First reason is that Putin hates GMO foods and Monsanto.
He is not allowing GMO Monsanto in His Mother Russia.
Putin is not allowing Monsanto to poison Russian food to poison Russian soil.
Second reason Putin is my hero is that Putin hates degenerate LGBT and is not allowing them to poison minds of Russian people
especially minds of young Russian children as degenerate filthy LGBT is doing in the USA and in other Western countries.

Is that enough for Putin to be also your hero?

Attached: Russian-President-Putin-signs-GMO-ban law.png (530x600, 484K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: putin as a teen.jpg (1019x765, 54K)

*eats pork anuses identical to natural and drinks juice-like drink*

Putin helped prop up brutal dictator Bashar al-assad. He can suck my left nut

>brutal dictator
>last pillar of order in the Mid East

Please list the crimes your ancestors committed and as a punishment they were shipped out out to Australia.
I bet they were brutal murderers.

>order in the middle east
Arabs don't have order. they are incapable of it. We should just give the whole place to the Jews. at least Israel is a successful state

Looking cool.

they probably stole a loaf of bread or some shit. I'm glad they got shipped here. Otherwise i would be living in the UK and being cucked by Arabs right now

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t. cia

>they probably stole a loaf of bread or some shit.
no no no, only the most brutal criminals were kicked out, murderers, rapists, pedophiles and such.
Small times thieves vere left alone.
In your DNA is a code of a brutal savage murderer rapist or a pedophile.
You have to be honest with yourself mate, Lol

Slavs aren't Aryan as decreed by Hitler himself.

The world changes moron, the ennemies of yesterday will be the friends of tomorrow.

Who gives a shit about some Austrian loser and his opinion.

My hero.

Attached: Putin in the wheat field .jpg (1024x632, 284K)

>Muh LGBT poison
Really?You think people choose to be gay?
>Muh GMO
GMO is literally just modified genes,its as harmless as crossbreeding

I really like him.

Even tigers like Putin

Attached: Putin and tiger .jpg (700x1105, 165K)

Typical garbage homo talk, on both issues.

>Putin helped prop up brutal dictator Bashar al-assad.
>Only degenerate ZWO countries can have vassal states
What did he mean by this?

Its all staged,funny enough
Friendly reminder that Putin is cheating in the elections like a

Not an argument

I'm not even trying to argue with you.
You are not worthy.

I guess you aren't a farmer, the soil that the GM plants grow on is unusable after 3-4 cultivation. It doesn't just deplete the minerals in the soil, it fucks up the balance in nutrients.

Uncover your flag you kremlin troll
We know your secrets

>Typical garbage homo talk
Says the guy who is worshiping a closet gay midget

That's just S*rb farmers being useless

>I guess you aren't a farmer,
Obviously he is not.
But he is expert homo.

He's a paid kremlin troll,just look at the way he structures his sentences

I would like him even more if he finally took entire Donbass from hohols. I can't stand such a map gore that are DNR-LNR currently.

>We know your secrets
Good. That is very good.

Attached: Putin_smiling.jpg (1024x768, 240K)

go drink your packaged pudding, homo

Oh my God I got doxxed.
What will I do now. Let me think

Attached: Putin-thinking about it..jpg (800x450, 40K)

Die at the age of 35 because of malnutrition you Turk rape baby.

Serbs have great food, what are you talking about Douch freak.

Attached: #Serbia and #Russia ,brothers.jpg (1024x553, 100K)

I have never heard about S*rb cuisine. Croatian, sure, but never S*rbs. Maybe kebab?

>Shills against Russia
>Kremlin troll.
You are not even trying.

>Arabs don't have order. they are incapable of it.
That's why we need people like Saddam and Assad who CAN control them.

>Is that enough for Putin to be also your hero?

>I have never heard about S*rb cuisine.
use google, educate yourself, also listen to some great Serbian music

Serbian Traditional Music

Fastes Serbian violin epic

Attached: Food-festival-Serbia.jpg (1280x623, 181K)

You don't need GMO to ruin your soil and food when lax regulation allow your industries to do that indigenously

Attached: 1484487739535.png (474x528, 221K)


Russia is Blessed by God

Attached: GOD Blessed Russia..jpg (900x506, 267K)

Learn to spot shills. user

Roosterstan doesn't have S-C-I-E-N-C-E and that's why they can't make GMO-s themselves. Instead they shill against them while they starve.

Moscow Outlaws Monsanto. “Russia puts GMO Genie back in the Bottle”
Russia has some of the most precious uncontaminated top soil on the planet and if it is rigorously controlled to stay GMO-free and free from chemicals
its productivity would increase as Europe declines, geopolitical analyst William Engdahl told RT.

Attached: PUTIN-JUDO.jpg (650x433, 37K)

Useless as Russia still allows foreign planes to fly over it and spray them with chemtrails making them all gay.

Attached: capture.png (711x941, 167K)

>pork anuses
fucking hohol, preekrootee cyka
its BEEF anuses
you have gmo - wa have palm oil

Putin: Russia Will be World’s Largest Supplier of Healthy Organic Food.
“Not only can we ourselves eat it, but also taking into account our land and water which is particularly important resources Russia could become the world’s largest supplier of healthy,
environmentally friendly, high-quality food that has long been missing in some western producers,” Putin stated.
“Especially as the demand on the global market for such products is growing,” he continued.
As Putin said, it is necessary to have a nationwide approach on the issue and also by 2020 to fully meet the Russian demand for locally produced Russian food.

Attached: Putin on the phone..jpg (1024x683, 179K)

>worshiping a slave nation

GMO are mot a danger because of poorly studied health risks but because THE FOOD AND SEEDS AND DNA ARE COPYRIGHTED.

If you try to grow your own food, they have an excuse to do whatever legal shit they want against you. Laws behind GMOs are orwellian as all hell.

This is a massive form of control. You can prevent people from eating if all foods are GMOs.


Attached: PUTIN-%22Day of Memory and Sorrow%22.jpg (900x500, 142K)

Murderers weren't sent to Australia. It was mostly petty criminals that stole bread or a button

Nice try mate,nice try.

Attached: Putin_finger_.jpg (800x600, 33K)

>Russia is Blessed by God

Then why is it a gigantic aids-ridden shithole?

Putin hunting for LGBT scums

Attached: Putin-Vladimir-gun-.jpg (980x552, 212K)

LGBT fear for your lives in the Mighty Russia.
You are not Welcomed, actually you are hated in Holy Russia.

Attached: Putin_machine_pist_.jpg (858x536, 107K)


Attached: Russia-Love.png (453x362, 431K)

The West’s idea of “sustainable” is a lie, it’s a buzzword. They aren’t talking about *self-sustainability and that’s a very big difference. Other misleading buzzwords are smart (spy) and green (restrictions). Well intended people cling to this false advertising thinking they’re doing something good, but that hasn’t been the case in many instances where these words are used. We should ban GMO foods and Monsanto/Bayer as well. Their practices should disgust everyone. Why does a drug company want control over a non self-sustainable food supply anyways? Really makes me think.

You realize that everyone can see you're OP and it is your 23rd post in this thread?


>is your 23rd post in this thread?

Attached: V.PUTIN very happy.jpg (913x768, 195K)


Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics.

Attached: RUSSIA-flag..jpg (800x508, 40K)

>thinking there is such a thing as a non-slave nation

Watch 'Almazan Kitchen' @ youtube you fucking tulip raping sea bed invading kaas monkey faggot

>fucking tulip raping sea bed invading kaas monkey faggot

>literally every bit of food the human race eats is genetically modified
>Putin bans GMO's
Why doesnt Putin want his country to eat?

>Why doesnt Putin want his country to eat?
Food exports from Russia, dominated by wheat and fish, soared to a record $19 billion last year, according to the Russian Export Center.
Shipments of Russian food have reportedly grown by 25 percent since 2012. The country also boosted exports of products such as sweets and sugar.
The country has managed to capture more than half of the wheat market in recent years, becoming the world’s biggest exporter of the grain, thanks to bumper harvests and attractive pricing, Bloomberg reports.

The exports are reportedly set to beat another record this season. Russia is expected to sell 36.6 million metric tons of wheat overseas,
according to Moscow-based agriculture consultancy SovEcon and the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR).
Nearly half of the world’s nations purchase wheat from Russia, which has been improving yields year after year in an attempt to curb its dependence on agricultural imports.
In 2014, Moscow barred purchases of some foods from Western exporters in retaliation for sanctions.

Attached: Blessed Russia copy.jpg (900x506, 227K)

So Monsanto won't be able to say: "this plant of tomato is my ownership" and Russia will say: "this tomato is tomato, if it grows in Russia then it is Russian tomato, if in USA it is American tomato, never a Monsanto tomato". Monsanto tomato also needs Monsanto inc. pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.


Attached: Putin-quote-GMO.png (1094x510, 465K)

I like how he rebuilt military.

Attached: Screaming155mm-ArtilleryShrapnel.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)