has turned to shit because of minorities.
But I wouldn't voluntarily do anything for "the white race"
>When's the last time there was a war in America? It was over slavery, collectivistic opinions.
Okay, I don't care.
>Fascism is about the entire state, not a group of three people nignog.
Yes, but collectivism doesn't depend on scale.
>Not true, Jews did not benefit inside Nazi Germany you stupid motherfucker
They weren't part of the collective.
>Most people today wouldnt choose to blindly follow your retarded ideal for society so go suck a dead moose.
Yes, but the same is true for you.
So you aren't retarded, good to know.
I win, you can all go fuck yourselves.
Go live in China if you wanna see what decades of unadulterated collectivism does to a society.
Stupid niggers
>I win, you can all go fuck yourselves.
What an argument.
Why are you so buthurt?
>Go live in China if you wanna see what decades of unadulterated collectivism does to a society.
What an argument.
Prove yourself right first.
>thinks china has had unadulterated collectivism all these years
>a fucking leaf
i guess those retardcharter schools are the bomb am i rite
collectivism is psychologically and politically necessary.
its also socially advantageous if you handle the freeloader problem.
its the grand narrative that makes it crazy. universalism, global empires and 1000 year reichs make reasonable value judgements tough.
utopianism makes almost anything permissible as a means to the glorious future.