Why do white supremacists perform so poorly IRL? Why do they need "internet bloodsports" (i.e. trashy jerry springer-style juvenile insult contests) to "win" an argument?
Why do white supremacists perform so poorly IRL? Why do they need "internet bloodsports" (i.e...
isn't that exactly what you are doing by drawing him as an ugly moron with 3 chins? you aren't neutral you are biased and whether people believe something happened or not should not be punishable by incarceration whether they are neo-nazis or not.
The fact that you use the term "white supremacist" could not prove any more that you're a faggot libtard shill. Kill yourself please.
and FYI anybody who even bothers debating the holocaust is wasting their time. your picture should show the hypocrisy between denying it happened and actually wanting it to happen because there are some crazy people who post on this board.
Because politics is about disagreement and argument. Being "polite" can suck my dick.
Jews deny white genocide but then advocate for it next breath. Same thing
>Why do white supremacists perform so poorly IRL? Why do they need "internet bloodsports" (i.e. trashy jerry springer-style juvenile insult contests) to "win" an argument?
why do you think they do? have you ever met a white supremacist?
>300,000 document debunked.
If the red cross could only identify 300,000 and claim that is the total that is still claiming only 300,000 died.
for example they would bring up the other 5.7 million who were missing from the investigation but still not found anywhere else in Europe, or mention the thousands of pound of ash that would be left over, that is if there truly were 6 million dead.
More importantly, why do you think the Jews were targeted? Was it a convenient scapegoat? Were they just wealthy, and hated as part of a class struggle? Have you read any Jewish texts? Do you ever wonder if there's a reason pretty much every religion has passages about their tricks?
Doesn't mean they're all evil, but if you're falling for obvious jewish tricks like then at some point there won't be any fucks left to give. Racial politics seems to be what the left wants, the only language they speak.
Note: this also doesn't account for how people are actually stupid enough to fall for Jewish tricks in the first place.
Great comic man, did you make that yourself? The retards on this board make me laugh hard with their lack of self awareness.
How dare you call that man ugly. That's an accurate depiction of a modern day nazi.
Sieg Heil brothers
There is no such thing as a modern day nazi. Actual literal nazis and millions of others perished in the most horrific war the world has ever seen. What you seem to be referring to are people you fundamentally dislike and disagree with. Sorry but people who fly the confederate flag are not nazis, have not ever been nazis and will never be nazis.
Anyone who actually NEEDS to be a White supremacist is obviously aloser in the first case. The world is WHITE look at elite college enrollments, look at the governing boards of fortune 500 companies and multinationals, then look at their executive officers examine any measure of tangible success outside of "statistics" and den that western society is overwhelmingly White. Then ask yourself what kind of loser would be stupid enough to care about the things that White supremacists care about. When your life is complete and utter shit your last refuge is the colour of your skin, and the achievements of others that you appropriate as your own. You will never live a life that is in any way comparable to Bill Gates for example but at least you can take pride in the fact that a White man who was probably "your ancestor" invented the microcomputer and the internet. XD
Fucking clowns.
>1 post by ID
>excessively stupid topic and Sup Forums unrelated
>on the "side" most of Sup Forums will disagree with
>lefty Sup Forums meme...the left can't meme
>retarded niggers unironically responding
serious question now, why is this thread not being saged to oblivion? Do you bunch of gullible nu-retards truly expect an answer or a smart one? just... get off my board
You'd be better of on stormfont or daily stormer, at least there they'll ban you for counter viewpoints.
Why are you guys so offended and defensive?
The Red Cross never said only 300,000 died tho
Here's a letter from them on the subject
White supremacist = civic nationalist muttland
Nazi’s = white ethnostate paradise
If "white supremacists" perform so poorly why don't you debate one rather than strawmanning them behind your PC screen?
you'd better if you stfu and go back to whatever mainstream website you came from
What's wrong snowflake? Have I invaded your safespace?
And if I don't stfu what will happen?
>unironically doesn't realize I'm parodying your shit comment
this is the type of shit that makes us ignore this type of threads (been saging all my posts)
I was a good goy in high school. I remember there was one girl during holocaust class who actually spoke up. She said the Germans did it to preserve their culture or something like that. People just ignored her and carried on. This was around 2008, man, if only I had known at the time.
Denying that the holocaust happened is just making us look stupid.
sorry all i heard was mumbling, maybe you should remove the nigger dick from your mouth before you try to talk
Pic is hilarious because it's true
because they are gainfully employed and their opponents are communists with no jobs
only one side is vulnerable to being fired for their political opinion
Good lord who created this shit? That kraut character is like what five years old now?
Well they certainly got the ration of brown non germans and whity germans right in the pic lol