Is this the power of American education?

Is this the power of American education?

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It clearly says estimate, not calculate. They were obviously being taught and tested on rounding/sigfigs. Nice absence of context tho.

Highly unfortunate, however:

Pic related

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One has to come to the realization that diversity requires there be many solutions to a problem. You are drifting very close to wrongthink, comrade.

If they were estimating then 75 would round to 80 not 70.

whoop i'm an idiot

>is 75 pages a reasonable answer
Estimate is only on the correction.

Looks likeBritish education to me

I guarantee you if we saw the entire page instead of a tiny crop of one question it'd be there.

Common core was created to fight "white privilege". In other words certain non-whites aren't good at math and its white peoples fault.

They're not rounding that figure. They're just observing that 70 is close to 75. And rounding 5s up is just an arbitrary convention anyway.

A large number of these "muh educashin" crops are either entirely fake or, as you have mentioned, taken out of context. But good luck convincing anyone of that here.

>It clearly says estimate, not calculate.
Where? I See "explain", but I don't see either "estimate" of "calculate" in the problem.

This is how you inflict psychological damage.

I get common core tries to make math "abstract" for kids rather than memorization, but with no foundation, abstraction is utterly useless.

Why the fuck do you need to estimate an equation that 1st graders can calculate?

78 would round up to 80 though. Either way, the teacher is an idiot.

I cant into wizardry, can you explain what i just read?
Inst she read 103 pages on Tuesday, its not TOTAL 103 for 2 days.

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It teaches them how to estimate for larger numbers, which is an important skill for any practical use of mathematics, like when doing data analysis.

Evidence? You can’t just say that unless you have some sort of evidence for your claim.


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Obviously you shouldn’t estimate when constructing a bridge, or anything for that matter, although when conceptualising something like a deal or whatever it is helpful.

you sound like a triggered leftist

Then give them larger numbers?
Math is the most straight forward thing in School, how do you manage to mangle it up?

estimating is for fags

>defending "estimate bullshit"
Good thing that brits are cucked and will be exterminated soon

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how the fuck can you 'estimate without calculating' 103-28 ? how is 70 better then 75 ?

what the fuck does ' is X a reasonable answer ?' mean ? if 'reasonable' is 'right' then no

West is so smart that they are teaching qubits at school.

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Man this is going to be a great meme

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>arbitrary convention
You mean like any other convention? 5s always get rounded to even numbers so 75 would indeed be rounded to 80.

Fucking Common Core!

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Nazi's will sperg out about this because apparently quantum mechanics is jewish or something

qubits are not complicated

The ambiguity is there and requires further context, which is provided later on in the question. You do have a point though. Let's just say the people who run our educational system are not well educated themselves. This is what happens when standards for proper language usage are not reinforced into the populace.

The method below is just plainly retarded

Judging from the handwriting it is probably younger students who are new to this concept. When starting a new topic you start with very simple, straightforward numbers so the student gets comfortable and then work your way up. Also, being that maths is the subject that correlates the highest with IQ of any subject it isn’t as straightforward as you are making it out to be, but you probably know this and are trying to make people think you’re smart, or at least make yourself feel smart.

You're right, but don't expect many people here to understand that

>asking for evidence equals getting triggered
Fucking conservatards

This is your evidence.

>different ways of using the SAME proprieties of algebrical sums
It looks more complex because you aren't used to it, but it's the same old shit, redigested so it looks new and edgy.

schoolteachers need to get genocided

No of course not, however common core curriculum is has been developed to promote ambiguity instead of absolutism which is the heart of all mathematics, can you imagine developing technology based on “ambiguous” concepts??? For example, “Hai user, can you please calculate the trajectory needed for our astronauts to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere safely, “sure, I will calculate a “reasonable estimate” for you”....”WTF did you say???”

Reminder: Jews invented Common Core.
They are literally trying to dumb your kids down.

>if you don't believe me without any evidence you're a leftist
Sounds like a leftist when he/she claims that we must believe, without any evidence, that there are 70 million genders

>low IQ pseudo (shit version of) Russian mad because he got bad grades in school and can’t bring himself to admit he has a low IQ
Slavic retards like you are all too common. Go be a bitter, subhuman kike somewhere else.

Only if you're a retarded burger. Not once in my studies have I estimated anything. Of course if you have to guess you guess a range, but if you have the data you run decent calculations, you don't go and estimate

It's the power of standardized, Federal education

I wouldnt complain if the teacher explained once what tge fuck iss that shit on the bottom

Ours os just fine.

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Kid gets the right answer for the question but not how the teacher wants and gets -1 marks out of 2 to 7 marks... riiiight, cunt teacher.

should read something along the lines "using estimation show if this is a reasonable answer."


they are trying to teach them how to quickly do the problem in their head by rounding first.
ironically is a good example of showing how its supposed to work.

I am a rare poo with 134 IQ and this disgusts me

Is Common core trying to get brainless to solve math how normal people do it in their head?
Even then I would teach people to do it like

Maybe, see the first part of post.
And no you fucking Albinoid, you don't start small when talking about "estimations".
If I recall my school years, math was taught in a progression of something along the lines of
>Up to 10
>Up to 20
>Up to 100
>Up to 1000
That was like what, 2-3rd grade material?
"Estimations" where taught alongside rounding, and rounding was though with decimals or at the least in the 10'000-Million range.

You Westerners and your
>We must protect kids from big scary ideas!

what does “reasonable answer” even mean, what skills/knowledge are they trying to assess the student on???

the one below is broken into steps. the one above doesnt even show its method

You kicked the Jews out

The above method is the classic carry over.

Sure, I agree, although we don’t have common core or anything similar here and we were still taught how to use estimation at a young age.

>disarming themselves
>calling someone low iq
I should throw your "mighty over 9000 IQ ass" into the forest, where even a squirrel can do a better job of surviving than you.

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i know. but there is a method to solving it that isn't shown because we all know it after having it drilled into us.

or you know, you could just teach people to calculate properly, they will learn to estimate through practice

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I'm a teacher who has taught and graded this question before. That teacher is an idiot for grading it this way. If the kid can solve the problem, give them credit.

A good example would have been
>243-87= 200+50-7-100+20+7
not that sorcery.

Of course it's partly because older people arent used to the common core shit. But for fucks sake - kids, instead of using subtraction to do this subtraction, use addition! See easy isn't it!

Perhaps 'common core' actually is more like 'for the dumb common denominator'. Teach both and let kids decide which is easier for them.

The top method is cell calculations that accumulate as you go across. The second method is calculating the difference between the numbers (which is the answer)

Which one is faster? I'm not too sure I still feel like the first method is faster just because you are dealing with less numbers. The latter kind of helps you understand planes so I suppose it could help as a precursor to Cartesian planes maybe.

The learner has demonstrated their comptence with the calculation provided, trying to have learners provide “estimates” to mathematical questions is another way of conditioning young people in accepting “ambiguous” concepts such as 46 different genders etc.

That’s probably why your country is so shit and likely has by far inferior PISA test results. You fucking moronic Slav subhumans don’t know how to teach kids things. I graduated with honours and have a bachelors in mathematics and my IQ is 145, yet I still prefer this learning style.

reasonable answer would be "close to actual answer". Dont act dumb.

Obviously the kids were taught how to estimate a certain way and that was what the test was meant to be on, but the wording of the question fucked it up.

>Romans weren't feminists
You realize Julius Ceasar was trans right?

>Dude my IQ
Okay buddy, sure thing. I think I will keep supporting my school System and you can enjoy your daily Call of Prayer.

>If you teach them X they will eventually teach themselves Y as it is easier to do in your head.
Or you could just, you know, teach them Y at the start.

And that Ides of March thing with the knives was a metaphor for an orgy gone so wrong medical science couldn't do anything to save him/her?

Ok here's an easy way

100-30 =70
70+3+2 =75

>sig figs
>with whole numbers not demicals
You are fucking retarded.

I linked to one literally shown in anti common core propoganda. Yes, I'm sure there are better examples.

kys for defending this nonsense

I was a toddler during the Dunblaine shooting and wasn’t even born during the hungerford massacre, I had no choice, I was actually born in South Africa. Anyway, I am actually pretty good at survival and hunting. I am basically the very model of a modern major general.

impressive numbers, but you're bombastically wrong on that.

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exactly,the question has been purposely designed to condition children in accepting “ambiguous” concepts, there is no place for teaching ambiguous concepts in mathematics.

>ukrainian jew slave projecting

Big words for a khokhol.

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You substract 43 from 87 and then 44 from 200

My point is it is just a superior learning style.

But the latter is just slow and not practical at all, my teacher taught me to imagine a subtraction between 13 and 7, remembering that now I didn't have a 40 anymore but a 30, then I had to go on repeating the first step. You're not teaching kids how to subtract this way

found the reason why their bridges collapse

How is this a superior learning style??? Ever since (((cultural marxists))) infiltrated the teaching profession in the 1960’s, numeracy skills in Anglo-Saxon countries have been declining and it’s all because the only learning outcome that is important is the conditioning of learner in (((cultural marxist))) concepts.

It's true, I was the surgeon who performed her gender reassignment

I get where they're coming from with this. This is, after all, how I would solve this problem in my head.

The issue is it's a bit abstract. I only starting thinking of things this way because I had a good foundation in the first method.

because not everyone is smart we all have to be dumb!

Yeah was the answer meant to be no? 'cos the correct answer is a reasonable answer to me.

Ok estimate. 103 becomes 105.
28 becomes 30.
105 - 30 = 75
Faggot nigger

I actually been trying some calculations trying it in the common core method and it's actually not that bad.
Yeah but with this system if you have say 184 - 65 it would seem it goes like this
5, 100, 10, 4
so in your head if you combine it as you go you end up with 5, 105, 115, 119.

They seem to be rather equally fast but I am finding it to be a little easier to do common core in my head but I'm not very smart to begin with.

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even if they do that shit to make learning easier shouldn't the teacher just give it a fucking tick as the child obviously has the aptitude to not need to estimate the equation.

Except we do estimate when building bridges. That's why we use safety factors.


> Is this the power of American education?


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