Friendly reminder that the government did nothing wrong during Waco siege
Friendly reminder that the government did nothing wrong during Waco siege
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What is the Bill of Rights?
The government can't do wrong because laws only apply to little people
>nothing wrong
No, they did a lot wrong. It was a ham-fisted operation led by an unqualified beaurocrat. The end result was warranted but how it came about was a travesty of humane conduct. You're a little too old to be an edgelord, use your fucking head
nice bait faggot. not even mad though because saint timmy settled that score
Friendly reminder OP is fake and gay.
>The government can't do wrong because laws only apply to little people
Americans are neither people nor are they "little".
Don’t join a cult if you don’t want to end up dead idiots
Most of those people have German ancestry and it shows.
Fuck off, pedo scum.
Incorrect. Tim McVeigh did nothing wrong.
>have a warrant
>never show it, just charge in and open fire without warning
>get shot back
>oy vey deez Davidians are evil!!
>tactical retreat, while ATF faggots take a lunch break and fill up with a 32 oz BIG GULP of High Fructose Corn Syrup (TM), Davidians dig in, placing furniture in way of entry points, nail carpet over windows (genius btw), barring doors etc
>pigs try again to breach the compound, fail to enter into the compound resulting in 4 casualties as Davidians BTFO the pig murderers
>drive an APC through a wall, destroying property and recklessly risking the lives of innocents on the other side of the wall in an attempt to enter
>turns out you drove into a locked room, you're still no closer to an actual entry into the compound
>fug it, set it all on fire, burn them and their children, plus get rid of almost all physical evidence of your complete and utter failure to enforce the law on them
>cry about it decades later
If I ever met an ATF agent involved with the Waco siege... I'd ask him which tasted better.... Koresh's dick or the blood of charred, innocent children.
When I went to Berlin there were twelve year old boys hanging out in the pub toilets offering me blowjobs in exchange for drugs and money. Nothing remotely similar exists in my country and you can't blame me for taking advantage of a novel situation.
Right. They saved the kids from David Koresh.... by burning them alive.
>twelve year old boys hanging out in the pub toilets offering me blowjobs in exchange for drugs and money
I bet you think they were justified at Ruby Ridge too
Yes. Yes we can.
Waco is funny. The Branch Davidians had guns and were shooting back. Those government pigs were probably baffled at what to do, after all, government pigs derive their authority from the barrel of a gun.
*Bunch of pathetic, fat, middle-aged white man standing around looking sad and dejected*
AGENT 1: "Guys, our guns aren't working. They have guns too and are shooting back. What do we do?"
*Entire group is quiet*
*Suddenly, one agent speaks*
AGENT 2: "I know, let's start a fire and BURN them out!"
*Entire groups turns happy and starts applauding the man for his great idea*
it worked didn't it?
He was a patsy, probably CIA.
Pedo Enabler.
There is literally nothing wrong with shooting rural an suburban retards on sight.
I'm sorry your government had to revoke your passport.
Well the ATF fucked it up pretty badly, but everything after was okay, and the original warrants/wrong-doing was legit
No, they became a symbol of how government forces represent machinery created to control others; not human beings with hearts or intristic value...
>have access to own means of food production
>shot by starving city people
but the rural ones have all the guns stupid cunt
it was a church.
>never show it, just charge in and open fire without warning
Yep, those pigskin faggots got burned alive.
At least they were gay ass white people.
most of the authorities casualties was due to friendly fire.
I don't see how that's a problem for them.
That didn’t happen though
>eyewitness testimony from Koreshians and agents, as well as (((media))) who was tipped off and was there before shots were even fired yet
It's time to stop posting, user.
>you can't shoot armed people
Ausniggian education. Not even once.
>dude pours gasoline all over his victims and ignitesignites it
>blames government
But the city folk know how to use the drones you dumb inbred bogan cunt
Because as retarded as you may believe their beliefs are, that's grounds alone for the government to act heavy handed and murder men, women, and children. A massacre occurred because that was the intention; feds could have nabbed Koresh non-violently any morning of their choosing on his jog.
They chose not to.
You better lube up your asshole cause your gunna get fucked in prison.
What do you mean? Of course it’s a problem. Look at you, Britain used to control the world with an iron fist. Then one day the world stopped listening. Like that government; all governments will be ignored one day. No more faceless soulless human impersonators dressing up as little Jew helpers. Just a bunch of humans able to do as they collectively wish.
How the initial encounter unfolded is entirely speculation you lying faggot.
Next you going to tell me that David didn’t direct people to pour gasoline?
you are ignoring evidence contrary to your belief.
Military does that, city folk don’t join the military
You don't think the government pigs started the fire?
Ehhh, I think they did. Government pigs have actually done that a lot of times, a recent example would be to Chris Dorner.
it wasn't a cult they where christians the only people that called them a cult was hillary clinton.
But the city folk are easily recognizable, and drones are not nearly progressed enough to target the underground bunkers of the rural keepers of your Whole Foods inventory, n’wah...
theres video proof they started the fire.
not the first time either.
This is why Americans need to build concrete homes
>Because as retarded as you may believe their beliefs are, that's grounds alone for the government to act
It is when their beliefs are illegal
If you look up any footage of the waco siege, you can see bullets flying _into_ the compound through the walls.
Koresh was at the main door, told other guys to stand down. As the ATF approached the door, Koresh yelled out that they didn't want violence, asked if the ATF had a warrant. To this, the gov't piggycucks responded by opening fire, ripping through the compound and innocents.
>not a cult
The video of the start of the shooting is not publicly available, so I ask, what evidence
Laaand of the Freeee
>"Illegal beliefs."
Secularism is law in the USA doesn't matter how much you love hillary clinton.
Yeah, they do deploy hot gas for hours hoping it ignites when they are dealing with one isolated suspect that has killed or already shot at police.
In this case there is witness testimony that David directed gasoline poured at the entrances
Dead is the only possible way to end up and Nationalism is a cult you are forced too join at birth, what you mean is don't try to circumvent that cult if you don't want the government to murder you.
>never seen the full waco tapes
ffs retard it was released like 3 years ago, do some research before you post, please. pic related, I bet you weren't even alive when this went down.
>secularism means there are no cults
Abo logic, everyone.
>not a cult
You guys are missing the part where the Army's Delta Force, under the direction of President Clit-tongue, placed shape charges on the bunker full of women & children.
If the devidians were doing anything wrong, it was marrying teenage to save those girls, the mob/government blew them to smitherines.
>Because as retarded as you may believe their beliefs are, that's grounds alone for the government to act
No fuck, they were getting shot at.
>hurr durr David came out and said no violence just like the shitty tv series
All unconfirmed
>bunker full of women & children
Oh, NOW they care about children, but when the daily school shootings occur, it's "omg price of freedom" nonstop.
Ehhh, I don't believe that. The Branch Dravidians had guns, they could've just all shot themselves.
They would choose BURNING to death over that? Burning to death is a horrible way to go.
Government pigs have started tons of fires throughout the years to kill barricaded suspects, I gave an example of when it even happened in the 2010s.
Yeaaaaah, I'm thinking the pigs started the fire, but I don't really care. It was gay ass white people who got burned alive.
I don't care about white-on-white violence. Fuck pigskins. White people are faggots.
>video starts after shooting has began
Way to prove my point you gasoline sniffing abo.
As for all the illegal shit they were doing, it can’t just be denied
There is fucking witness testimony that he did so, and that the ATF shot first. Keep believing these fat pig shit Unamerican bloodthirsty killers and the lies they tell you to pretend that they're brave.
It was announced to be lost by the FBI, which you would know if you were alive when it happened
>what some illiterate pedophile thinks happened
Lol I don’t care you nigger, he’s wrong
Hard to stop the CIA from MK Ultra-ing people into shooting up schools.
they killed a bunch of people and had the nerve to blame the people for trying to set up some kind of self sufficient society
same thing as jones town. the government showed up and poisoned some people then they shot up the plane as the american government was leaving for having poisoned almost every one
some bullshit . janet reno was a literal hitler
It’s believed it was to fuck with an assault because it was at the entrances. Either way, it was a Davidian that said he heard it and others mentioned that was the plan if they assaulted again
so why don't you use the ATF to murder some muslims?
Do you know what a cult is ?
or a Religion for that Matter.
Neither are Illegal.
Neither is Polygamy for that matter.
Why not apply that same logic to the german street gangs and muslims ?
or reddit niggers for that matter?
They rolled up got in position and opened fire at the house.
At any point they could have taken them into custody when he came forward to hand himself into them or when he did interviews even during the shooting.
Further more what about the abducted children that died in police custody?
Do you have one of the children in captivity ?
You seem awfully invested in keeping the status-quo
There’s also witness testimony that the Davidians started the fire, but I guess that testimony is wrong and yours is right, huh?
you are going to die in prison.
Our government prints guns by the truckload and hands them out to every third world shithole and second word soon-to-be-shithole they can find.
Non-proliferation approach to guns wouldn't work for us in the current climate because such treatis requires everyone involved to be EQUALLY unarmed, not just joe trying-to-be-content citizen.
Proves nothing
I think you’re going to be the one doing that, boyfucker
>more uncorroborrated statements
im the same person retard.
lmao he's literally admitted to samefagging
how dumb can you be
talking about boy fuckers your boss Johh Podesta, Or Skippy as you'd call him.
Hows that court case going ?
And? You quoted me multiple times as well
this is Sup Forums 848D/He0
Even if we assume that the government was in the right, you still have to acknowledge the fact that their target was out, and about on the town countless times before hand, and they could have grabbed him there safely.
+nHNaE5N and you ignore all evidence presented and are protecting people that have been indicted for human trafficking and child murder.
Forget the Branch Davidians for a moment.
Even if you arn't involved what you have done is an international crime just FYI so have fun with the van.
I don't know what this means and I will not respond to it.
Fuck off, anglo scum.
Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets in the commission of a crime. It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if they are not the principal offender.
Australia in a nutshell.
Trust the fatty to put chocolate onto a dish madr entirely out of cheese and precooked sausages
What beliefs exactly were illegal? No-one forced membership.
David Koresh had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
wot information
>"""failed""" special ops training
>discharged from army
>pic related 2 years later
Has this ever been debunked?
>nail carpet over windows (genius btw)
why is that genius? im new to becoming under siege
Lube up cuck, your new Muslim overlords are waiting for you......
also, reminds me of MOVE when they firebombed that place
Friendly reminder that OP is a cock gobbling faggot.