why does /pol hate the Truth?
Christ has risen
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Don't be silly. Jesus wasn't even a real person.
>pic related
I'm having such a hard time choosing a denominations. They all have such logical allures and obvious pitfalls.
Quick rundown
Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; later, the Levites would receive tithes from their countrymen. Since Aaron was in Abraham's loins then, it was as if the Aaronic priesthood were paying tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb. 7:4-10)
The one who blesses is always greater than the one being blessed. Thus, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. As Levi was yet in the loins of Abraham, it follows that Melchizedek is greater than Levi. (Heb. 7:7-10)
If the priesthood of Aaron were effective, God would not have called a new priest in a different order in Psalm 110. (Heb. 7:11)
The basis of the Aaronic priesthood was ancestry; the basis of the priesthood of Melchizedek is everlasting life. That is, there is no interruption due to a priest's death. (Heb. 7:8,15-16,23-25)
Christ, being sinless, does not need a sacrifice for his own sins. (Heb. 7:26-27)
The priesthood of Melchizedek is more effective because it required a single sacrifice once and for all (Jesus), while the Levitical priesthood made endless sacrifices. (Heb. 7:27)
The Aaronic priests serve (or, rather, served) in an earthly copy and shadow of the heavenly Temple, which Jesus serves in. (Heb. 8:5)
>Wasn't real.
>Everything he said is coming true.
>Everything he did is the ideal personification of a human being.
>Jesus didn't exist
>but mohammad and moses and even buddha did
top kek, there were multiple Jesus and messianic zealots ready to take on the Roman empire at the time during that time.
The fact that you're trying to disprove Jesus Christ human existence shows proof of your own personal beliefs
>>Everything he said is coming true.
Lolnope. Mark 13 clearly says the apocalypse would take place during the lifetimes of his followers, but it didn't happen.
Failed prophet, 0/10.
Circumcision is immoral and unethical and people who do it to their children are as bad as Pedophiles.
>>but mohammad and moses and even buddha did
You won't find a single Old Testament historian who thinks that Moses existed any more. Even if he did, the Pentateuch was written centuries after his life, so none of it can be considered reliable.
>>but mohammad and moses and even buddha did
Same applies to Buddha.
>>but mohammad and moses and even buddha did
The existence of the prophet Mohammed is less certain that you think, but he's more likely to have existed than Moses.
>Mark 13 clearly says the apocalypse would take place during the lifetimes of his followers
Maybe you should learn to read. He said no such thing.
30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Christians dont circumsize boyo
The things he was talking about did happen though. You said he was talking about the apocalypse when it wasn't even mentioned.
Quick get in a time machine and tell my parents that.
Most American Christians do.
>The things he was talking about did happen though.
That's an odd way putting it. Mark wrote his gospel after the temple was destroyed, so why are you writing in a future tense?
I always thought Americans should class action if they are circumcised.
Get a Jew to be your lawyer too.
Sue the hospitals and state.
He wrote it before. The fact that it talks about the temple being destroyed is actually the only reason secular historians date is after 70 AD. That's a rather circular argument isn't it?
>It can't be a prophecy because it was written after the temple destroyed! How do we know it was written after the temple was destroyed? Because it talks about the temple being destroyed!
Would be nice to get gibbs for once instead of losing all the time, but I doubt it since my parents were the legal guardians who OKed it.
I'll look into it friend, maybe I could.
I wanna KMS but hey being only half a man with a lot of money is better than being half a man and broke.
Sup Forums is a proud Christian board.
>That's a rather circular argument isn't it?
Actually it's you who is committing the logical fallacy, namely special pleading.
Your claim is that Jesus had psychic powers and could predict the future, but no-one else can.
That's your claim until you can present a person with psychic powers to predict the future, and who can demonstrate those powers under controlled laboratory conditions.
How convenient then for you that you can ignore the fulfilled prophecies of the Bible that prove Jesus divinity because you choose to date them after the events they predict because you've apriori ruled out that Jesus is divine.
Literally ZERO biblical prophecies have been fulfilled unless you use mental gymnastics.
Maybe Christians are right, maybe not.
I just want to die and want people who are making the world shit die horribly.
>you've apriori ruled out that Jesus is divine.
Lolnope, that's not how logic works.
Historians don't deny that Jesus is divine. They only say that we cannot ASSUME Jesus' divinity when critically reading a historical source text, because if we do we also have to assume that Zeus lives on top of Mount Olympus, and if we don't it's the logical fallacy of special pleading.
The ungodly don't consider God.
Sinners are busy sinning (I.e. Doing what they believe to be right.)
Scorners think they are smarter (smart asses) than you because they KNOW there is no God.
Materialism leads to pantheistic monism leads to hell.
>Sinners are busy sinning (I.e. Doing what they believe to be right.)
Blimey, I had no idea that acting on one's true convictions was a sin under all circumstances.
Not in hell.
Get over your dick-hurt, and get right with Jesus. Preferably before 11:15am central time.
If you don't...good luck.
No you know.
Repent or burn.
>Repent or burn.
Too late. Mark 3:29 says that blaspheming against the Holy Spirit (fuck that guy!) is a mortal sin.
What do you guys think about these larpers?
I am in hell and have been my whole life.
I am as right with Jesus as I know how to be but "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36
Stop larping.
What a bunch of cucks
> The Knights Templar International is a Christian Organisation and as such we reject all forms of racism as anti-Biblical
I don't think these people have been reading their bibles very closely
Tribulation incoming, soon
Some verses from God revealed in the quran for my dear christian brothers :
"If only they [i.e. Christians] had stood fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed happiness from every side. There is from among them a party on the right course, but many of them follow a course that is evil" (5:66).
"Oh People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion, nor say of God anything but the truth. Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, was (no more than) a messenger of God, and His Word which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him. So believe in God and His messengers. Say not, 'Trinity.' Desist! It will be better for you, for God is One God, Glory be to Him! (Far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is God as a Disposer of affairs" (4:171).
"The Jews call 'Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is but a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them; how they are deluded away from the Truth! They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary. Yet they were commanded to worship but One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him! (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)" (9:30-31).
>Tribulation incoming, soon
Jesus said it would happen during the 1st century. He was wrong, so now I don't believe a tribulation is coming at all.
>>Everything he said is coming true.
This quite frankly. Just started going past few weeks. It's amazing. Everything I could've ever wanted from a Church and from a religion, not to mention a community.
>Muhammed plagiarized Arius
lmao I'll stick with Orthodoxy
Muhammed (SWS) was illiterate burger bro.
>Uthman plagiarized Arius
I'll stick with Orthodoxy m8
>Muhammed (SWS) was illiterate burger bro.
Mohammed was a member of a rich trading family so it was exceedingly unlikely that he was illiterate
>People who can't read also can't do the accounts
>Mohammed was a member of a rich trading family so it was exceedingly unlikely that he was illiterate
He was a bandit, so he could've had a peon or a smarter woman do it for him. But really if the Quran is his word, he would know it's contents regardless of reading them. Why not become Orthodox?
It's a serious accusation. Can you bring some proof?
If you knew arabic and how good quran is written you would not even consider that.
Catholic and Episcopalian are good too.
Did you read it? Muhammad (sws) is only mentionned 4 times.
In some Bibles Hell is not even properly named, and in my only a couple dozen times, but it doesn't stop it from being central. I like how the first pic I shared is true: Inbred Arabs have to have things repeated 20 times just to get something, therefore repetition really is key for you.
I don't think Jesus really rose again.
The Bible says a lot of things that aren't true, like human beings used to live for 400 years.
His body could have just been moved or stolen.
Jesus was just an ordinary man. He got killed, didn't he? What kind of "God" can be killed by puny humans?
>Did you read it? Muhammad (sws) is only mentionned 4 times.
Did I read your vast wall of text in a tiny font written by goodness-knows-who?
Why, no, I didn't!
>worshipping joseph's wife's son
>any year
Stfu christfag. This is for political discussion, none of your ancient sand nigger cult wanted here
>Icons are idols
You might be too low IQ for this.
>posting a bunch of references, hoping and praying people don't look them up
does this man leon bazile have the authority to override scripture?
Sup Forums:
>get a credit from me goying
No way, you're a jew
>worship me and I gift you eternal life
I will follow you to the end, master
Quran have only one unique version unlike the bible.
Who said I was Arab?
What if you miss God latest revelation? Aren't you smart enough to read a book and make your opinion on it by yourself?
>Who said I was Arab?
I like how you're bothered that I called you an Arab but not that I implied you're inbred lmao
>"We have only one unique version of being utterly and thoroughly wrong about everything"
Cool story
>cant decide which sect of a fake cult to join...
Sounds like you are a brainless shill. Why do you think there are so many denominations you fucko? Logically only one can be right or all of them are wrong, take your pick.
>What if you miss God latest revelation? Aren't you smart enough to read a book and make your opinion on it by yourself?
Actually I've already read the Koran a couple of times. I notice that 20% of it isn't even written in Arabic, so I can't take it seriously as a holy document.
The eternal Problem Between Christians and Muslims is : Muslims want to convert and "convince" the Christians that Jesus wasn't a God. It qould be true or not,Me(and the Christians) accept that for faith and for numerous Miracles who Jesus does for all the people who believes in him "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" John 14,13-14. And some muslims are converted by Dreams and Visions of Jesus catholic.org
You remind me of people rejecting Jesus (AS) teachings. Disrespectful, arrogant, incredulous.
Why can't we have a smart conversation and exchange some tought?
>Logically only one can be right or all of them are wrong, take your pick.
Explain that, because there are denominations that argue against this. And how much of a difference is a big enough difference? Sects have divided over the way they hold their hands to make the sign of the cross.
Because it doesn't seem real. Currently reading the New Testament and finished Acts yesterday, Acts was pretty comfy at the end when it basically became a decent story about life at sea but don't see how I would ever be able to actually believe this book contains the truth about God.
Gospel of John is pretty nice too, but that i'm gonna start worshiping Jesus? Seems pretty far fetched.
>You remind me of people rejecting Jesus (AS) teachings. Disrespectful, arrogant, incredulous.
You sneaky disgusting fuck. You just posted up here:
Demeaning Christ's divinity. Now you're going to pretend you actually care about Jesus in order to placate me? Disgusting.
>needs proof there is no magical god in the sky, no virgin brith ect
The burden of proof is on you christfags...
Hey I've got that same copy! Kind of a shame your the same fag that got btfo on /his/ about the passages on violence and it's multitude of forms. Not sure Acts was all the comfy throughout though, considering Acts 14(the one about the unbelieving jews turning the city against the brethren to have them slaughtered ruthlessly).
>The burden of proof is on you christfags...
I said arguments, not proof. So to be clear, your argument is that you can't validate it with sensory input?
Good question fascist bro. Well in Islam we believe ther are 3 kind of dreams :
1) A dream made by your imagination (the most common one). You dream of what you've been thinking all day.
2) A nightmare. Nightmare are made by satan the cursed and his followers (demons for christians).
3) "Revelations". This one come from God the most graceful. And it come to the most pious our the ones in great need. It is in this one that you can see Muhammad (sws).
Non what is important to know is that when you see Muhammad (sws) in your dream, it's not your imagination, it's realy him, and the will of God he comes to talk with you about something important.
Think about it, Muhammad (sws) is the only being that you can't see in you dreams by imagination. Try it out, try to think about him all day long you'll not dream of him if he doesn't come to you.
>Kind of a shame your the same fag that got btfo on /his/ about the passages on violence and it's multitude of forms.
lel I don't remember that
>Not sure Acts was all the comfy throughout though
It was pretty gay when Paul had the guy circumcised and the fact that he keeps going to the jews first, also he took advantage of the Athenians because they were so willing to learn about everything even this new religion, even though Paul had the intentions of destroying everything dear to them.
Who else has taken the /OldTestamentPill/?
Basic rundown:
>the Israelites are not jews. Jews are from Judea, which is south of Israel. The true Israelites were scattered across the world
>Whites are the true Israelites
>Jesus was just another jew
So we whites are the "Chosen people" of God, we should be taking our commandment from the Old Testament. The New Testament is primarily intended for the jews, to seek salvation through their Jewish messiah.
Therefore things are backwards. The old testament is for the whites, the new testament is for the jews.
Video related:
Of course I love Jesus (AS) and respect him very much. That's one reason I want you to reach the truth. An other reason is I want you to understand who God realy is and cease injustice towards Him.
Ultimately "my goal" is to save you from yourself burger bro.
>lel I don't remember that
I do.
>It was pretty gay when Paul had the guy circumcised
There's more passages than necessary in the Bible explaining that circumcision is NOT required.
>also he took advantage of the Athenians because they were so willing to learn about everything even this new religion, even though Paul had the intentions of destroying everything dear to them.
Explain this because Greek culture is Christian culture to a point now that it would be a disservice on the face of their collective history if he had not intervened.
I don't know of which denominations you speak of that are "cool" with the other ones or try explaining away inconsistencies.
Ok lets go with the premise God is real and Jesus is real too and the Bible is true.
All these sects of christianity sprouted up long after his death... its just people altering and changing the ideas around, adding their own shit ect... its fucking bullshit. Now if you accept that the particular sect you choose has nothing to do with God or the character of Jesus and its just a community center you like going to because youre afraid to rot in the ground alone, that is embracing reality. Anything else is delusional and /pol knows i speak the truth
what does joseph's wife's son have to do with idols?
its a nice theory, but DNA evidence shows otherwise
There are a History about an Iraqi or Siryan Muslim arrived in Italy.. He escaped from Raqqa,and lost his house and family.. One night he dreamed Jesus Christ who said him "Don't worry,i will protect you during the Journey".. during his trip from Libya to Italy.. the boat crashed,some people died... but incredibly he was alive because of a boat was passing just near him.. I Can't thing just about coincidence or imagination.
> cant be validated with sensory input
There is no other way we could possibly sense things. Its why they are called sensory inputs. Humans have sensory inputs that intake information a brain that processes these inputs.
You have come to your conclusion based on the same set of sensors my friend, i am lost on this one...
(Are you about to go all "third eye" on me?)
There are a History about an Iraqi or Siryan Muslim arrived in Italy.. He escaped from Raqqa,and lost his house and family.. One night he dreamed Jesus Christ who said him "Don't worry,i will protect you during the Journey".. during his trip from Libya to Italy.. the boat crashed,some people died... but incredibly he was alive because of a boat was passing just near him.. I Can't think just about coincidence or imagination.
what if I told you that the words in this book were more convincing to people -- and ultimately far more important -- than your DNA evidence?
>Of course I love Jesus (AS) and respect him very much
But not enough to admit his divinity? You can't deny him his literal birthright and hypostatic essence yet tell me in the same breath you "respect" him. That's a lie. Admit he's divine and rebuke the words you cited above.
>All these sects of christianity sprouted up long after his death... its just people altering and changing the ideas around, adding their own shit ect
Wrong answer. Both Orthodoxy and Catholicism had a right to claim lineage close to the original church, Orthodoxy far more so. The Anglicans surrendered that right with their heresies regarding LGBT, and the Catholics "evolved" to face threats elsewhere but in a direction the apostles did not intend and were a splinter faction starting in the 11th century AD. So yes there are legitimate forms of Christianity, some more than others.Ultimately you'd have to decide for yourself what they intended and offer your own integrity. Christianity has roots older than it's own traditions, and you could spend a lifetime exploring any given aspect of it. Also, stop projecting your own mortal fears. I've never actually met a Christian afraid of mortality, but fedoras keep shilling it and it's pretty obvious it's a project fear.
Like I said: Too low IQ for this.
>There is no other way we could possibly sense things
I'm talking about empiricism vs rationalism. If you have to have sensory justification for everything you believe, you might as well throw out all the history books. You can rationalize what came before the beginning without having been there.
God know best fascist bro. I don't know if Jesus (AS) can realy be seen in dreams.
What I know is that some christians are blessed and are righteous.
>There's more passages than necessary in the Bible explaining that circumcision is NOT required.
Yeah but he still did it just because the guy was half jewish.
>Explain this because Greek culture is Christian culture
lel yes now it is but it wasn't for them.
Anyway I don't see why people would be able to convert to Christianity today from reading the bible. Either you have to grow up in it or you have to pretend to believe so you can get a qt trad Christian gf.
>God know best fascist bro. I don't know if Jesus (AS) can realy be seen in dreams.
The Apostle Paul writes that he saw Jesus in dreams at Galatians 1:12.
>But not enough to admit his divinity? You can't deny him his literal birthright and hypostatic essence yet tell me in the same breath you "respect" him. That's a lie. Admit he's divine and rebuke the words you cited above.
Maybe you are the one wrong and injust toward God and his messenger Jesus (AS)?
I follow God word, and I believe in His oneness. And I follow Jesus (AS) who teached us to worship only God the most graceful.
Christ myth theory is obviously bullshit
>Christ myth theory is obviously bullshit
The Apostle Paul literally wrote that Jesus only ever appeared in dreams.
Perhaps you know something that the Apostle Paul didn't know, eh, user?
what if i told you words on a paper don't matter if DNA evidence shows them to be bullshit fantasy
saying low iq doesnt explain what joseph's wife's son has to do with idols
>this kid only beleives shit if he sees it!!
>throw out your history books, you didnt see any of that shit
Weakest fucking christfag argument ive had to deal with in awhile... honestly /pol has nothing on those crazy christfags at the trainstation, those guys can talk!!
Reading history books, analysis of historical data, current social environments ect ect, all sensory inputs. Just because you need sensory input to sense something, does not mean not critical analysis is needed...
lol, mate if your rational arguments don't convince anyone, they are as dead as a corpse in the ground. You might as well be jumping off a cliff with a blanket and trying to fly
If an irrational argument convinces people, then it has a physical manifestation in the world, and is therefore alive
It's as true as true can be
>Christ has risen
where the fuck is he? Is it a metaphor?
>have faith
In a thing that doesnt effect me? Should I aggressively "hope" he is real?
>accept him into your heart
if jesus physically wants to get into my heart fuck him that would kill me. If you mean some kind of mindset to be more "christlike" then how am i not just being conditioned to be a docile, and subject to self sacrifice?
Should i parrot more? Should I attribute every good thing that happens in my life to him?
>just ask forgiveness for your sin
Who do i ask? if its the imaginary jesus in my mind then how am i not asking myself? Not every persons idea of something imaginary dude will be the same so some people are gonna be asking the wrong person.
Am I actually god, are all people god? Are chicks also god?
why do we need to read a limited convoluted book in order to learn about "salvation"?
Am i not supposed to question these things?
Are you in denial, are you afraid to doubt because you dont wanna go to that scary hell?
Are you gonna parrot that im "lost"?
Why do you wanna be livestock?
Yeah bro,the way of God are inscrutable.. And i think that no all Muslims are bad like Jihadis. Anyway i don't know why all muslims here in Europe are so "ready for the holy war"..
>if your rational arguments don't convince anyone
but they do though, that's why nobody believes white people are ancient jews
>If an irrational argument convinces people, then it has a physical manifestation in the world, and is therefore alive
yes this is called lying
>Yeah but he still did it just because the guy was half jewish.
So?Good for the half yidd I guess?I don't understand how we have over 2000 years of Christianity, 3000+ years of legacy and roots,philosophy, traditions, stories, etc and you're spending this much time on somebodies penis getting cut.
>Anyway I don't see why people would be able to convert to Christianity today from reading the bible
I can see that. There were connections that had to be made for me. I ended up reading about the heretics and ironically getting inspired from their views until I stumbled into Orthodoxy and coming to the truth through conflicts in the extremes. It's been a decade long road for me to turn from fedora tipping Nietzsche-ite to where I am now.
Yeah, but fools being parted from their dollars is a big industry and always has been.
>saying low iq doesnt explain what joseph's wife's son has to do with idols
Yeah you're right I'm sorry bro, I couldn't resist. The goal was wide open so I had to take the shot. It has to do with views between other churches saying that veneration of a saint or figure is heretical, even though it's a protection to keep one on course.
>Weakest fucking christfag argument ive had to deal with in awhile
It's an argument of empiricism vs rationality. Again, if you're an empiricist, and it sounds like you are, you can't even begin to grapple with the world around you in a significant or meaningful way. It's always a trusted source you're going to have to rely on. And no, reading some else's findings is not you using your sensory input to see something for yourself first hand. It's second hand because you went through another. That's the essence of what I'm driving out because you won't evolve at all until you learn to leave empiricism behind. To a large degree you're going to have to start rationalizing.
You sir, are doing the unthinkably stupid, and attempting to show a christfag a peice of scientific evidence.
As custom, the christfag will reject anything resembling facts that contradict their favorite peice of literature
>but they do though, that's why nobody believes white people are ancient jews
I think he's taking that from Ham,Shem, Japheth myth. Or possibly getting it from the Irish Book of Invasions.
>scientific evidence.
Not him, but there's literally no evidence being posted. Evidence is being suggested, but not demonstrated. That's the problem, and it's not with the other guy.
pewds, stop LARPING
>that's why nobody believes white people are ancient jews
but according the scripture, white people are not ancient jews, the are ancient Israelites.
Israel is the guy who carried the blessing of Abraham (my people will spawn many nations and be a light unto the world). He had two sons, Joseph and Judea. All jews are related to Judea, but Joseph is the one who inherited the blessing of Abraham. Therefore the jews you know today are not "Israel", although they falsely claim this name.
The Israelites were right next door to the phoenicians, which polinated the entire mediterranean basin, and even up around the coast to Britain and Denmark. Following these trade routes, the children of Israel spread across to many nations (once their homeland was destroyed).
This is what I meant by "white people are the real Israelites".