Former Frog Prez Sarkozy arrested by cops.
What's going on there?

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1776 worldwide

>Libyan funding
>sarkozy and the us state dept cooked up a scheme to liberate Libya and depose of gadaffi
Really makes me fucking think

He's scum. I'm glad they didn't forget about his crooked thieving ass after he slided out of the presidency.

Ohhhhhh it is 512% happening.

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He's a globalist Jew who enthusiastically worked with the neocons in the Bush era. I find it strange he was arrested, I assumed he was permanently above the law in the EU.

start at 0:53 for a quick rundown of why you shouldn't like him


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Even Reuters and FOX are saying this is about Libyan funding. If this fucks Obama and Hillary in the ass so mehow that would make me soooo happy.

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Really makes me fucking think.

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Do you guys think he's in any way responsible for this?

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He belongs in jail

He invaded Lybia and killed Gaddafi because of that.

he's a mysterious lad

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I better see some more threads pop up about this later today when more burgers are awake cuz this has huve happening potential.

Wow this is certainly true if big

Honestly though mfw frogs think they're important to anyone else other than old roasties who wear prada

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heh its real bump
whats the quick rundown on this guy, did he accept $hekels from Gaddafi and then stab him in the back by supporting invasion of Libya.

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This French issue IS big if the French president put out the hit on Gadafi.

Many msm outlets are reporting that its gadaffi related. I think Macron is trying to drain his own swamp.

>Mr Sarkozy, why have you received so much money from George Soros?

God I hope this piece of shit goes down. He is one of the main advocates of the Kalergi Plan.

>inb4 he savagely raped multiple women

Libya was the biggest gold reseve in Africa. It was too tempting. And it only cost us this little jew we can now throw in the garbage can.

manlet power....this guy is all about the $hekels.
note that women won't care as much about your height as long as you're rich and high-status, then she'll marry you, and after she gets bored she'll fuck someone who she is actually attracted to (taller, buffer).

sarkozy is probably now getting cucked or will get cucked in the future. i will make sure of it. carla deserves better. when it comes to jews you have to hurt them in only two places: their wallet or their ego (based around women, status).

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>did he accept $hekels from Gaddafi and then stab him in the back by supporting invasion of Libya.
That he did this is not news.
That he has been arrested .... Is astonishing .

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Obviously. And yeah it's really weird. He ran as such a faggot then instantly became Trumps fanboy and started talking about Napoleon. I think he just jumped ahead in the drain the swamp game. I don't understand how he's not dead.

Around Hungarians never relax.

50 million. Wow. Shameful.

thanks, very good summary.
it was odd how suddenly Libya was a target. ZOG couldn't let their fiat scam fail...basically any time someone is a threat to zog they'll just call that person a dictator.

it's happening right now with all the shitlibs calling Putin a dictator. you even see the shills do it here. saw an entire thread on "why does Sup Forums support Putin he is a dictator"

good = gay pride, shitty bridges made by women and dumbfuck spics/nigs, democracy, free abortions, free birth control, trangenders everywhere, open borders, all-black movies

bad = nationalism, local goods and services, small scale farming, small businesses, tariffs to prevent price-gouging chink imports, etc. etc.

it's all so clear now...any shitlib that doesn't see this is the enemy.

its probably more than that, friendo. $50 mil is not a lot but not a little for political campaign.

Jesuit Rothschild puppet yes - but I really like him so far. Going after Sarkozy is god tier, it's the equivalent of locking HER up.

its already updated on sarkozy's wiki

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No, user. Not her. Barack.

Guys can any of you tell me if this is a true happening or not, i gotta go to fucking sleep.

There's no such thing as true happening John.

The French last President just got arrested for money shit related to qaddafi. Also i guess kimdotcom filing to have Obama questioned is pretty hilarious too.

I live in hope.
This is my dream with Trump.

Jupiter will rule Europe!

you will believe it only after you see it
the happening will happen, when you least expect it. that's part of its nature. they are black swan events.

Remember right after he won? A bunch of weird shit went down. At least a couple world leaders just straight up resigned. I'm fully ready to believe shits going down. Like the patriots level shit.

His election was funded by ghadaffi who he went on to murder. Then got found out. We all knew. They just waited a seemly time before arresting him.

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>Calls out african women for having 7-8 kids
>Tells the press to fuck off
>Arrests a former president
Our. Fucking. Guy.

Mugabe getting thrown out, out of nowhere and after years Zuma just retires? No coincidences.
Freedom in South Africa might mean my white ass is at risk, but we shall see.

He's litteraly trying to take away our nations sovereignty. Why the fuck would you like him?

Yes. Macron is based. Hopefully he makes himself King.

>meme tier monarchy.
Time to pledge either with the Republic or the Empire.

So Sarkozy took his money and then essentially instigated his lynching.

And wikileaks is literally going after the Jewish shill companies. Shits getting fucking awesome.

which world leaders are you talking about, i can only think of cameron resigning in the UK but thought that was due to brexit passing and him being a cuck.

He probably also ordered the beating of refugees which happened yesterday.

>$50 mil is not a lot but not a little for political campaign.
50 million would be quite a lot for any European political campaign.

Can this get back to Hillary is what im wondering.
>"we came, we saw, he died"

She said it herself.

I'm not sure anybody is going after anybody yet. It could just as easily be that this is a cover up since he had to be arrested for it sometime. It's been in the international media for a long time now.
I'd have to wait and see if any consequences happen sarky First.
Macron pulled a trick on us here at Sup Forums to get himself elected. I've not forgotten that. Newfags just never knew.

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[spoiler]Its nothing[/spoiler]

yeah the basic wiki-tier summary is that sarkozy was friendly towards gaddafi, promised better relations between france and libya if he got elected, so gaddafi donated $50mil to sarkozy's campaign (and probably more under the table)...then years later, sarkozy backs the USA in military overthrow of Gaddafi. most likely sarkozy/USA side gave info to rebels on where exactly Gaddafi was on that road and they ambushed him.

of course, all this happens while 99% of the population is oblivious to it all.

basically this is what happens when you're a bro to french-jew faggots like sarkozy. don't trust someone unless he is 100% european and make sure he is 0% anglo and 0% jew.

I think Nz.
The guy had the daughter doing internet porn. It was during pg8. Fuck there were more. Italy?

what trick did he pull exactly

she and obama were directly involved in Libya...its probably very complicated but basically they are told what to do, and then they tell the military generals what to do, and then those generals give orders out to the grunts, cia-operatives, and """rebels""" on the ground what to do...just picture a pyramid with hillary and obama in the middle section, all the fags doing the dirty work at the bottom, and the most elite bankers at the very top.

also since they control the media, and they control the masses through pumping everyone with shitty food, pharma drugs, and entertainment, most people won't be aware of this stuff, nor will they give a fuck if they did find out.

personally, i heard about the fuckery going on in libya but just didn't care because i felt like i had no power over it...it was more important for me to do well at my job so i could get paid and fulfill my living costs/bills, then drink or watch entertainment to escape and relax.

If I had been Gaddafi I would have sent all the info about funding to Sarkozy to media and French courts before dying.

There was a case of some Bulgarian nurses imprisoned in Lybia with charges of infecting children with AIDS. Sarkozy helped relesing them. I wonder what he and Gadaffy made a deal about..

Viva la Revolution

I thought this happened like 5 years ago.

They backstabbed him for his gold. No shit.

you forgot he created a special police to investigate cash funneling from France to Israel. It's so strange, he was shilled like their was no tomorrow by (((them))) during the election and now he act 200% like /ourguy/ and go full 1488 on jews, niggers and masons.
I'm so confused. And pleasantly surprised.

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There is also an Islam tax proposal going around.
Truly, what God brought us Macron?

by the looks of it, he didn't realize how fucked he was and was probably not smart enough to do that. the guy is pretty old, not some young guy in his 20's-30's who is internet-savvy and who knows about options like wikileaks or "release all the evidence if i die" sort of tactics.

Gaddafi looks quite bizarre in his later days. one of those guys who just got so rich and fat, he stopped being smart and fast. so its no surprise he got btfo...he let his guard down, trusted people who he shouldn't have, and was basically too lazy to play The Game strategically.

obama/hillary/deep-state realized that, realized he had no leverage, saw him as a fat, weak target, found out he had a shit ton of gold stashed, and moved in for the kill...it all makes sense looking back.

Life is good user
This guy gets it


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>and was probably not smart enough to do that
He wasn't stupid. His problem was genuinely playing by the system's rules.



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if Macron really is cracking down on money-laundering, then we will get further confirmation if he puts out official warning against crypto...it's a pretty obvious way to move funds around quickly, without having to deal with banks, paper trails, physical paper, gold, etc.

crypto really is convenient if you know how to get things flowing properly. there's also a large population of chinese and vietnamese in France...i highly doubt they are paying their taxes.

The daughter wasn't doing internet porn, just "artistic" shoots as part of her degree that she was naked for (you don't really want to see the pics).

NZ PM resigned because he left his phone on top of his car and his wife went through his messages and he had a couple of women on the side. One was a fashion designer and the other was CFO for a telco company. It's extremely unreported here, but widely known knowledge.

My money is on the (((l'oreal))) connection to his campaign finances

>reverse zakat

France isn't important? Lad drop the memes for a while this isn't /bant/

We are praying for you user. Be safe.

Thats no happening fool, hes just scum and it took a while to dig up all the shit he caused

>makes statements that aim to subvert the system's rules and zog
>continue to play by the system's rules to maintain honorable status

come on...yeah i'm not saying he was stupid, he had the brains and willpower to basically go from being a nobody to becoming the leader of his country....but when it came down to being encircled by his enemies, he didn't exactly maneuver in a way that worked out in the end. no alliances. no way of dumping evidence to the world press/community, no negotiations, nothing. just got fucked raw by hillary/obama/etc.

he is impliqued in so many affairs. Biggest being the Libor manipulation and the Clearstream-Eurostream compensation chambers money laundering... Oh and the 600 tons of metal gold he illegally gave to US to thanks them for the FAF connexions. This kike stole literally billions from UE/France while he was our prez.

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He was playing for his own country. He had alliances, that ended up being torn apart when he started trying to play by the West's rules.


Perhaps the angle is the get out of jail free card...

What info is that frog willing to trade for freedom, what does he know? What does someone want to force him to say who is powerful enough to have him arrested?

But whatever, first black president being the one to bring a return of slavery to an African country?
Irony is almost worth it.

That's how treachery normally plays out. The key is not to get blind-sided by it. Trust nobody.

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>campaign funding irregularities
aka bibery
like the clinton foundation
like trump and aipac
listen guys, its us against them. they are our govt but they are not us. they are against us. they hate us. they only care about power. greed and endless power. you have to stop them soon or everything will be lost for years. with the internet and the world connected, once they have global control it will be over forever, there will be no breaking out. the time is now.

the time was 2016 nov
and we won


kek @ Assad's constant smirking.

bump for interest

Manlets never learn.

This motherfucker should be thrown in jail with underfed pitbulls in heat. The current immigration crisis in Europe is a direct cause of the assault on Libya.

But I wouldn't hold my breath though. Slimy French politicians never go to jail. One of his mentor spend his whole life dodging trials.

Glad this piece of shit is going down

I hope this fucking crypto kike will die in detention.

what's the problem with accepting money from people? killing them afterwards is the opposite of corruption

Yeah, typical Sarkozy, he took Gaddafi's money and thought that the best way to make sure Gaddafi wouldn't brag about it was killing him. That's why french airplanes bombed his convoy when he was fleeing.



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There was also the connection of Hillary and Qatar to the company that bought out the Bataclan Theater before the Paris shooting.