For those who haven't heard. There will be no war in Russia.
We decided to drop doxxx on 50,000 Jewish financial criminals.
Apparently that was enough.
Sleep better knowing that user has your back.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sauce, where's the sauce!?
indeed user... I haven't said "epic" in serious terms for a long time... but this was epic.
Source? This is great news if true.
Is this why a kike shill made an Israel love thread with the picture Israel is forever simultaneously to your thread. Kek.
Keeping a lid on the doxxx because it might be contingent.
We'll find out soon enough.
God I hope so
>right in the wallet
Can you pasta the sauce OP?
All the shills dropped the war topic like a hot potato.
Fake and gay
You know it.
not this time skippy
We'll keep winning until we can't handle it anymore lol
When do we get IG report?
Well we played chicken and called them out... and they figured out very quickly that this isn't a game.
nice... this thread will probably be buried, but I don't even care
what the fuck happened can i get a quick rundown
nice try kike
How many of you do I have to burn down before you stop shilling my site?
How the fuck am I a kike, you've been responding to me this whole time.
Please be real you bastard.
Check'd and no it's not a larp
It's ok, even I fail it sometimes
And yes, we gave the caveat that they must back off or they are all going to prison.
This means no war, no more false flags.
The people on that list are wealthy so... we'll see
i-is that you Dahnald?
The porn is coming.
And yes, put in a dead man's switch to the dump... so there's that too
We're gonna win.
These people have been this way for thousands of years. They need to be scattered and bred out. They will fester and rise again if given a chance.
lol I'm not Q... just and oldschool user
"Trump space force"
Nasa's funding
I simply want my Childhood home and Family Business back, Muslims took it over with the Help of the Australian Government.
You damn well know the only way to stop them is to kill them all
The second you show weakness or turn your back they murder you
Come to America homey. Our justice is tougher on the brown folk. But that's why they all think we're assholes.
That sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.
These Jews should be glad that I have the patience of a Saint they cannot fathom what would happen to the biosphere where I to actually get angry and give into my wrath.
I wouldn't even need to have my demands of cash monies if I simply got those back as money is simply a means to an end for me getting back what is rightfully mine.
"Trump space force"
I will be and I will be sharing technology.
Its about the Journey tho.
Huge if big
>if I simply got those back as money is simply a means to an end for me getting back what is rightfully mine.
So which alien "ET" race we gona attack first???
Muslims & Jews took over my home and family business at gun point the only thing I require money for is to get it back.
Because The business generated money for my Family.
My Family is the victim of political criminals.
It's going to change the press coverage almost instantly. That will be hilarious.
>We decided to drop doxxx on 50,000 Jewish financial criminals
Kim Clement called it.
I was a child when it happened but I remember it clearly.
lol Russia still trying to ride user's dick
We can't drop it and hold it over them at the same time.
Pick one.
You're not far off user... keep digging.
What dick? Can you answer those questions or not?
If you have any pull, just let them know that we've locked it up.
There will be no war with Russians.
I'll worry about the details.
Reported for ruining my morning. MOAR.
If you just said "I will not answer any of your questions or provide any proof" you would have saved us both quite some time.
What a waste.
Sage and hide.
You're not a Russian. No Russian would be such a pussy. pls fuck off and die
one word bros
am i rite fellow MAGA pedes?
>what the fuck happened can i get a quick rundown
The left's worst fear. Jewish financial criminals are being charged. Welfare fraud is being prosecuted. They are losing their funding base.
took you a while
did you run out of cock or something?
Ha ha... they're strangely silent tonight. Cohencidence? Nope
And yes it is the Jews worst nightmare.
No more free rides.
We'll put you in front of Christian judges faggots.
Things are starting to get real interesting around here. The great happening approaches.
Is this for fucking real? Link you fucking faggots, I will put all of my remaining energy into helping track down some motherfuckers.
start at Harvey Weinstein
Hey guys!
20 Shekels this tied to Fakebooks cratering today
Fake and gay?
>no source
>just a dump of trump pics
Great thread, Ivan. You do very good american job.
Real and hetero.
Sarkozy just got arrested apparently. Is this shit real? Wtf. Is this strike back on equinox because fuck their calendar? This is amazing.
You tell me?
i dont get iy
just punch a jew in the wallet hehe
Dude. Don't you have some nigger threads to start?
Will this finally wake the normies? How soon is now?
Wikileaks is literally going after the Jewish shills recently. It's getting pretty fucking hilarious.
>For those who haven't heard. There will be no war in Russia.
It's literally happening right now. Go to the skyking thread.
No!! Wtf!! Are those even real!? Fuck you! I ignore those.
Don't you have some vodka to drown your sorrows in?
There's been 3 limited conventional exchanges in the last 48 hours, there's radio traffic with the USAF threatening Russia in Syria. Syria fired a small ballistic missile "warning shot" into Turkey 2 hours ago.
There are high level military transport aircrafts lurking around mountains in both german and Russia (Ural's). We're in the last fucking minute to midnight and Trump faggots are still LARPing.
What is with that bot stuff. That is new tonight. Are you a new hire or something?