Drop your REd Pills
no it was tradional radical catholics that got genocided during ww1 ww2
btw the tribesmen of north America didn't consider each others tribes as one, each tribe viewed eachother differently, just like how Europeans or Africans do.
Pol is a honeypot operation
>100 million
A hundred million? Tribal hunter-gatherers? In a pre-industrial age?
that's what happens in a 300 year war
Seals brought disease to America before the white man came.
And you know what they were doing before we got here???
Killing and raping each other whenever they felt like it.
Kill yourself,cause everyone is related to rapists and murderers, so if you want to avenge the pasts karma start with yourself.
they were literal savages and many were cannibals
they had no uniform language,and genetically differed more so than any groups
there wasn't a "people"
even if there was, their uncivilizedness makes them less than human
>100 gorillion
the numbers of Indians in north America wasn't even 3 million before Christopher Columbus arrived
are you conflating Aztecs with American Indians?
THIS THREAD IS ABOUT RED PILLS why be fixed on one topic you silly seppos
Truly only the Americans knew how to Colonialism/Imperialism properly.
I mention that whenever Jews in my vicinity bring up the holocaust. It's happened several times through the years. They always get pissy and try to hide it. They don't like having their victim spotlight stolen.
>Siberian Americans
They weren't native user.
>100 million dead competitors
That's right and we'll do it again if pressed.
Human history is a lie.
this is some weak as fuck subterfuge
The weak will always be conquered. Fuck em.
Two continents. Yes.
Keep up the good work brother hit them with truth
Proof of numbers? Nein? Then stfu you dumb cunt.
False choice....
You could be the one being hunted
>biggest genocide
As a Tasmanian aboriginal I would like to point out that I don't believe in special rights for us, and I STRONGLY DOUBT the authenticity of those whose claims are backed by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation.
how about some fucking evidence instead of just spouting a conveniently rounded number
Also Palawa is not my language and trying to sell it as "native tasmanian" makes me vomit cursed blood out of every orifice.
>Active Denial Systems/ Millimeter Waves
>No marks or evidence but so painful you can't voluntarily stand in the beam for more than a second
>Gov uses for "crowd control"
>crowd control= beaming thousands of gunfags at once to heard them into a pen
Your picture scared me.
If you're fighting to steal the land, that's not genocide you dumb twat, it's just killing people.
All the captchas aren't testing us to see if we are robots. Yes, we must generally click the right stuff, but mainly we are TRAINING the new bots/AI to drive cars (hence all the cars and street signs).
Disease did that. I wish I could say my government was badass enough to pull that off
How have I never heard that before? I’m stealing that
True. Learn from this lesson America, because it's happening again.
100 million probably didn't exist considering they were mosty nomads
You never knew natives came to the Americas walking across the frozen bearing straight?
>Stupid pale face we don't believe in apples
>White man picks up apples
>300 years later
>The pale face stole out apples
Reminder that the 14th amendment is not for illegals. Anchor babies should be deported.
There's no such thing as a Tasmanian abo. The last 4 of full indigenous descent died in the 1860's. The closest thing today is a 1/8th or less abo LARPing as an opressed minority.
Wild poos.
Early pioneers had to watch their step.
Remember YOUR government is not on YOUR side & it is not YOUR friend !
Why aren't people replying to this autistic thread? Have the people here forgot rule #1 of Sup Forums? IGNORE AUSTRALIANS
I'll stick up for the Indians on this one. Some of them deserved it, some of them got royally screwed over. They were a bunch of tribes similar to how Europe is make up of many different groups. I don't think all of them deserved to have all their traditions, culture, and people completely wiped out, they aren't Jew or nigger tier.
The only genocide was the Pauite admitting to killing the Si Teh cah.
There was no Native American genocide, there are no remains, no skeletons, no proof. Just made up numbers.
100 million. Holy fuck the valleys would still be full of bones.
We should've finished the job.
The levels of not giving a fuck are through the roof.
You picked the wrong platform to spin your Holocaust myths on.
Prove it. Where's the bodies.
Indians fluctuated these numbers by 50 million in the last year alone.
250K Indians lost a 400 year war. Maybe some died from TB they caught from seals, but it wasnt a genocide.
Ingenious women LOL
The US population in 1800 was 5 million. I find it very hard to believe that they were outnumbered 20 to 1 by hunter gatherers/primitive farmers.
Everyone's cucked by life and death
Reddit tier thread. This place really is dead.
Even CBC debunked the Ice free corridor theory.
Solutreans were the First Nations while most of Canada was still under an Ice Age.
What a shit resolution
stinky anglos are blood thirsty crazies
that is a blue pill and op is homosexual
>implying abos are people and not sub humans
>implying the stolen generation was wrong
>implying we didnt fuck up by not killing the whole race
Gee whiz you sure showed me. Do 2 years working in emergency services in an abo community and then we will have something to talk about, greeny leftist scum. You're detached from reality.
>Each of these is like a few dozen people
When you exploit the tragedy of immigration to promote more immigration.
Those 100 million natives died from diseases brought by the first explorers long before the colonists arrived. The natives that were left were literally living Mad Max tier lifestyles by the time the settlers started to arrive
Vatican City is literally an independent state.
That's the biggest crock of shit meme I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot.
The first conflict between Anglos and Indians happened when the Iroquois massacred thousands of White settlers following the French and Indian War. The English were unable to respond as their resources were tied up in the Seven Years' War which was a global conflict.
The only thing that stopped the Indians was a Smallpox epidemic.
There was never a large-scale massacre of Indians in North America, and there was certainly never a population approaching even the tens of millions in post-Colombian history.
Additionally, Indians are not a monolithic group, but rather an umbrella definition for a large and diverse collection of small nations, many of which never had hostile conflicts with Europeans. Many Indian tribes still exist on the original land they inhabited when White settlers encountered them.
Indian tribes even fall into different language groups, indicating that they likely originated from multiple migrations to the Western hemisphere.
Just to illustrate how vast a single language group is, India and Portugal (and nearly everything in-between) are in the same language group called the Indo-European language group.
Indian tribes in the Northwest are in the same language group as tribes in Mexico. However Indian tribes in the Midwest are in a different language group entirely.
I do not know how many language groups exist among Indian tribes, but it is at least more than one.
While some genocidal activities did occur, it's unfair to ascribe the entire 100million to genocide. Most of those were killed by diseases, which I don't think count as genocide. Using disease deaths to pump up the numbers is like how anti-gunners include suicides in 'gun-related deaths'. It's dishonest and its not useful.
Oh you mean the "genocide" that has less credibility than the Holohoax?
archaeologists debate this question rather fiercely but the general consensus between 10 and 50 million. A really good book to read about this question is “1491 New Revelations About the Americas Before Columbus”
i would not even have guessed 5 million,
>Biggest genocide
That would've been when africa niggers exterminated the intellectually superior neanderthals
Did the death count jump from 50 000 000 to 100 000 000 in a matter of minutes?
> 100 million gorillion bazingillion noble savages slaughtered to death
Rubbish, America couldn't support a hunter-gatherer culture that large. Only a few top predators can be supported by even a large number of prey animals
fook da nra
I do believe the current fantasy is that the first Spaniards brought small pox to a land that had some moderate population centers and society. In exchange they took plague and syphillis back to Europe which was a pretty fair trade. Europe bounced back first and 200 years later American explorers like Lewis and CLark found an essentially empty continent.
Just for you Aussie bro
Ops pic is wrong. How is that for a red pill?
And they weren’t even tough fuckers like the cassowary.
>100 mil indians killed by smallpox
>this is genocide because we are responsible for a disease
By that metric, blacks are reaponsible for hiv and aids you fucking retard
Uh, but they are. And the black fags are the absolute worst.
But even if you want to blame white people for small pox in the Americas, the syphillis Europe got in return sort of makes it a wash.
Fake meme. Only 8-12 million natives lived here when the Europeans arrived.
Hey Australia............
The Abbo's called..............
They want their land back.
>stone age savages constantly at war with one another
>many practiced cannibalism, human sacrifice, slavery, bride kidnapping, and tortured members of other tribes to death as a matter of course
>North and South America largely depopulated decades before Columbus arrived, thanks to disease-ridden seals
>white man arrives, builds settlements, most of which exist for years before ever encountering natives
>whites try to coexist with natives, engaging in trade, buying land from them, trying to negotiate peace between tribes, etc.
>natives are overwhelmingly hostile, stealing white technology (metal tools and guns, mostly), raping and abducting white women and children, scalping and murdering the men, etc.
>whitey BTFO's redskin savages and deports them far enough away that they can't do any harm
>200+ years later, feather niggers are still butthurt and pretend their ancestors were enlightened and noble
>grit their teeth in rage whenever someone reminds them they sold an entire island for a cart full of beads
Suck it, Squanto.
Okay, so I am sure this has been asked a million times before but here goes, haha.
Why is it that when I play up how aloof I am, cause emotional spikes with women, speak vaguely when talking about myself, and just generally act like a dickhead that I get laid like crazy? Then when I act like my usual self or get deep with girls that all attraction disappears?
I only ask because I met a girl at university and quite like her. She's the usual kind of bleached blonde, ethnic, tanned woman, that I would act like a dick to and get sucked off by and bang the same night of meeting but something about her is different. I don't know what it is exactly but for some reason getting to know her through university has changed how I would normally perceive a person like her. Obviously I want to sleep with her but this conflicts with my desire to be my authentic self. Is it wrong to act like somebody else if it reliably gets me laid?
I've currently slept with 31 people and am only 22 years old.
And what, you're going to escape that just because you live in Australia? I've lived there too, it's not any different. The American flag wasn't even in that image to begin with.
The biggest mistake Europeans made was not genociding the shitskins everywhere they went.
You know who isn't a massive drain on my economy because they take welfare, college scholarships, etc. in disproportionate numbers? Olmecs.
You know who isn't displacing my people with massive birth rates, uncontrolled immigration, and refusing to assimilate into our culture or speak our language? Olmecs.
You know who isn't committing crime vastly out of proportion to their percentage of the population, lowering property values, and turning entire towns into third-world disaster areas? Olmecs.
You know who isn't undermining my country, culture, and race with constant anti-white propaganda and legislation meant to give them an advantage while hobbling us? Olmecs.
You know why Olmecs aren't doing any of these things?
Genocide works. No people, no problem. Niggers can't call you racist if niggers don't exist.