Is this how a goddess looks like nowdays?


>ywn jerk off while looking at Aqua's bared pussy and anus without knowing she is dozing smugly and waiting to use her knowledge of this later to extort you

Aqua-sama best bro

I might not want t wife like Aqu-no wait I do
Screw it you can masturbate to a friend, Aqua best friend!

Yes, gods with bottles are fashionable these days. Being an alcoholist is optional (but preferrable)

No, that's just a cheap slut.

she always looked like that though
also, the biggest slut



You know what people talk about goddesses?
Aqua is pure if compare to ancient mythology.

How does a whole city dedicated to her faith function? If you are society, how can you blame society if things don't work out?



S3 with Aqua as backgrouund Character when?

and this is how a goddess punishes you for being naughty

Best Nee-chan

Just sign this petition and they'll surely make a third season.

Hold on a sec are you trying to trick me

Om my way

But I don't want a s3 with Aqua as background character

Konosuba doujinshis always put a smile in my face

That one letter with two circles drags down the entire writing system to shit. Why the fuck would you have a letter that looks like that?

I wouldn't mind it if it were a setting where literacy is at a premium, then the clergy can afford to be all fancy with their lettering. Look up the letter M in glagolitic script, jesus fuck.
In the setting as it is though the fact that a script in common use hasn't simplified a letter like that takes away from the believability of the whole thing.

They did. That poster is written entirely in fancy gothic script, more or less, as befitting a propaganda poster. There's a smaller, simpler script that they use for less public facing writing.

Fuck me, I'm an inattentive degenerate then i guess.

Deepest lore

She's basically Dionysus (girl).

The goddess of wine and debauchery.

aka my kind of goddess.



Yeah. Best girl.







Considering that she can fully control her on vagina lube (water godess) just imagine the sex. I don't care that she is ugly and has a shit personality. That can be overlooked.

That's how best, unpadded goddesses look like, OP.

That's how goddesses used to be, really. The opposite happened and people today like to remember the ones that aren't the patron saints of drunks and sluts.

I've had that shit happen, it's both infuriating and disappointing.