Would you?

Would you settle with a single mother, if her kid was 100% White? You want more White families, don't you?

Attached: Family.png (539x960, 483K)

I'm not impotent, I'll sire my own white sons and daughters thanks

She's a degenerate for choosing a lesser man to impregnate her

She sounds low-IQ and she's ugly.

Attached: f7a5e5acfc5e88de76b775a8866a1fb2fcf1b64ba05c28da6be3d45e9a8cf1c3.jpg (450x284, 54K)

>Would you settle with a single mother

Okay correction: if she's a widow I might.

Those instagram filters are bigger red flag than her being a single mother.

>her kid



stupid wench

>Sperm donner walked out

Damn Turks

>Can't spell doner
>If story is true, willingly got pregnant without the means to support a child
>"with a great job"
If anyone fell into that roastie pit willingly, they should be shot alongside her.

>sperm donor

Attached: 1512033560312.png (477x451, 91K)

>sperm donner

Turkish father confirmed

No probably not. I don't really like kids enough to put up with kids who aren't my own blood.

Hopefully the sperm donor was a Nobel Prize winner lest her kid inherit her stupidity


On one condition: that the father died in service to his country in some form, or at least thats what it was represented as (fireman that died in a housefire, policeman, soldier, etc.).

I would for sex n sheeeeit oooga booga waka waka

If her kid was with either an abusive husband that she left, or if she was a widow, or if it was a rape baby. I wouldn't want to marry some woman who'd been fucking around, and then decided she needed a man to leach off of.

Some single Mothers are good people who just had bad luck or were lied to and duped by a scummy but charismatic guy, it happens to the best of people. The girl in your pick however is a piece of shit that deserves her misery. She's also fat, dating a fat single mother would be pure cuckoldry.

This had to be from Sweden.
>When your country is so fucked that being Cucked is far better than being Cucked to shitskins.


Clearly it says "Donner," although what they did to be called a sperm is beyond me

Sure I'll settle with her as long as she gets an abortion.

>sperm donor
>walked out
What did she mean by this

country is israel.

No fat women. Ever. My dislike for fat people has increased greatly over the last few years. It's a pathetic state of existence that is easily changed. That they do not change is indicative of deep-seated mental issues.

Attached: 50 - sHWuy2U.jpg (3440x1440, 1.23M)


>single mother
fuck off
>camera filter

000000000000000000000/10 would send to burn coal forever

Attached: 1515722750521.png (1016x1080, 840K)

>What did she mean by this
"I'm truly shocked that this has happened to me. Tyrone was such a nice boy, very polite, didn't hit me that often. Luckily I'll still be attractive for the next 40 years so I'll easily find someone to pay for the upbringing of my precious little Kang"

Attached: A1514C4B-D6B8-4D11-8359-147BFAD70EBD.jpg (540x812, 56K)

Yeah that's pretty much what I was alluding to.

I was confused why she said "sperm donor". She had to mean the Chad that dumped her then.

That would largely depend on who the father was.

Do you want some drug addict screaming in your lawn at 2 AM?

Do you want that negative influence effecting your own children?

>sperm donner walked out
maybe blitzen will raise the kid

>000000000000000000000/10 would send to burn coal forever
user.. how could you be so cruel?

Attached: 1503816927445.jpg (455x613, 70K)

never raise another man’s child. It’s ok to fuck her, but let her know that you’re not interested in raising the child.

Probably not, but I'm sure there are exceptions out there where it wouldn't bother me. The child would definitely have to be 100% white though, not supporting some nigger's waste product.

and that gives them free pass at something? life isn't fair, you know.

Young, dumb, and full of cum. I mean, fun. I mean, a halfling bastard.
I almost feel sorry for her, but she put herself in this position and is trying to trap a man to pay for an in utero baby. She should just end it all.

I dunno about red flag, but it’s a damn fact they can make almost anyone look cute. This chick could be a 3/10 for all we know.

>I’m an underage woman but will be over the age by July making me legally available for the rest of the older male population. I like An activity which incurs a good amount disposable income, not on my part, but yours. I enjoy expensive to run vehicles which denote wealth and stability. I have no idea what I’m doing, I had sexual relations out of wedlock and find myself in a bad situation both financially and socially. The father was not fit to be a provider nor he cared for his offspring. I am looking for a male to support me and my bastard child and be called a family. I’m looking for a male who can provide me with material possessions and actually respect me not like the previous male i copulated with. I need someone who will take on the responsibility of two people at exchange of worn out pussy.

Roastie speak is somewhat deceiving.


every profile should auto translate to something like this


Attached: 1485763814672.jpg (1242x1656, 646K)

Nobody should ever accept a single mother. Shame them, laugh at them, make them feel as miserable as only possible every single day of their life.

>You want more White families, don't you?
Well, she alredy did her duty, good for her. I'd rather give a different woman that didn't have the chance yet to do it right.

The mere purpose of the app should serve as a warning.

>that has a great job

Attached: 1515316869255.gif (245x118, 437K)

This. Loves dirt bikes and big trucks? That's pretty damn white trash in my book.

Don't you dare white knight for a single mother. She was not "duped", she willingly fucked a man who didn't commit to her (marriage) and got pregnant. Never sleep with a man who is not your husband, and blindly expect him to stay around if you get pregnant.

>babysit Chad's spawn while the roastie bleeds you dry and fucks niggers behind your back
I'd rather stick my dick in a blender.

Attached: single moms.png (416x368, 374K)

Also we all know that kid's brown.

Oh, and in 12 years when we have 3 additional kids, I will tell you I think I want to get divorced so I can enjoy my prime years I missed because I was so young when I got pregnant. sorry babe!

(My current situation. Just trying to keep her happy so I can see my kids everyday while I covertly plan to destroy her in divorce if she doesn't shape up)

Good times.

Attached: 8fd952e9-d781-4488-9aa5-a716dcb737a5..jpg (1280x892, 193K)

Never date a single mom.
You want to know why?

You will never be the kids father and you will always be a "guest" in the family but not part of it. When the chips are down and push comes to shove she will remind you off it and her kids comes first.

You also need to keep in mind that she doesnt just have a kid, it comes with a father and most fathers want/have custody of their kids so he will most often than not be in the picture.

Sperm Dönner ?

Attached: Am I being detained .jpg (1024x653, 678K)

saying sperm doner is redundant

fuck it who cares?

At this point all we need is a willing womb to hold a fucking kid. I don't care if she's the ugliest coalburner on Earth, get in there and start reproducing.

There is one for you.

Attached: 1521545156518.jpg (1034x1972, 187K)

Considering how young she is I wonder when it’ll kick in that she realizes she’s ruined her life and no self respecting man will ever love her. Having a kid at that age is like a felony on your record.

You don't deserve that most American of gets, Aussie. What if her husband died and that's why she's single?

The sperm donor walked away. That means he is not dead and she was not married.

I would rather die childless and alone than raise another man's child.

I would fuck that pregnant mutt
Only until 8 months in to the pregnancy tho

Hear hear!

Attached: 1521384489204.png (591x500, 291K)

Don't forget that widows are acceptable.

>single mother
No, used goods belong in a trash

Only if the dad died and I like the kid.

You think that filter improves her look? Are you actually retarded?

>can't spell doner

it's donor you fucking retard

Fuck no. Welcome to the dead roasties club, cunt

Attached: King-of-Donair.jpg (1200x520, 86K)

Those look nice

virgins only, thank you!


>The "white" father left his child to be raised by a single mother, therefore the father is not White.
>The "white" mother left the father, probably because she thought she could "do better", therefore the mother is not White.
White ≠ "white"

*Obviously there is an exception for orphans and widows, but unless you are infertile there is no reason to settle for someone elses kid.

I don't want anyone's sloppy seconds.

Besides, if the woman says she wants a man with a great job, she needs to bring something truly worthy to the table as well, not some bastard child that was conceived in the bathroom stall of a nightclub.

>yes i go to church on sundays

I can't tell whats real and what is a meme anymore.

No thanks the guy that walked away did so for a reason aka she's a crazy bitch.