Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! He is merely saying goodbye to his friend
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! He is merely saying goodbye to his friend
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wh*Tes absolutely BTFO
did we not jerk this thing off so we could put it's semen in frog eggs to make more of them?
Thanks niggers and chinks
99.999% of all species that have ever existed are extinct. If this rhino was actually worth it's biomass it would have survived. It's just a bigger, heavier dodo. Let me know when the ant population starts dwindling, or don't because humanity will be long gone by then.
Didn't this happen already years ago?
Of course this will be blamed on global warming and the evil white man when the real culprit are the feral niggers slaughtering these majestic creatures for their own personal gain. Such is the way of the nigger.
thanks, chinks
Kys faggot
did you even read the article?
Negroids and and mongoloids just can't refrain from killing whites.
The future is female
Kill all white males.
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn
When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn
I'm alive, I'm alive
Who the fuck said that? Everybody knows it’s the chinks in search of their magic potions and the local niggers who are to blame. I’m sure some western hunters came for trophy hunting but I doubt the numbers were that high. I still consider them degenerates like the others. Pretty fucking sad.
Yea because hunting them to extinction to make dick pills out of their horns is totally not retarded.
This is chinks snd niggers fault.
We have been eating, killing, poisoning, and destroying the biosphere of other species, and they endure, they even thrive.
The truth is the Rhino was on it's way out for a long time, and adds nothing of value that the buffalo or elephant or hippo doesn't do better.
Sounds like we're the problem then.
lack of upgrades really sucks
Fuck them. Everything that lives on this earth is trying to eat everything else.
They are no better than us.
and are we no better than them?
>Animals and Ecosystems.
Pick one and only one.
chiinks and niggers are a plight on this world
Fucking clone it.
Bing fucky O
If you don't adapt, you don't survive.
Thus is nature.
Thus is life.
It's Sudan what did you think was going to happen, They would look after it and get it to reproduce? lol
survival of the thiccest
Dont adapt to some nigger putting bullets in your skull so he can sell it to chinks?
Tell them there are still Southern White Rhino's and they can just transplant.
>implying BLM
Then why didn't Rhinos invent guns or make themselves armor?
like school shooting?
>yes goy fuck animals they're only good for profit
confirmed non-white
God gave us the earth to USE not ABUSE
This, Asians are the ones in modern times hunting endangered species into extinction.
They do it with all types of animals.
They are even known to cut off the fins of endangered sharks while they are alive and then put them back in the water with no fins to die.
They do not give a crap.
or a slut
What does a Rhino do for us?
In the natural sense? Many animals and insects have a purpose. They are like the utility workers of the natural world.
But what about Rhinos?
are you 12 or just fucking retarted or worse a talking vagina?
Answer the question?
oh no, how will chinks get their penis enlargement pills now.
Just tell them about the magic of BBC... 2 problems solved
So does the horn actually work?? Like there has to be a reason why people keep buying the horns right?
which is the strongest animal, the hippo or the rhino?
>Today, around 10,500 white rhino live in the park
They fine.
Inseminate them right in the pussy.
You’re definitely not white.
When a sapient species like Humanity advances far enough, typically many higher animals like the Rhino will die out along with most other species that cannot to the global habitat an advanced species (like Humanity) creates.
This is the price of Evolution. A highly successful species will doom others that cannot adapt fast enough. That is the reality. Can we do more to save animals like the Rhino? Sure, with enough resources and tech, but we do not have enough of either in high enough abundance to save every endangered species affected by our enlightenment. In the end, you have to choose: Mankind, or lower lifeforms like the Rhino.
Hunting them into extinction for penis medication has nothing to do with natural adaption.
What do people do for the earth? Shut the fuck up.
It doesnt. Chink think it will cause them to stop having erectile problems.
In actuality all they need to do is stop working 12 hours a day and get over their weird shyness that all asian males seem to have
>hunting them to extinction
Why hasn't this happened to north american deer yet? Hunters kill about 6 million deer every year, and probably at least that many are hit by cars, yet they thrive. Somehow the deer has thrived even as we build cities and infrastructure all around them. It barely effects them because they breed like crazy and are perfectly adapted to their environment, including those elements of their environment that were created or influenced by humans. I live in the middle of a major city and I see deer almost every day. It would take an organized military offensive to even put a significant dent in the deer population, but a small handful of Rhino hunters managed to wipe them out. They are big, slow, and stupid so they lost the game. Some other animal is thriving now that they are gone, why doesn't your heart bleed for that thriving animal? Could it be that it is not as "cute"?
I have been scolded before by idiots who think it's cruel to feed my reptiles live rodents, but that just means that they don't give a fuck about one animal and prefer another. They don't care if I feed another lizard an insect, and they don't care about the snek or the lizard, but holy shit that poor mouse you monster! Grow the fuck up, everything needs to eat and everything gets eaten eventually, even you. The most essential organisms on the planet are invertabrates but they're not as cute so they don't get the press. The fucking bees are disappearing, once that happens no more outdoor agriculture, sorry fuck you I hope you like soylent green, not that vitamin shake bullshit but the Charlton Heston made-from-people kind, because fruits, vegetables, and by extension meat are all gone once the bees are fucked up. I'll drown a baby Rhino in a bucket snow-leopard blood if it will improve the bee situation. Fuck rhinos, they're the fat welfare negresses of the animal kingdom.
this. it is bound to happen. no one will even care when we discover the three dicked brungo slungo bird on planet Cirus III
you are the kind of people that give other people murder trought. Ask yourself this question first,
What does a FAGGOT(you) do for us?
In the natural sense?
Many animals and insects have a purpose. They are like the utility workers of the natural
But what about FAGGOT(you)?
Southern white rhinos not northern
It can't be that simple though right? Is it a massive placebo effect? It has to be working on some level in order to fuel the hype right?
Well said my good sir
That takes me back.
Only social retards have snakes
Reminder that they are dead because retarded niggers thought they could get the cure for aids/longer lasting erections/increased fertility from the horns.
>Is that what the Jews are going to say when we are gone?
Because the chinese aren't paying millions of dollars for deer parts?
Not all Human sub-species and their societies have evolved at the same speed. We hunted the Mammoth to extinction like the Rhino, as we almost did with the Buffalo, luckily, American society evolved fast enough to prevent that extinction in time. We aren't perfect, but we're the best Earth has to offer atm.
lmao I have three kids, how long has it been since you left the house?
Like I said, even a focused, organized military campaign to eradicate the deer would fail. They are so fucking successful that we couldn't kill them without nuking about half the country into oblivion, and even then I wouldn't be surprised to see them recover and thrive within a few years. You have to be retarded to believe that chinese cock magicians could kill off all of the deer.
Here's another example: Every year cities across the US pay extermination companies to mass-slaughter geese. They shit all over everything and fuck up the parks. They are a nuisance animal, so they hire a guy with a rifle or pellet gun to kill off a few hundred or thousand. It's an organized effort to kill as many as possible, yet they have to do it EVERY FUCKING YEAR. The animal rights faggots always cry about that too, but I don't see them volunteering to clean up the tons of goose shit that they deposit in the parks or proposing a better way to deal with it.
It's like there's a whole anal retentive bureaucracy dedicated to monitoring and maintaining healthy populations of deer or something.
You are welcome
>lmao I have three kids
Larping on a anonymous image board. Kek you already revealed that you are a social retard. No turning back now bud
Well what is your point exactly? That deer are more successful breeders and that is why they deserve to live more than rhinos? So what do you believe about cockroaches then?
we we we we
Rhinos used to be in the millions too retard until the chinks started paying for them
And there wasn't for rare rhinorceres lmao
>maintaining populations
lol nigger they're not maintaining shit, they're suppressing. The only reason they regulate it at all is for safety reasons and as a revenue stream for the bureaucracy, pic related.
this is the reaction of a man with no hope of reproducing.
not just successful breeders, but successful survivors. They have adapted to city life, surburban life, railyard life, whatever is put in front of them they just find food and carry on.
I see a retarded claim, but I see no proof at all
Not until it was too late cus niggers
>niggers can't dominate a bovine
>niggers somehow hunted a far larger, more powerful, more aggressive animal to extinction
yeah ok
>this is the reaction of a man with no hope of reproducing
Says the virgin
Your Wakanda doesn't look so real anymore does it. You can't even stop killing your own African nature.
That's a rather dangerous argument you are building up. Europeans are a global minority. When they die off I guess people will just say "well, I guess they suck and breeding and couldn't adapt. literally lower than cockroaches am I right?"
>began in the early 1950s, when Mao Zedong promoted so-called traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as a tool for unifying the country he had recently come to lead. Even though Chairman Mao himself did not believe in TCM, he called for its use over Western medicine. Among the many "cures" touted by China's "New Medicine" was powdered rhino horn, which was said to cure everything from fevers to cancer. (This last claim is a fairly recent development.)
>Americans applauding this
Truly 56%
How much of a retard do you need to be to not know how to kill something? Niggers have been doing since forever
I'm surpised Sup Forums cares so much about animals, it's pleasant to know some people aren't just here to be edgy
>scientific american
They also said to enjoy feminine penis, wtf I guess I have to suck cock now or else I'm a luddite. also
Europeans aren't going to die off. They are being bred out of existence to create a new species, much like the progenitors of the black rhino, neither of which was a black rhino, bred to create that species. Why don't you weep for those other extinct species of rhino who were eradicated by it's creation?
I didn't say kill. I said dominate, by which I meant "domesticate".
have a (you) that made me laugh
Not the person you are replying to but
>When they die off
when that time comes I will be long and dead and frankly I don't give a flying fuck what happens during that time.
Because none of those species do what they do out of evil. They do it because of primitive thought processes and it's how they survive. Human beings are capable of more and should act like it.
>They also said to enjoy feminine penis
You can search and find a shit ton of articles that say THE EXACT SAME THING
>I didn't say kill. I said dominate, by which I meant "domesticate".
You arent making any sense here. Nigs kill the rhino for their horns. Thats it!
Fucking retard kys faggot
Of course we do. Only noble and great men like Sup Forumsacks have enough altruism to care about those beautiful creatures
animals do not have any concept of morality. A hungry animal will kill a mother in front of her babies, then eat the babies first because they're more delicious, then eat the mother. This is perfectly normal. If you apply human morality to animals then they are ALL evil, from the tick to the pigeon, because they are purely driven by their own survival above all else. Empathy and morality don't exist in nature, they're human constructs that have driven us towards civilization.
>other publications do it too!
I'm just pointing out that, despite your hipster sensibilities about what is truth and science, I assure you that a SA blog is not actually an authoritative source on anything.
>Nigs kill the rhino for the horn
If they're so valuable why didn't someone capture 10 males and 100 females and start a breeding program?
Yes and so they must forgiven because they don't know any better. Last I checked animals can't grow crops or develop any technology to change as a species. We can though.
>animals do not have any concept of morality
Humans do retarded sociopath
>If they're so valuable why didn't someone capture 10 males and 100 females and start a breeding program?
You stated that nigs couldnt even domesticate a bovine. If they cannot domesticate a bovine then what do you think they will do with a rhino? Are you retarded or something?
Which animal is the next on the list of closest to extinction? I have no knowledge of such things, spoonfeed me mutt daddy
I'm not implying we should judge animals by human moral standards, the opposite in fact. Likewise, in nature an animal that goes extinct is not a tragedy because there are no tragedies in nature, just events. Other species will thrive because it no longer competes with that Rhino for food. So fuck that animal, right?
Even forest fires are beneficial to some species of both plants and animals. They look terribly destructive to us, and most of the cute bunnies will die, but they serve a greater ecological purpose.
Think about this: Millions of years ago almost all life on earth was anaerobic. Eventually these evil little pollution machines evolved and started spewing toxic oxygen into the air, destroying everything in site. They were called "archaeplastida". They killed off most of the life on earth at the time, eventually colonizing every inch of the planet, including much of the ocean. If only someone had been there to stop them so much DEATH could have been avoided! such a catastrophe!
Nature is a bitch that will not die, stop stroking your ego thinking your going to kill her. She laughs at your faggotry.
>are you retarded
If I say yes will you stop posting?
Sup Forums only "cares" because it's something else to complain about niggers. Had whites been guilty of this extinction too Sup Forums would have ignored this thread.