both started 1998 and both have the exact same business model and logo. something doesn't feel right here
Google is a front for Tencent?
Do I give a fuck with your meme flag?
Yeah the meme flag kills it bro, show your flag
but they are connected so
what's the point?
whats the point of caring about a conspiracy theory
I value the opinions of third worlders less :v
i'm telling you, it's the same people
Nah, Google and Tencent do quietly have a strategic partnership though. Google is helping Tencent get into the US market in return for Tencent giving Google a share of whatever Google products they roll out in China. Google went full-SJW and refused to do business in China because of the government... or at least that's what they claim.
They don't have the same business model or the same logo.
>share of whatever Google products they roll out in China
*whatever profits they get from rolling out Google's products & tech rebranded as coming from Tencent.
Google really cucks itself to Tencent. Now that I think about it, this is really strange.
Why would that matter?
>business model
This has changed. Do more digging into what Tencent is planning on bringing to the Chinese market.
Baidu is also very interesting from an investor's standpoint, only trading at 4X free cash flow. They also have a bright future.
I'm going to bed.
Why is everyone obsessed with flags
that sounds unlike them, to abstain from doing business with commies. i wonder why they hold this attitude towards China, is it because they are nationalistic? it must be
they have a inextricably similar logo and business model
it tells us what kind of propaganda has affected your view. without a state flag you are just an israel shill.
>they have a inextricably similar logo and business model
The founders of Google are Jewish so yeah they stole the idea completely like Jews always do.
>The holding company of the group was incorporated in the Cayman Islands
One can always use proxies. With that in mind, god only knows where most of us are really located.
Google is a front for the US federal government
that's crazy. if anything you want impartiality, israel controls everyone
The federal government doesn't behave as a single entity. Google is far more coherent in its behavior. If it's government controlled, it's some specific department like the NSA or the CIA.
look at the colors of google, then look at the colors of microsoft
like exactly the same, no one is talking about this
they are representative of the elements yo
Jewgle and Kikerosoft are up to something
I'm 100% sure jewgle copied MS
you better believe it, there is no reason for this synchronicity
not a real opinion.
no, only smart people can use proxies. dumb people can tick a checkbox.
that's stupid
ignoring the kikel shills, why is it that this is not talked about more, this seems odd