> be a fat fag
> lgbtq+aidsaidsaids
> Makes a poll to defend sand niggers
> does not like the results
be a fat fag
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Link pls?
I want to vote for Muslims...
nvr mind, found it
After seeing the results of this poll I'm convinced this should be a weekly occurrence to redpill the twitter masses, sneak facts and redpills/info-graphics into the comments.
HAHAHHHA and what did she say about this? I wanna laugh.
>muh nazis
She's been sperging out for the last few days, I think it's a parody account though. I've been dropping the hard red-pills hoping they gain some traction with normies. 1500+ retweets so far.
Top Kek!
Yeah, possibly a parody, but just to be on the safe side, best to get in there and troll her nonetheless.
>Vote for the people who don't slaughter innocents
The state of leftists
Yeah doesn't really matter. Parody acc or not it's good to capitalize on.
i was highly suspicious the account might be a parody but that confirms it
>possibly a parody
sad that it's so hard to tell anymore.
this has to be one of us, right?
It's a fucking parody account, jesus you people are autistic.
I'm surprised at twitter with this poll honestly, I got banned for "Hate Speech" for saying the rape gang's are a product of Islamic Ideals. Does this not have as much traction as we thought? Pre-haps it's one giant U.K honeypot considering their hate-speech laws. Are they perhaps trying to draw out people and throw them in prison for opposing Islam
Most of the people there are based trolls, kek.
Thanks OP, although you were a bit of a fag for making me have to search for the tweet, I thank you for the fun I am having with this.
Is that a bad thing? It can be used as a tool to red-pill masses. The fact Islam has 70% of the vote total is pretty huge.
Although I'm starting to suspect it's a honeypot.
its hard to tell whats a parody when it comes to the UK m8
it is the uk mate, theyre basically living in orwells nightmares
I can't believe the hate she posted online with her poll. She should be reported to the authorities for this vile attack on the innocent people of islam.
>European women are alcoholics.
How can anyone deny this. Its the fucking truth.
>Christmas is stupid
It is. It has nothing to do with Christ anymore.
>Easter i stupid.
Its from Babylonia and has more to do with Fertility then Jesus (What do you think the rabbits and Eggs are all about?)
umm it was russian trolls clearly who hacked this poll, right wing extremism is the most dangerous , remember to spread your cheeks wide for the refugee 'teenagers' in sexual emergency
This is golden
your discord is full of niggers and mutts cunt
>barred from eating carbonara
so, an Italian got adopted by Arabs?
Isn’t that picture Zoe Quinn? It’s obviously a parody
the poll is missing the option jew
>122000 votes
Are there really that many of us?
We always seem like the minority.
>Reading through this account's tweets
It's a parody account, isn't it? Surely nobody thinks this way.
do you want me to also point out how retarded the islami religion is or any religion for that matter.
Hell you dont even need to go for the low haning fruit like big moh flying up to the moon on a winged horse and splitting it.
Christianity in terms of claims and stupid traditions is on the low end of mental retardation compared to the other big 2.
found the jew
A couple of
I know.
Islam is just a rip off of Christainity and a bunch of Arab pagan stories. The flying white horse is one example.
they ban 4 chan users on twitter as russian bots and allow and use their own bots to shill for dems thats why over the last 3 months suddenly trump support dissapeard while dems "support" surged twitter was forced to do this instead of facebook who just did it because merkel looked in their general directions.
Notice the use of almost exclusively white women as bots because they have more perceived "worth" online.
I just don't know any more.
I saw this on Sup Forums the other day
Fuck-off sheep shagger no one gives a shit what you think.
>Non-binary Socialist & LGBTQIAPK activist. Zhe/Zher. Fierce Corbynista. Free speech not Hate Speech. Pro-Palestine. Anti-Alt-Right. Diversity ally. Pro Gamer
Someone post the fat ogre with the taco tattoo eating. I need it
This is the future the Britbongs chose.
l - lads, it's going down.
Notice how they're all rostie thots to attract as many thirsty faggots as possible
How can we win against robothots created with millions of globalist dollars?
but he lost the election?
Yeah but they will win soon because of libtards and your high number of enrichment.
This vote literally made my day. FeelsGoodMan
Yanno, you shitheads manipulating the poll are making her correct.
The whole thing is just meaningless now
the anglo doesnt understand he gets fucked by both sides, left and right, labor and tories, a kosher sandwich so to speak
We are having similar problems to the anglo, but at least we acknowledge them.
with sexbots user
ahahaha can you please post the "come and take it" meme with the knife?
yes thats the reason we stil have a small chance to turn things around. how is your coalition doing? does the fpö have enough influence?
Poe's law in action.
They are doing a good job. The FPÖ is a little autistic sometimes, but people are pretty satisfied with the current government. Both of the parties are mostly loyal to each other and we are having great relations with easter Europe. Also we are deporting many more illegal migrants.
>I want to know what people think
>I've already chosen the answer for them
You don't have to use a picture of yourself. She could just be obsessed with her and proud of her 'values' and 'accomplishments'.
Sorry for the delay
good to hear, we need countries like yours to be an example. it makes it easier for german normies to vote right, when they see that it works out for countries similiar to ours
She’s a fucking cat lady too
ewww every single cat lady has a smelly vagina
want to know why?
the fishy smell allows them to get licked by the cats on their pussies under the covers. that rough tongue acts as their masturbation machine.
>manipulating the poll
Millions of people come here every day user.
Just think about how many threads you read through without posting a single thing, then remember that everyone else is doing the same.
Obviously shills want you to think that we're just some small uninfluential minority though.
>mad cat tranny
What a surprise.
>more then
kys nigger
>I have faith that people will vote "correctly" and validate my progressive beliefs and won't be RAYCIS
>Soviet AI "I'm literally a bot voting"
satire account is satire
what she really should do is make a poll
>UK Government
Not much of a different.
Implying zhe has a chance.
A shit ton of people do. You can find them in any western university. It may very well still be a parody account.
Here ya go bb.
It’s not from Babylonia it’s a Christian tradition from Mesopotamia. Rabbits are an American thing and the egg represents Jesus’ tomb.