Anyone know why some “wall prototypes” have some non-see-through parts, but only at the top sections? Also, will there really be no razar wire whatsoever?
What’s the purpose of a non-see through part on top of the fence?
>What’s the purpose of a non-see through part on top of the fence?
ad space
Solar panels gathering the energy from the Sun to electrocute gate jumpers.
So you can't shimmy up the rails right to the top.
But I do like ad space idea too.
Razor wire is ugly. The Mexicans could shimmy up the slats but not scale up the top part.
No see through would be best
I don't want to see Mexico and I don't want them to see USA
the gaps are for wildlife?
>So you can't shimmy up the rails right to the top.
Really? Interesting, goid point.
>the gaps are for wildlife?
Yes, mist wildlife but larger animals can get through the gaps. Plus, you can see through and check if there is activity on the other side.
smaller wildlife sure, larger animals (like mexicans) are fucked though
the gaps are more for being able to see what's going on on the other side
Magnetic boots are also a thing. Not sure why a rope wouldn't work though
>Tie one end of rope to spic
>Toss other end over wall
>Other spics pull rope through wall to hoist spic in harness
>Tie one end of rope to fencepost
>Throw other end over
>Reach between posts
>Grab loose end and tie to post
I certainly don’t want us to fucking provide or pay for bandaids and shit to fuckers jumping the fence.
How hard is it to cut through a see through wall? Could they use pic relatee to cut through one of the poles?
Yep, ignore Vox.
Protects against nerve gas.
How will any of these work against a simple rope and tethered anchor to throw over and then climb?
yes, it would take a long time and theyd have to drag up significant equipment.
so u have a nice place to throw the rope over, tie it when it falls down and climb over.
Sensors and barbed wire. Also, most migrants are not strong enough to pull themselves up a rope. But they might scale a rope ladder, but it would be slow and the barbed wire would hinder them a bit. If you had rapid reaction forces that don’t take more than 10 min to be on location, you could protect from rope and ladder attacks.
There is also the possibility of high voltage on top of the wall.
The greater the delay the greater the effort those illegally scaling the wall would have to put in which gives more time for law enforcement to arrive or for potential criminals to give up.
As you can imagine drones will likely be used in greater numbers as they become more adapted to the purpose of border patrol.
That wall can be climbed with two bowlines, tie one bowline to metal support pole, throw rope over, tie another bowline to adjacent pole, slid knot up to top, climb, abseil down. Untie rope and make a break for it.
Wetbacks are small creatures
So once we build the wall we're going to fill it with DC power stations, wires, and telecommunications along thousands of miles?
or rocket packs. or a harness made of drones. or a hot air balloon. or 50000 tethered bees.
>So once we build the wall we're going to fill it with DC power stations, wires, and telecommunications along thousands of miles?
Why not? Also cameras. My guess is you have every part of the wall visible from cameras including night vision. You need to deploy fast once you have someone try to climb.
How do yoi deal with all the razor wire?
you vastly under estimate a few things. 1. "the sensors" are very powerful but dont hungery for energy, so solar, or even battery. I had to place and maintain them for a job. 2. if you are building a long ass wall, might as well install a little infrastructure to help develop the surrounding land.
I could free-scale those walls.
>What’s the purpose of a see through part on bottom of the fence?
to smuggle in heroin to turn our children into thieves, prostitutes, and corpses
You can climb a rope if you can do a pull-up, just requires the person to do a footlock on the rope. If the rope is slippery, or too thin, you just tie knots in the rope every arm length or so.
its probably cheaper to install and make
Each design is minimum 30 feet tall. Good luck throwing a 60 foot rope that’s strong enough to hold a person 30 feet up in the air.
A specialist military or SWAT team tried scaling this shit and had trouble with top of the line tools and tech. Some beaners with some rope won’t get over.
I like the solid concrete design but I feel like a more cucked version of the see-through metal one will be chosen.
Razor wire is a psychological deterrent, they create only superficial lacerations, and are more for snagging on to clothing and getting people stuck, you can throw something over it, or take wire cutters to cut a gap.
The see-through one will be chosen. It has the added advantage of being able to withstand a small hurricane and giving the Mexicans that little peek into freedom. Teasing them with freedom :^)
1. Tie thin nylon cord to weight.
2. Keep hold of other end.
3. Lob weight over wall.
4. Pull cord, lifting weight enough so that it swings back to the wall base.
5. Reach through bars, grab it.
6. Attach heavier rope to cord.
7. Pull heavier rope over.
Mainly that’s being chosen because repairs are easier. If someone slaps some TNT on a section, for example, replacing an iron column or two is a lot easier than rebuilding an entire section of concrete wall.
So that people on the other side of the wall can see when the cartles are throwing drugs over the wall so that they can avoid it and not get hit in the head.
Throw something over + grab it from the space between
What if the mexicans stood on each other's soldiers?
sad but true
The problem with that is that the nylon cord still has to be quite thick and heavy. As you approach the top of the wall, the weight of the heavy rope only gets heavier, increasing the tensile stress on the nylon cord. The issue here is that you'd need some sort of explosion to launch something of that weight over 30 feet, potentially breaking the nylon rope.
That's the ten feet higher Trump keeps talking about.
The wall isn't to keep people out.
>good luck throwing a small rope a short distance
literally put a weight on one end and anyone can do that
Not to mention the force you'd need to pull the nylon cord. You have the weight of the rope to contend with alongside two points of friction.
Use something to pull the rope from the other side after ( like a stick if not able to grab it )
Throw the rope diagonally over the top ? Should bring the rope closer to the gap
I don’t think that only weak people with small hands will attempt to get through the wall.
I'm one of those retards that threw lawn darts over his house as a kid. You can get decent climbing ropes that weigh 60 grams per meter. That's not a difficult weight to manage.
For a 30 foot wall it'd take like 100 of them since the average mexican is the height of a garden gnome.
>This is time consuming
>Border patrol is en route before they make it over
So you can stick guns through it. Or sharpened sticks. I don't give a shit
It's mostly to get visibility on fuckers trying to tamper with it or get over.
Would the big cats really be able to make it through?
mexicans are very fat people
Im a border patrol agent ama
the only answer
>30' of rope weighs too much to support it's own weight
>Can't throw rock 30'
wat wat
>Swing the rock and release rope like pic related
>Put weight in slingshot
>Use fishing pole with weight at end of line
>Cast weight over wall
Also, could you grease your children up and pop 'em through? Until what age? What if you encouraged your kid to sleep with his head under a large book during development?
All valid questions.
What if the pregnant cock roach mexican woman presses her pussy into the bars and births her anchor baby between the bars and plops it onto US soil. Is the baby now an American and she can bring her entire family over so they can all live off welfare checks for the rest of their lives?
No, because the baby has to get to the nearest McDonald's and shout 'pueblo' three times.
I'll bet for a few of these designs, with a truck and a streetlamp post, you could prise two of those bars apart a bit. Said post might be difficult to manage, though.
I'd pay extra for that feature honestly, just for the popcorn value.
>tfw sitting in my cheap, plastic lawn chair and drinking a cold beer on my roof watching the first round of dumb spics testing the wall
>buy a winch for 10 dollars at a junk yard
>pull rope over with that
ok so the rope is over the wall. please continue
I want the border wall as much as everyone else, but how is this not an issue with the see-through prototype? Pic related:
you laugh now, but I bet someone will actually try this
I'd say electrify the fence but I can imagine them finding a way to ground out the current somehow...
Most fibers only a quarter inch can have a tensile strength over 1,000 lbs, now the issue that must be considered for climbing is safety, so a rope is selected that exceeds specifications of strength and is not prone to having knots slip. Sisal rope can be made in the field because it's a fiber native to southwest united states and mexico. If more strength is required you can lay a rope on itself to quadruple it's strength. I forgot the specific rule of thumb, but ropes for climbing are supposed to be rated higher then the expected break strain.
I can guarantee that wall is climbable.
non see through parts would be hard to hold grip when climbing.
all you would need to do is put a sharp edge on either the top, or the inside corner on the far side.
you don't have much experience with ropes do you?
You need to repeatedly saw and apply friction to a rope, it isn't going to be sliced simply by being pulled against a sharp edge.
break strength is the absolute maximum something can withstand, it does not mean that that is the strength it has in practice.
It is climbable ffs. A store-bought nylon rope that is 100' costs about $20, I can tie a monkey's fist around a fucking rock and toss it over, let the rock's weight do most of the work and stick my hand through the wall. From there, I'd tie a square knot in the rope around the rock and pull it tight to the structure, it'll slide on itself and hold itself, then you scale it like you're walking up a wall. Easy peasy.
the wall is going to be on fire, so the rope would need to be fire proof
it makes it harder to climb. the round top of that one on the right is supposed to be graping hook proof but if it goes over and is long enough it can hook onto the part where the solid wall ends so its kind of pointless
Mexiniggers have found time to build a ramp to drive over walls
Drug runners are able to fabricate trebuchets and launch bales of of pot over the border
Carabiners on both ends of rope
>0 time: done in advance
Loop one end around pole
>3 seconds if spic is drunk and dehydrated
Clip rope to self
>1 second
Toss other carabiner over wall
>6 seconds if your first attempt fails
Loop and clip rope to self with second carabiner
>4 seconds
Climb ladder
>1 minute, if pregnant with quadruplet anchor babies
>10 seconds max if hoisted by campadres
monofilament+hole in tennis ball?
if people are climbing a rope that is only tied down in one spot near the bottom, the tension from movement would repeatedly make a sawing motion against said sharp edge. They won't be climbing straight up the rope as a thin enough rope to quickly get it up and over would make it much harder to grip and pull yourself straight up, and would be a motion much more like rappelling.
Once the rope is on the other side-> pull towards the space and tie it.
if you need more height to prevent people from throwing ropes over, just put a tall chain-link fence on top of the wall.
That will add height, and also make it very tricky to climb even if you did get a rope over.
Guys, do you have that MS-paint-drawn chart with different wall samples and descriptions like
>they have to see where they are not allowed to
? Post, please.
They'll just rip down a 40 foot section of chain link and climb that lmao
It's very easy. You tie a weighted ball to one end of it. You put your arm through with it on other side, huck it underthrow, basically straight up. Once you have it over, you slide some weights (could be anything) to anchor the rope, or you could just anchor it into the ground.
>Some beaners with some rope won’t get over.
Yes they will.
yes, and doing so would give it two contact points, at the top, and on the bottom of the top section where it fees through. Due to these contact points, and the motion of climbing up the rope you would still get a side to side sawing motion.
>Drug runners are able to fabricate trebuchets
>and launch bales of of pot over the border
I wasn't really a wall supporter til now. If it's going to encourage spectacular bypass attempts, I'm keen.
Also, I wonder what's the cheapest glider/human kite you could make to tow behind a vehicle. I vote we scrap the wall and just hold a semi-annual scaling competition.
Adding a platform at the top? Won't that make it even easier to scale down later?
what if they just put motion activated chainsaw teeth along the upper part of the wall?
Easier if you use a lighter rope, and swing it around with a weight at the end. That way you could launch it high in the air. Then you can use the lighter rope to drag up a heavier rope, and climb that.
Or you could use a fishing line and a fishing pole. Once the fishing line is over, use that to drag up a rope
Use this to bring the rope back over?
the see through part is so they can tie a steel rope around it, tie it to a truck and tear parts of the wall out. kek
Seems like a design flaw. I imagine two such platforms would negate the purpose of any height from the bars
It really doesn't matter though when you think about it. Yes, a few fit 15-40 year old beaners will make it over with a paltry amount of drugs, but the 39 week pregnant woman isn't making it over. The 5 year old kid isn't making it over. The 77 year old grandpa isn't making it over. The pallet of heroin isn't making it over. 80% or more of the people going over the border aren't going to be capable of performing such an athletic feat and those who do make it over are not going to be able to carry near as much with them as they can right now.
I was actually thinking that once they get a rope over, they could tie it around a person with one end tied to a truck that slowly drives away from the fence. It'll hoist them up in like 10 seconds, once they are there and straddling the fence, if they bought a rope that was long enough they can just slide down the other side. It's more work but it's no forcefield, it's not impenetrable.
the should run a track on top for uav cameras to chug down.
They say the safe working load for a rope should be 1/5 the breaking strain of a rope. Sources say a bowline reduces the strength of a rope to 75% it's original strength, while a simple over hand makes it 60%, so 120 feet of 1/4 rope can be twisted and laid upon itself to make a 1/2 inch rope which in theory could safely support the weight of a 200 lb climber. Going by the suggestion of this chart I posted, they suggest 5/8 for Sisal.
Maybe. I wouldn't underestimate them, they are quite creative.
Now we're getting creative and I like it!