If socialism doesn't work why did Nazi Germany thrive economically? The economic policies of that state were pretty much socialist.
If socialism doesn't work why did Nazi Germany thrive economically...
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Almost every first world nation today is a social democracy.Full socialism doesn't work,a mixture does
not like german people were starving at the end of the war
That was because of the allied raids,but I disgress,name me a single first world country without a single socialist policy
>compares natsoc with normal socialism
there is none, but what does it prove? europe has pathetic economic growth
Europe,specifically scandanavia,tops many charts(Happiness,Income,etc.)
Can you explain why Third Reich era Germany wasn't a socialist state? Fuck off memeflag.
Socialism only works when its also national
Because most forms of government will work if you get rid of Juden.
>why did Nazi Germany thrive economically?
It didn't, it lived off government bonds and the whole plan was to win rapidly and use the money so gained to pay denbts.
Nazi germany would be remembered like a PIIGS nation today If it didn't start the war when it did.
Same with the USSR: If they ever had to give back what the US and UK gave them they would have collapsed in the '50s
>spanish education
Private businesses and far right education system. Strong gov =/ socialism.
Because it didn't you moron, stop buying in the propaganda that lies in your face.
Basic research
1. Look shit up yourself
2. Do not trust people's opinions without fact-checking their opinions.
3. Don't trust any form of mainstream media and especially don't put your stock in E celebrity or online media just because it's online media do your own fucking research
The only thing that attracts people to Communism is because they're lazy gullible Fucks.
Businesses followed party line, Hitler broke up every union and made them illegal except one and used that to control businesses
because it wasn't the Marxist bullshit that everyone keeps bringing up when talking about socialism
to the morons who trying to say that I mixed economy is what works AKA capitalism and socialism your a fucking retard name me a capitalist country that benefited from social policies you don't even realize that they're Polar Opposites of each other do you?
Capitalism is a passive ideology AKA it stays still with its policies and it's supposed to be strict with its policies and not have any divergences with in it
Socialism on the other hand is simply Marxist theory and Marxist theory is the basis of Communism and as we all know communism likes to spread like a fucking cancer and take advantage of everything and turn it into a propaganda Outlet
With these two simple facts anyone with two brain cells to rub together for warmth will realize that socialism is simply going to erode the capitalist aspect and the country is going to become a communist Nation down the line
>The economic policies of that state were pretty much socialist.
They had free markets during their stunning rebound in the early 30s.
>slave labor is OK
>mass execution is too as long as the numbers justify it
....and you criticize capitalists for exploiting some people *a little bit* in the name of profit!
>1991 switch to capitalism
failed transition. Russia right now is very far from capitalist.
>implying communism works
Why do cab drivers in Cuba earn 30x that of doctors? Why did poverty in Vietnam and the Phillipines and China fall dramatically following free market reforms? Should China get rid of its capitalist SEZs? Should cuba get rid of its private business licenses?
Quote from pamphlet "Die verfluchte hakenkreuzler":
"We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state."
-Joseph Goebbels
Yeah taking loans from foreign nation while micromanaging it to focus on infrastructure projects and industry with an total grip was so socialist!
To anyone who sees this idiots post understand that socialism by definition is Marxist theory and Marxism is by definition the basis of Communism you can look up these individual words on Google and Google will give you the straight definition they are making no attempt at hiding this.
Nazi Germany had the most brilliant economic plan in history.
The reason most countries got industralized was due to loans and FIAT money. Germany rejected this model and used finite money which would've set them back the way it set us back as well with the pesetas.
BUT Hitler came up with an alternative which was generating money with no interests or debt FOR THE PEOPLE only. Basically you could deliver goods or labour to the State and then the country would generate ficticial money that they would use as currency.
Obviously there's no way to figure how would've this have affected the international trade but the was no unemployement in Germany, people owned their own capital and each citizen had the ability to be self-suficient (similar to what Ghadaffi did in Lybia and Putin tried to do in Syberia).
Yeah because it's not the Socialist Party trying to encourage open borders and it is resulting in the domination of other cultures and races you're completely full of shit and current circumstances about the world prove you wrong and to be a liar
>understand that socialism by definition is Marxist
wrong. See: market socialism or the nordic model
Monopolies created by the state are not an economic plan they are plan for dominance and control you are a fucking retard for even posting this
so I'm a idiot? Is my post idiotic? Are the other posters idiots?
I don't get it
>If socialism doesn't work why did Nazi Germany thrive economically?
Nazi Germany was NOT socialist.
It was a mixed economy where both state intervention and the free market existed together.
>The economic policies of that state were pretty much socialist.
There was still a free market in many places.
One unifies the ethnicity against the world and the other has no way of influencing competition.
One led to mass wars but with the benefits of leaps in technology.
The other simply self destructs said country
Calm down amerifat,of course it's capitalism what do you think i was saying there?
I'll simplify it to an autistic mutt like you.
National-Socialism:Right wing(capitalistic) Authoritarian regime
Socialism-Left wing ideology
Communism-Left wing Authoritarian regime
Marxism=/=National Socialism
National Socialism=/=marxist socialism
Marxist socialism has a different meaning than National socialism if you haven't understood by now.
yes, you're an idiot unless you blindly accept the religion of Marxism
You cannot say something is wrong when it is objectively true you did General piece of shit you are trying to subjectively change what does objective you can't do that and the fact that you're trying to do that shows have disingenuous you are you piece of shit.
Trying to deflect the comment by changing the topic and guess what everyone who reads this comment is definitely going to be looking at the definitions.
> says its not true.
Thinks people wont look it up them selfs.
Simple counter argument for those of you who are reading this comment and this argument I guess please look up the definitions and prove this ASL wrong it's really that simple or you can just let him ruin your life cuz apparently he thinks you're stupid enough to fall for this.
Pulls up something that has socialism in the title to try to get my attention away from the definitions that ultimately destroy their entire narrative
>What's the Mefo-Wechsel?
>What's a War Economy?
kys fucking retard, even his non-marxist Socialism was utter dogshit
What monopolies are you talking about an captard
No. nazis had capitalistic system.
Hitler’s Germany, despite what this board thinks, appeared to have a boom in its beginning, but that was only because it was a change from the shitshow it was before. By the end of the 30s it was on the decline and would have failed on its own
Actual education.
>BUT Hitler came up with an alternative which was generating money with no interests or debt FOR THE PEOPLE only. Basically you could deliver goods or labour to the State and then the country would generate ficticial money that they would use as currency.
It was still fake monopoly money, and doomed to the destiny of all fake monopoly money like the EURO and the dollar and the yuan: being spento by the cartload to buy loaves of bread when the gif is finally up.
Italy used the same fucking system to build up It's economy from the '50s to the '80 They're now one trillion in debt.
All respect nazis get today is false, had they waited 1940 to declare war they would have BRAAAAAAPT ineffectually around the maginot line and would have been raped by belgian conscripts.
>muh reductionism
Communism doesn't work because it is fucking insane.
t. reductionist brainlet who has never even heard of the nordic model
Timestamp your down syndrome certificate please. Gotta report it to social services that there's a loose retard foaming out of his mouth.
Fucking arm chair economist, you can't judge things in a vacuum specially when they didn't get even the chance to prove theirselves. You are a fucking baby.
So many stupid ingsoc kids here...
Third reich thrived only because they have stolen effects of production of other countries.
It has lost it anyway due to socialism.
Authoritarian left is the worst
Communism would work for one generation, the people who had nothing. After that it fails
You can't say what you're saying because you're applying the current conditions for the simulated scenario which is ignorant and short sighted.