So I've been skimming the news lately, and every article about china is negative. If the west has such a hateboner for china, why don't you just nuke them? Or invade them? Or at the very least, sanction them? Why do you even trade with them at all?
Why does the west bother with china at all?
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cheap goods u downie
that's it? seriously? so you're going to let china take over the world just so you can visit your local dollar store?
I assume you're trolling because nobody is that retarded.
i guess i'm retarded then. enlighten me
Ivan is right. You're a spastic
Maybe mutually assured destruction? They still have nukes
answer the question
they only have like 250 while the US has 7000+ i think? plus the US has japan, india, australia, NZ, europe as allies. you really think china can defeat them all?
Put the Kuomintang back in power
>Put the Kuomintang back in power
Return China to its rightful government, which also happens to be an American puppet.
>Return China to its rightful government
why is the KMT the rightful government?
>which also happens to be an American puppet.
doesn't that make them traitors?
It's pretty simple. Just like with Russia, you gotta get your people riled up against the foreign menace, so you make sure to write only negative articles. You're on Sup Forums, you should know how the Jewish media works.
That way, if you ever need to start a war, your people are already raised to hate them.
They resorted to Taiwan after the loss of the civil war. They bravely fought against the Japanese while the Communists were eagerly awaiting for China's downfall. Japan went as far as maintaining Communist Chinese bases within occupied territory, and Mao made it abundantly clear that the Japanese were responsible for his victory in the civil war, saying that without them annihilating the Kuomintang's forces, the PRC would have surely failed to secure the rest of China after the war.
The commies were fighting the Japanese forces as well. The KMT and commies worked together during the war.
They're both shit, but the commies won the civil war because the KMT lost the support of the people. A government that is not supported by it's citizens is not the correct government. If the people replace it's leadership, then that's just how it goes. Or are you implying that we should be placed back under British rule because that's the "real" government of the USA?
and? so that makes it ok for the KMT to be american puppets? is that seriously your argument? and what makes you think the KMT would be american puppets anyway? they were financed by germany and soviets as well
Because they make all the shit.
>KMT and commies worked together during the war.
Only on paper.
>won the civil war because the KMT lost the support of the people.
They won the civil war because the KMT's forced had been annihilated by the Japanese as the Commies were conveniently laying in their northern bases.
>KMT would be american puppets anyway?
The fact that Taiwan is an American puppet as is. I'd much rather Balkanize China and have the Han portions of it administered by a puppeted Taiwan.
China has to remain in the gutter if the west is to remain relevant on a global scale.
i don't think so. i think the hate is real. the west and china's interests do not align, because any influence china gains is at the expense of the west. so i don't know why the west even trades with china in the first place place, why not just isolate them?
>The fact that Taiwan is an American puppet as is.
that's because the US guarantee's taiwans defense you imbecile. if KMT controlled china, why would they need america to defend them?
> I'd much rather Balkanize China and have the Han portions of it administered by a puppeted Taiwan.
you do realize KMT is the nationalist party right?
>if KMT controlled china, why would they need america to defend them?
China shouldn't be allowed to remain whole, but the Han portions can hardly be segregated into nation-states, so a KMT government would suffice.
>KMT is the nationalist party
They are a regional party with no hopes of ever realizing nationalist China's ambitions. They've accepted this reality themselves, and would therefore be perfectly content with any scraps they're offered.
You're right, that the interests do not align, especially between the USA (currently world power) and the China (wants to be world power). But it's hard to isolate them when most of our manufacturing and trading is done with them.
>They won the civil war because the KMT's forced had been annihilated by the Japanese as the Commies were conveniently laying in their northern bases.
Read a history book sometime. The KMT believed they could ignore the countryside of China (at the time 95% of the population) and exclusively improve the lifes of the urban population. They treated the farmers as little more than cattle. Mao was smart enough to pretend that the peasant is the ideal citizen and thus gained the support of the countryside. That fucked the country up in other ways later, but that's another story.
they ADMIT having ATLEAST 300 nukes but don't allow any international organization to actually count them
they certainly have them in the thousands, they have the money and the technology, only a gullible retard thinks otherwise
>so a KMT government would suffice.
what makes you think the KMT wouldn't invade tibet and xinjiang?
>They are a regional party with no hopes of ever realizing nationalist China's ambitions.
that's because they were defeated by mao. but if you place them back in charge of china, what makes you think they wouldn't realize this?
>But it's hard to isolate them when most of our manufacturing and trading is done with them.
why? why not just move to some other part of the world?
>plus the US has japan, india, australia, NZ, europe as allies. you really think china can defeat them all?
learn to read
That's actually happening now. Wages in China have doubled in the last 10 years, making it less and less profitable to run sweatshops there. Manufacturing is being moved to SEA countries as a result. It's not a quick process however.
>mutual assure destruction
I think you need to read his posts better.
No one is going to war if it means your country gets destroyed as well.
>what makes you think the KMT wouldn't invade tibet and xinjiang?
There is no point in Balkanizing China if each of the sub-nations produced aren't guaranteed, controlled and exploited by the powers that be.
>if you place them back in charge of china, what makes you think they wouldn't realize this?
They could certainly pursue an expansionist policy, but it'd take far too long for them to achieve the result they desire when a competent network of puppet states is maintained in the rest of China.
>Mao was smart enough to pretend that the peasant is the ideal citizen and thus gained the support of the countryside.
That was a major factor, but not by any means primary. Mao could have never taken hold if the KMT's forces were intact.
i see. so no country is willing to take the hit for the team?
>no military
>no military
>no military
ha, nobody is going to help you dumb shitwits, that'll hurt our trade with the greatest economical power or earth, which is China
sorry buddy, you are on your own, go fuck yourself
Because cucks run the west and chinks with inferiority complexes run China.
>Mao could have never taken hold if the KMT's forces were intact.
I think he would have, but it would've been a much longer and bloodier civil war. Don't underestimate the Chinese tendency to fight themselves every second century till they've racked up a killcount higher than WW1.
Why fight if you can dominate them financially/economically.
>There is no point in Balkanizing China if each of the sub-nations produced aren't guaranteed, controlled and exploited by the powers that be.
and? what makes you think they'll stay subservient to western interests?
>They could certainly pursue an expansionist policy, but it'd take far too long for them to achieve the result they desire when a competent network of puppet states is maintained in the rest of China.
puppet states to who?
>So I've been skimming the news lately, and every article about china is negative.
Because they're a marxist dictatorship who's existence as a marxist dictatorship poses a threat to our allies across the Pacific.
>If the west has such a hateboner for china, why don't you just nuke them? Or invade them? Or at the very least, sanction them? Why do you even trade with them at all?
Are you retarded?
ok, but india at least has a huge population. just US + India alone would be enough to wipe out china
>Why fight if you can dominate them financially/economically.
because it's literally the other way around?
Your simplistic view of global politics and tendency to think of combat as the only solution, makes me think you can't be older than 16.
>Because they're a marxist dictatorship who's existence as a marxist dictatorship poses a threat to our allies across the Pacific.
>If the west has such a hateboner for china, why don't you just nuke them? Or invade them? Or at the very least, sanction them? Why do you even trade with them at all?
>Are you retarded?
for telling you to do something about it?
all you've told is that china is evil but it's retarded to do anything about it. explain yourself
>implying i'm wrong
>they'll stay subservient to western interests?
That's impossible to ascertain. What I do know is that they'd remain pacified for long enough not to be a direct threat to western global dominance for the next couple of centuries.
>puppet states to who?
Depends entirely on the nations responsible for the partitioning. Should that be the US, as would be most likely in the current geopolitical circumstances, they'd be American puppets.
I'm not the only one calling you stupid in this thread.
You cannot simply wage war against another major player, especially if they produce 90% of your shit and are not considered an active threat by the rest of the world.
>I've been skimming the news lately, and every article about china is negative
It's not just "lately", western medias have been doing this for decades, where have you been...
>for telling you to do something about it?
For not understanding why we can't.
>lol why don't you just start a nuclear war?
Do you actually not understand why that's fucking retarded?
>lol why don't you just stop trading with one of the most important countries for your economy
As above.
China being dependent on the west for exports puts us on a more even playing field with them, economically, when you consider the debt. This does, however, mean that we need to get off our asses and stop letting them roll through Africa, because if they secure other markets for mass exportation that power balance shifts dramatically.
We're not implying it, we're telling you.
ok, so why don't you? again, you haven't answered the question.
well, it's not as if you have a military anyway
>and are not considered an active threat by the rest of the world.
do you live under a rock? the entire west considers china their #1 threat
>For not understanding why we can't.
ok, i'm retarded. explain why you can't
You are wrong, you underaged autistic shit
Nobody does, you complete moron
There is only one answer
Sanction them and move production elsewhere even if it results in global economic crisis.
Nice job ignoring the word "active". China is a threat, due to it's size and potential power, but it's not an active threat.
Yes they will checked
>even if it results in global economic crisis.
Show me on this doll where the chink touched you so badly that it makes you want to destroy the world economy just to bring them down.
I guess it makes no difference to you, your country's economy is already in the shitter anyway.
so why don't you?
>I think China probably poses the greatest threat to our nation by about 2025
>by 2025
Check your links before you post them idiot.
>too many to list
>can't even list 5
do you consider china a threat?
Not really. China's military has barely any force projection (and a shit track record anyway) and they're not very expansionist anyway (at least compared to us).
They depend on us (manufacturing and jobs) about as much as we depend on them (import).
>newspapers shitposting
>no mention of military action whatsoever
do you know why they don't view china as an enemy? the majority of politicians?
because they benefit from them and so does their country with the increased tax revenue and commerce
you fucking childish mentally challenged shitfaced loser, nobody gives a SHIT if you hate China, the rest of the world doesn't and this fact won't change no matter how much you shit your diapers like right now and throw a hissy fit like a goddamn girl
Keep shitposting all you want, it won't change the fact that I am right and you are wrong. Every post you make just confirms my statement, I've won.
The cancer must be removed before it grows to consume mankind. It is our duty as human beings to annihilate China and its subhuman inhabitants as soon as humanly possible, no matter the cost.
Sanction and embargo it, move production to India. Then, as Anarchy and chaos begin to manifest, invade and partition it. Such economic upheaval would surely cause China to become unstable and aggressive. What better chance to remove it from existence, just as their society verges on collapse?
guess where the Tribe of Snakes come from, I mean look at that flag (I know this isn't the national flag), the dragon is the epitome of their belief system and China is the biggest jewish project for the last two hundred years, ever since the Opium War started.
how am i wrong
No really, where did the bad chinese man touch you friend? You seem to have quite the irrational hatred going through you.
why do you hate china so much?
You really give off the impression of being Chinese yourself, given your irrational support for China.
>you disagree, you must be the enemy
Point out one instance of me supporting China in this thread please.
And I do wanna know now, where does your irrational hatred come from?
calm down finngolian. i don't hate china. in fact, i love china. i'm just confused why chinese naysayers don't do anything concrete
You are severely underestimating the danger China poses to the rest of the world as its influence and expansionist tendencies grow.
I could understand liking China as a country (food, nature, whatever), but do you like the commie government? The wholesale destruction of culture practiced in the 60s was honestly abhorrent and the damage done can never be fixed.
Not really. We can move our manufacturing elsewhere and half a billion people lose their jobs.
Besides, China was never much a country for expansionism and most of their military endeavors end in failure.
eh, as long as their gov't doesn't oppress me, i couldn't care less
what danger is that?
>not expansionist
Not historically, but their present affairs in Africa and my homeland prove otherwise.
>and my homeland
What are they doing in Greece? All I can imagine is a bunch of tourists pigging out at your buffets.
Military expansionism is indeed an impossibility, given their consistent incompetence, but economic expansion has routinely been practiced since antiquity, with countless tribunaries and such.
They've recently bought Greece's largest port, among other things.
Because they took our jobs.
Hate your shitty government for letting foreigners buy your ports. Directing your hate at foreigners is pointless if your government is the one fucking you over.
How does this detract from my initial point? China is expanding its economic affairs rapidly, both in Europe and Africa.
The free market
It does not detract from your initial point, but you do seem so blinded by your hatred that you can't see who your real enemy is. If governments actually cared about their people and don't sell properties to the Chinese, then Chinese expansion is automatically stopped. You can't stop your enemy if your government is supporting them.
Chinese expansion is not only dangerous to the countries immediately affected. China is building up its economy, and it will continue to do so until it is on par with the US. You do realize that allowing for this tendency to continue undisturbed can only be destructive for America in the long run, do you not?
Actually, I welcome a power that can rival us. Look at our country now, we grow weak and complacent with no strong opposition. Empires collapse when they stay unchallenged for too long.
>I welcome a power that can rival us.
They are more intelligent and productive than you, and would as such inevitably defeat you in a cold war scenario. Put them down while you still have time, or suffer the consequences, for you and the rest of the globe.
Gordon Chang still hasn't given up after all these years. Gotta admire his tenacity even though everyone knows hes a joke
They might be more productive but I would not call them more intelligent. Sure, they're great at studying, but collectivism generally leads to a lack of innovation. There's a few companies coming out of China that make decent products, but most if it are still just copies of our products.
>2010 "China's economy WILL Burst! HAHAHA"
>2011 "China's economy WILL Burst! HAHAHA"
>2012 "China's housing bubble WILL Burst! HAHAHA"
>2013 "China's housing bubble WILL Burst! HAHAHA
>2014 "China's housing bubble WILL Burst! HAHAHA
>2015 "China's housing bubble WILL Burst! HAHAHA
>2016 "guys....ff..for real Ch..China will going into a free fall!"
>2017 "hello? China's downfall? Anyone"
>2018 "How do we deal with China ruling the world now?