Aren't people who get too cold easily beta males? We, white men were strong enough to survive the cold climate of Europe. Only niggers are afraid of snow. I can walk shirtless when it's -10C and I'm not even feeling uncomfortable. Weakness disgusts me.
Aren't people who get too cold easily beta males? We...
Same, i swim in winter. Just lol at cucks who get cold
It's just adapting to where you are. I can't stand under 50 degree weather but heat doesn't phase me until 110+. Your ability to endure the cold doesn't exactly make you ubermensch.
No. Just means you're not that well physically. I know from personal experience.
idk, I'm used to it being -35C in the winter, though.
It's weird to be in hawaii.
ha ha beta faggot detected
Come on out to the US and try that in North or even South Dakota. Take off your shirt and walk a mile and back. You'll see what happens when there's -27 to -30c (stands for cuck).
And that's just standard temps. That's without wind. You don't want wind. That's when hypothermia kicks in and you'd pretty much be dead halfway through it.
Leafnigger knows what real cold is. You faggots are insane.
Or take your ass down to Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, or Georgia in the middle of July. 105f with 80% humidity. Go run a mile and don't puke and or pass out.
You wouldn't like either extreme. And I could promise you wouldn't be "comfortable".
I thrive in the cold. I actually feel less pain from surface wounds because my nerves are buried deep, so said my doctor. I'm also able to run for long periods without a significant rise in my heart rate. I'm basically born for war.
im a squishy weak thing acclimated to a constant 70f. I live in Texas and can’t stand the heat and humidity, it’s best during winter when it’s 50-70 outside. Fuck anything below 10f.
If you wanna play tough guy in the cold go ahead, but honestly when its that cold it’s objectivley shit.
The tough guy yank post
Are you a ginger?
Yeah they are fucking faggots.
You have abnormally high blood pressure. See a doctor before complications arise.
You probably evolved to fight gingers then. The cold doesn’t bother them and their hearts don’t beat. Letting yours beat would give you away.
>white men spend thousands of years in cold europe
>able to colonize any habitat on a whim
Why are we so great?
Also cold is for pussies. Its easier to warm up than it is to cool down
I have never been in truly cold weather, i think the coldest I've been in was 6 degrees and i shivering in a jacket and jeans.
I worked with a group of polish guys here in Aus once and they could not handle the heat, they would have go home if got too hot and one even fainted.
And fight them I will.
Can't stand hot weather.
I think any true blue bloke will pass out in aussie heat mate. It really depends on how much you drink. Our summers are dangerously dry or disgustingly humid, combine that with a lack of drinking and you're liable to actually die if you don't take care of yourself.
For example, put yourself in a hot bath and I mean a HOT bath. During the day, immediately hop out and walk around. That's basically australian heat.
Fuck the cold you faggot, I'm Japanese, bitch.
>I have never been in truly cold weather,
head on up to thredbo, it wont get arctic but it can get pretty cold by Straya standards.
Been up the thredbo, wearing appropiate clothing it's cold but it's brisk and actually comfy. Went when I was younger.
no, that's just you being fat. i used to never have a problem with cold, then i lost 20kgs and now I do
>I'm also able to run for long periods without a significant rise in my heart rate
You should be running faster then, user.
isn't super expensive? i was told i could go to the snow in japan for around the same price
Never seen snow.
Whites can stand the cold but they are beta as fuck.. exhibit A
it was on a building site and all the Aussies were fine, it was just because they weren't used to the heat
>have actual autism
>cant really feel atmospheric temperature that much
alpha AF tbqh
from scotland, unless it's raining a shirt over a t shirt with jeans and boots and i'm comfortable.
How long were they in the country? I had a north frisian from NL come down here without such issues and they walked in like, high degrees out in the middle of the outback without passing out.
I think it really depends on the person, rather then the nationality. If they're smart/careful or risky/stupid.
I can run very quickly when needed. Only when needs must though. 100 metre sprint I couldn't give a fuck. Police? I ran faster than anyone else.
>i was told i could go to the snow in japan for around the same price
probably yes, if you are going solo and using air bnb and shit . still Thredbo is accessable to Melb/Syd with a bit of a drive and fairly decent unless you are some kind of snow pro.
From my memory, unless you're planning to say for long with close accomadation it's pretty much costless. Might be wrong
t. stable weather cuck
The cold weather tough guy act is literally shit you see in primary school. Usually people grow out of it. Seems like you didn't.