Tell me about Kawakami Sadayo, Sup Forums

Tell me about Kawakami Sadayo, Sup Forums.
Why does she wear the glasses?

To distract you from the fact that her game is twice as long as persona 4 but somehow has half the charm

Because she has vision problems you fucking tard

To protect her eyes from the semen of ojisans that she services regularly.

All the better to find and catch a husband with?

She's a lewd girl.

Makoto > all

Do not debate me.


I just realized that I haven't played a videogame in years





How many episodes will the anime need to be good?

>Sup Forums won't ever fuck off and stay in their designated containment board


>pretending posts like this help

two cour minimum

How can other Megane compete?

Stupid makotofag

I still haven't played Persona 5. I loved 2, 3, and 4, but I have no interest right now in 5. FF12 burned me out of JRPGs for the moment.

Definitely come back to it at some point

P5 is definitely a Persona game, but it is really good.

Persona 4 was shit and all the the characters sucked.

>generic mary sue girl


she stole them from the minor she raped

How garbage of taste can one person have.


>Persona 4 was shit and all the the characters sucked.
You could say that about every game in the series except MiP. Perfect example of a series that should only have had one entry.


Stupid waifufag kill yourself you pathetic loser


I really do love how she manages to have a sense of humor about her predicament, despite everything.

1. Everything up to Arsene awakening
2. Looking up dirt on Kamoshida, Shiho's suicide attempt, securing an infiltration route to Kamoshida's treasure
4. Kamoshida's calling card, boss fight and change of heart
5. Running into Shido, Mishima and Phan-Site, first quest in Mementos, Yusuke stalking
6. Meeting Yusuke, Madarame's palace up to the roadblock
7. Discovering the fake Sayuris, Yusuke's Persona awakening, securing an infiltration route
8. Madarame's calling card, boss fight and change of heart
9. Makoto stalking PTs, investigating Kaneshiro
10. Meeting Kaneshiro, Makoto's Persona awakening, securing a route to Kaneshiro's treasure
11. Kaneshiro's calling card, boss fight and change of heart
12. Medjed, Futaba, her home and palace
13. Futaba's calling card, boss fight and hacking Medjed
14. Beach episode
15. Morgana fucks off, Haru, Okumura's palace
16. Haru's Persona awakening, securing a route to the treasure
17. Okumura's calling card, boss fight and death
18. Akechi confronts PTs, Sae's palace, securing a route to the treasure
19. Sae's calling card and boss fight, Akira is captured and "killed"
20. PTs' keikaku to fool Akechi
21. Shido, his palace, Akechi boss fight
22. Shido's calling card, boss fight and change of heart
23. Going into Mementos, Holy Grail fight, Igor's reveal
24. Lavenza, Yald boss fight, Akira turns himself in and is released, ending
Plus maybe 6 episodes for Confidants and Mementos quests.