Fuck indus. nuke this shit

fuck indus. nuke this shit

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If it makes you feel better, the kid lived and the man was executed.

>Pakistan and India nuke each other
>Earth covered in shit particles for decades to come
Great plan

it doesn't. Children are no benefit to the world when there are so many humans already. A billion of the same gene is overkill.

proof faggot

fuck off gook

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Why are chinese so rare on Sup Forums?
Is it because they don't speak english or because they have limited access to internet

got your back china

Hopefully Pakistan and POOindia nuke eachs other along with Bangladesh and all the fucking muzzies and hindu cowfuckers dies. But fuck Indians above all.

stop reproducing

I unironically prefer poos over gooks

>they don't speak english

no point when chinese is going to become the lingua franca of the world

no one cares what you think

I can't let you do that, Star Fox. Poos know the real face of Islam and will be a valuable ally in the nearest future, beyond providing shitty outsourced customer support from an office somewhere in Bangalore. When you attack the poo, you disgrace the loo.

I never started ;)

fuck breeder scum

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>poos know the real face of islam

not as well as china

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sounds like an opinion to me and from a devious creature

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lol, it's fact

Only if China goes too, gotta get all big commies


lol, makes sense


retard detected. when did /pol become so shit?

Do you know why he did it? Just crazy?

no one is going to waste nukes on them

Well the kid replaced the man's life. He was a worthless degenerate. Net utility gain for the world, in my opinion.

prove it

I've watched a few CP videos from China lately. Your kid girls are cute.

Since when were you allowed to do anything but worship your leader, Chang?

guy was just nuts

ur a piece of shit fucking kill urself nigger lover


Wtf I hate India now.
Try better Paki mongrel

fuck off nigger ur the the scum of society alongside niggers and pakis u jiggerboo cunt

You jelly that your peepee is smaller than mine

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