Post one image that sums up your country

Post one image that sums up your country.

Attached: dv5EwGU[1].jpg (960x815, 111K)

The cities at least.

Attached: 1515031683695.png (1024x776, 80K)

what's that white building in the back, where does it gain access to?

Attached: 1477824575952.png (1250x481, 1.13M)


Attached: 1519125620710.png (720x715, 472K)

Attached: average_indian_tuktuk.jpg (575x335, 85K)

Attached: SHH.jpg (265x399, 37K)

Attached: DYL127uWAAMLaww.jpg (640x1136, 50K)

Guess we still have these

Attached: IMG-20180320-WA0029.jpg (810x1080, 272K)

This was a pretty funny show m8

Attached: EA5B917B-B2DF-402F-A75F-BBD013A49C2C.jpg (4032x3024, 1.04M)

Attached: Pride1.jpg (800x600, 258K)

>the Chad Tiger vs. the Virgin raccoon

This one is good

Attached: hollande-racaille.jpg (950x633, 69K)

Attached: RcmAUfds8nI.jpg (970x1317, 261K)

Attached: 1516261219161.webm (480x360, 2.45M)

Attached: 13999930468587.jpg (487x800, 49K)

Attached: Manfred-Deix-Oesterreich_cm.jpg (1754x2497, 899K)

Gotta sound the trumpets of Jericho to find out

Attached: Hollande and the lads go to a strip club.png (834x878, 1.81M)


Attached: DYKDm5MUQAAGPxf.jpg (805x768, 60K)

Attached: angelina-jolie-william-hague.jpg (638x436, 46K)


Attached: 1511284979392.webm (800x450, 2.7M)


Attached: p2 we are the big birds.jpg (850x545, 53K)

Attached: debattforort-LARGE.jpg (1080x540, 90K)

Attached: ragehd.png (1256x1320, 1000K)

One of your men came and fixed my toilet and unblocked my sink yesterday. This is not an insult. He did a good job and was such a nice lad. He was a giant too.
I thought you would like to know

Attached: hqdefault (6).jpg (480x360, 10K)

Attached: 59c.jpg (599x600, 73K)

Attached: 03-surcin.jpg (800x600, 175K)

Come on there's that's nothing.

Attached: Absolutely part and parcel 2.jpg (620x387, 395K)

Attached: 2986755957_86a356f869_z.jpg (500x375, 98K)

Yes, of course.

Attached: comment_mFychXImFVx5eLSdw9kyL9VjX9jyDupS,w400.jpg (400x300, 18K)

Attached: 1489974088600.jpg (3334x2223, 137K)

Attached: 1466885951671.jpg (480x461, 33K)

Looks like nothing interesting ever happens here, and haven't happened in years.

>not the hashtag of friendship

Attached: 1519832994352.png (647x672, 99K)

Attached: 57d26cbc940ba341d66eefda7424527c0474bf67e1c4d7e7096f8c3248c48f5e.jpg (468x280, 55K)

Attached: 1505320202347.jpg (700x521, 92K)

Coming through

Attached: 476464.jpg (1200x630, 449K)

exactly. pic related is the most recent interesting thing that happened

Attached: prince-marko-and-Musa.jpg (1200x630, 85K)

*inser ANY meme picture of finland*
that'll do

Attached: IMG-20171028-WA0001.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Attached: IMG-20180313-WA0004.jpg (778x1600, 114K)

that guy is hilarious. Jonah from Tonga was the best

Attached: campagnia.jpg (960x720, 207K)

Reminder that Ivanka Trump wants to fuck Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump wants to fuck Ivanka, therefore Donald is cucked by Justin.
And since Donald Trump has been elected as the representative of all of the United States of America, and Justin Trudeau has been elected as the representative of all of Canada, the United States is cucked by Canada.

And since Donald Trump is the leader of the free world (and the only real power against the rest) that means that the entire world has been cucked by Canada.

Attached: nogirlwilleverlookatyoulikethis.jpg (708x396, 67K)

Attached: 1520889661002.jpg (327x700, 93K)

good job user, i knew it was english before seeing your flag

We treat work seriously.

Attached: polish qt olympics.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Are they going to sell me to the black market?

>those shoulders

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 37K)

I love you croatia

Typical "I only date black and sandniggers" in Poland. Don't be horny Pole, she doesn't like you.

Attached: 1496457063740.jpg (487x299, 38K)

Driving my 11 year old daughter to school in Telford

Attached: telford.gif (458x292, 2.52M)

Attached: 1505783855304.jpg (550x413, 73K)

Attached: 1059044852.jpg (1000x541, 111K)

Attached: thicc.jpg (1000x657, 207K)

Attached: 1518439914101.jpg (1268x714, 142K)


Attached: gethumb.details.jpg (800x508, 49K)

Attached: download.jpg (694x463, 116K)

Attached: 74108F59-48F9-4C22-8620-2BF385C4894C.jpg (2108x1809, 1.25M)

Attached: polish bantz.png (1840x1544, 342K)

Attached: Rich-and-poor.jpg (1024x683, 293K)

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (800x546, 52K)

Attached: IMG_20160717_164927.jpg (1080x1440, 226K)

Attached: harambe.jpg (600x600, 36K)

Attached: 1497241909665.jpg (3830x3239, 3.22M)

Attached: 67667A18-901A-4BEA-88AE-98036F922C5A.png (470x313, 3K)

Attached: 1518297144557.jpg (3072x2304, 721K)

that's a pretty tight cunt for a whore

Attached: 1ad.png (361x333, 63K)

Pretty gud Mehmet pretty gud.

Attached: Germoney.jpg (478x350, 35K)

Context: Dutch 'men' putting on skirts to protest Muslims raping and groping girls in Cologne.

Attached: cuck march.jpg (800x450, 49K)

Help for the concentration kill.

It's going to kill your ability to concentrate

Fuck off we're full.

Attached: 1467805386596.png (1085x1151, 629K)

Please end your life post haste


11/10 breeding material

Attached: 1520841221455.png (400x350, 206K)

fuck off we're full

Attached: 1515514095951.jpg (473x414, 33K)

I want a bronze bust of that center frame. Truly inspiring.

Attached: asd.jpg (800x860, 644K)

Attached: plain_packaging_cigarettes_2_500.jpg (640x426, 37K)

Now that I stopped lifting and sitting around for two-three years, she could probably beat me up

Attached: 1520787719524.gif (200x200, 909K)

Attached: 1513146660138.jpg (168x216, 7K)

Attached: 1203454043_032_pics.jpg (649x543, 52K)

Attached: latest[1].jpg (445x600, 61K)

i'd gladly let her dominate me.

Attached: thicc 2.jpg (680x405, 49K)

I guess they thought there was no way they didn't get laid that day.
Either by women charmed by their virtual signalling or by the very men they protested against.

Attached: received_10215942908755092.jpg (633x920, 76K)

fucking leaf lol

Attached: 1514763310951.png (600x882, 771K)

How tall is she?

Attached: 1502177113302.png (900x476, 185K)

Both my state and country.

Attached: 8c03508dbb8a3d8bc33ee738b2ef40e1--misspelled-tattoos-fat-man.jpg (600x780, 62K)

Attached: .jpg (640x260, 22K)


Slovenia has airforce?