"Jordan Peterson & Fascist Mysticism - by Pankaj Mishra argues that Peterson is heir to a long line of anti-liberals Jungian mystics who messed up the West after WWI. Peterson responded w anger and pronounced desire to "slap him.""
Peterson a mystic fascist?
Peterson is basically a cryptofascist. Obsessed with hierarchy and pushes "cultural marxism" conspiracy theory, misrepresents communism and downplays capitalist and fascist atrocities
The Jungian issue is weird. I liked him more than Freud when I was very young but now I know it was a proto or ingrained anti-Semitism even though I had no idea Freud was Jewish. I mean the difference between the two of them and their outlooks really maps well to the difference between the Jewish and the German mindsets.
I've noticed elements of that fascist mysticism attitude persists in some new age people, like the ones who talk about Rudolph Steiner and Joseph Campbell. I guess nobody bothered to criticize them for it because their politics is generic old hippie stuff.
she is so mad, what incoherent babble
Jung was a literal nazi, and let's be honest the worship of the hero is ingrained in fascist dogma, self sacrifice and responsability are there as well,
>misrepresents communism
>capitalist atrocities
Shame, you almost made a good post.
i like that commies beleive themselves to be this uber moral beings that care only aboud the good for the community but they get mad every time someone dares to mention their materialistic nature
>poo with a MA in english literature
>"lemme tell you how being a male is equivalent to fascism"
>Fascist Mysticism
is it possible to learn this power?
yes, read nietsche jung, and joseph campbell
Follow your bliss to become the superman archetype! Jokes aside, if you follow JBP, have you ever heard him talk of the Tibetan Book of the Dead? Or Bardo Thodol?
If only he was that interesting....
you want grug to talk about long nose tribe?
grug can't do it
You don't want to awaken his shadow archetype...
>when youre out of lobsters to beat up
>When you say people need stability and using violence is wrong
>Someone questions your rhetoric
This, this article is the most unfocused and incoherent shit I have read in a long time. She didn't even understand on a basic level what she was criticizing.
The article was pretty much indian commie gets mad and throws stuff around to see what sticks.
Best part is when she tries to insinuate his line of thinking leads to directly to fascism and Hitler, the exact same thing the criticises him earlier of doing.
What a waste.
That fucking site. No comments section to sound off on that driveling poo in loo and his logic of name-drop-and-smear, a wall of fallacious, moralistic genealogies to prop up what is in essence an exercise in trite name calling: He's like Trump. He's a racist.
Fuck the world if that the New Yorker has stooped to 'platforming' such vile dreck.
>poos named Pankaj Mishra function as the thought police for white people in 2018
the absolute state of western civilization
uh oh someone hit a nerve LMAO
Peterson high on SSRI and alcohol, raging on twitter What a kosher gatekeeper.
>be Peterson
>go out of your way not to be anti-Semitic
>support Jews at every turn
>call ethno-nationalists losers
>get called a Fascist anyway
go turn in your butterknives and suck off your wife's nigger bull on your way out
Peterson really fucked up by quoting Jung. It is widely known in Europe that Jung was a nazi.
So is the fate of every cuckservative
>Jung was a Nazi
There's nothing wrong with being a Nazi
So what? Heidegger was much more nazi than him. Both are still respected thinkers in Europe.
It only matters now when some pulls the nazi card out of the dustbin because he has no better argument, a very cheap shot especially in academia.
Oh wait it was bullshit anyway, and only salty freudians claim that.
>wants to beat up a subhuman
>messed up the west
>after WWI
>messed up the west
>after WWI
>messed up the west
>after WWI
sounds like he's a fucking moron, just like peterson.
I noticed this very interesting 1995 article on Fascism by Umberto Eco, no less, linked at the bottom of the page:
It's long, I might save it for later, but I thought anons might be interested