/gg/ genocide general, gaschamber list

List all people needed to be genocided
I'll start
>other Slavs
>east European toilet cleaners
>west European cucks
>North Africans
>anime creators
>south east Asians
>poos in a loo
>albino niggers
>drug addicts
>other addicts
>non-binary genders

Attached: download.jpg (265x190, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>other mentally ill people
>Jewish communists
>Jewish Liberals
>Jewish Capitalists
>Jewish Feminists
>basement dwellers
>religious extremists
>political extremists
>political centrists
>loud people
>women who look weird
>sick people
>stinky people
>north Korea
>not cultural people
>too cultural people
>fedora owners
>careless people
>rule-crazy people
>passive people
>corporate dwellers
>anime watchers
>ugly people
>fat people
>race-mixed people
>stupid people
>FBI shills
>CIA shills
>tech guys
>porn watchers
>porn creators
>/r9k/ browsers
add more

You'd have less work to do if you just hand-vetted people with a list like that.

Maybe the list of people you wont gas would have been shorter.

you'd gas australians? i mean really? and chinks, modern defenders of capitalism?

Australians shitpost too much
Chinks are like cheap crap they make - really cheap but is not worth anything

what next? finns?
controlled opposition or a stormfag

>add more

oh wait there was mongols so clearly controlled opposition


>G*rmans ****

Half Gypsies and Mongolian steppe riders - those are good examples of subhumans

you need to go back

come this way to the suicide booth.

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They are already gassed

hapas are safe :)

you forgot the most important group

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you forgot to gas yourself tho

>>ugly people
That is subjective.

>race-mixed people
They were already on the list

Well you got to go too >:((

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Is it?

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>don't forget the Jews shlomo

I make up at least 3.82% of this list

Yes, it is. I of course find that person unattractive but his weight plays a part. Obesity is objective and that counts for most of the people people consider ugly.

A good example is I knew a few people who considered Natalie portman(prequel era) ugly.

So who will be left to do the gassing?

>being this blue pilled

Reminder God was right to flood the earth. Humanity was a mistake, and remains a mistake, which is why he will be flooding it with fire next time as promised.

Don't blaspheme
>And he saw it was good

God didn't make a mistake, we did

Yes, no mexicans in the list, things are looking up

Let's give all people who didn't die a chance to choose who is ugly from 0 to 10, who gets average score less than 4 will be left alive from them.

>All these people on a list
>No Jews
I wonder who's hiding

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Latinos are listed

Attached: LatinoMap_Edits_3_26_17-01.jpg (1920x1569, 335K)

>And he saw it was good
Referring to creation in itself not humanity.

Who's left?

>political extremists


Alright comrade calm the fuck down with that list. Even the Nazis would wonder what the fuck was wrong with you. Stalin however would love everything except "Russians". The lack of "leaf" also suggests that you're speaking from a point of bias as well. But still, your list is fucking retarded.

>Political extremists
>Religious extremists
>Goes on to advocate gassing virtually all of humanity behind a flag that stands for what is ultimately Christian and Racial survival


You only marginally attacked my point while adding another part onto it:
>Nazi flag
>Advocates killing atheists

>furries not on list
>op confirmed faggot

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So is literally everything on that list

"You know, I think you're a Jew with an aryanized flag"
-Malcolm X

Am I?
I asked for more, thank you

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>Not letting atheist into SS
>exterminate all of them
Op is a fag

Yes, but the plan was to exterminate them in long term

Didn't add pajeets. Pajeet confirmed

>poos in a loo
