Why do niggers always say that they helped build America when all they did was pick cotton, if anything the fuckin Irish built America. At least say the slaves helped the economy but god yall didn’t build shit
Why do niggers always say that they helped build America when all they did was pick cotton...
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Irish are so useless that they are WE WUZing slave niggers
Because black people and other people of color (the Native Americans, the Chinese) demonstrably, factually, and obviously built this country with slave labor forced on them by white slave owners? Read a fucking book, it’s embarrassing man.
I’m English you spastic fuck
Niggers steal literally everything. Not even history or culture or art or anything else for that matter is safe from their thieving nigger hands.
You'll ask why they do this and they will reply some inane shit about white devils lying about history, yet somehow they conveniently forget that there were lots of other people around witnessing and documenting all the same shit too.
>if anything the fuckin Irish built America.
Dream on, fucktard. I don't see any buildings made from alcoholism, wife-beating and an absence of potatoes.
Sure you are, Seamus. Sure you are.
Finns built America.
Because of the money from cotton you fucking retard.
Well, you guys did build the railways.
Are you admitting that Northern industrialisation would not have been possible without all the tariffs on Southern cotton?
Because that was one of the complaints of the Confederates when they seceded and Northerners have been denying it ever since.
What tariffs on the Southern cotton? The Northerners were literally the merchants that sold the cotton to Europeans.
The only tariffs in place were on imported European goods to protect Northern industrialisation. That did get some Southerners angry since they loved to import Euopean goods with their cotton money, but that hardly affected the same of cotton.
The sale of cotton*
>What tariffs on the Southern cotton?
The ones like the Morrill Tariff Bill of 1860, Remember how tariff rates at the lowest were 15% but late rose to 55% causing cotton prices to collapse from 35 cents per pound to about 5 cents per pound?
>The Northerners were literally the merchants that sold the cotton to Europeans.
Is that why all the major ports shipping cotton were in the South?
Oh really?
Nice source m8. They literally couldn't tariff Southern cotton if they wanted to. What would they check cotton at the state border? Fuck if with your revisionist crap. The morrill tariff bill only applied to imports. That's the whole fucking point.
The South opposed tariffs because they liked to import European goods. They saw it as a tax on Southern importers to pay for Northern factories. Not because it affected the price of cotton.
And the location of the ports didn't matter. Northern were the main merchantment of the country. The Southerners grew the cotton, Northerners bought it from them and sold it to Europe.
>And so with the Southern States, towards the Northern States, in the vital matter of taxation. They are in a minority in Congress. Their representation in Congress, is useless to protect them against unjust taxation; and they are taxed by the people of the North for their benefit, exactly as the people of Great Britain taxed our ancestors in the British parliament for their benefit.
A South Carolina statesman on the tariffs. It didn't tariff cotton, that would've been impossible. It jacked up the prices for European industrial goods.
Exactly what I said. It was a tax on imported goods, not on cotton.
Who is wrong:
>every academic on the subject, the legal record of the US Congress, the people who were alive in 1860 and all the financial records showing massive tariffs on exports of cotton
Who is right:
>two random fatasses on Sup Forums who think that FLAG FLAG FLAG FLAG FLAG is a winning argument
Okay. I concede defeat.
It's a tariff on cotton exports, son. They had been in place since 1824.
That's literally the opposite of what a tariff is. This guys own source spells it out for you
The tariffs were on European imports. The South imported European manufactured goods. The North moved to tariff them to protect Northern industries. Southerners didn't like this because it jacked up prices for the crap they bought. This isn't hard.
You're a retard. Boston is one of the richest, most technologically advanced, most educated cities on the planet. And unlike every other big American city it is not infested with pushy homeless people and hookers. And the niggers are generally kept in their place. Btfo. You are clueless.
Shut the fuck up. The white working class built America, you ((liberals)) always pretend to be on their side but you seem utterly ignorant of their existence in history, despite them being the biggest ethnic group of the West. The Chinese worked too, sure, but they weren't enslaved, if you go somewhere voluntarily you don't get to pretend to be an oppressed minority. Black slavery was a small part of American history, Africans are the people who invented the slave trade so i guess it bit them right on the crack.
For now... And some of the worst people in politico-showbiz today come from Boston, like "Feminist Comedienne" Jenny 'Did I mention I'm Jewish' Slate.