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Most places that do barbecue suc, even those in Texas and the rest of the Bible belt. But when you find a good place, it's worth the search.
he redeemed himself and then struck further good on ya ted
where is the pride with those shitty bagged rolls?
come on muppets
oh shit
No one can deny that the 2016 election forged Ted into a memetic god. I'll probably vote for him next time just out of respect.
He should have won.
>those baps
Looks like they came straight out of a packet. Disgusting.
I'll be voting for that based man again
25% of Red State BBQ is good
0% of Blue state bbq is good
t.Literally single issue voter
That will be $29.99 plus the tip.
>pic related, real barbecue
i prefer to chew food myself
Agreed. Where are the ribs?
It's weird to me that people think that looks good. It is abominable. Those "food items" were once living creatures, with thoughts and dreams and love.
You killed them, cut them up, and burnt them to a crisp.
In 100 years this will be viewed as nothing but fucking barbarism.
You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
how's this?
>Those "food items" were once living creatures, with thoughts and dreams and love.
>and burnt them to a crisp
you guys need some kind of social healthcare your eyes are terrible m8
Shut up gay boi
Who cares? They're delicious
>bruhhh eat pasta not vegetables!!
calm down rabbi
Bless your heart
This. Those rolls are an embarrassment.
Living creatures consume other living creatures to stay alive. If you can't deal with it, starve to death like the evolutionary failure that you are. Moral grandstanding won't get you anything, especially not here.
>Those "food items" were once living creatures, with thoughts and dreams and love.
is this you?
That is a pathetic display.
New York soyboys trying to turn classic comfort food into artsy minimalist expression is the gayest shit on Earth.
New York trying to emulating food styles period fucking sucks.
I've watched him on Crowder and he actually seems like a decent person and not like a snake Trump made him look like. I would very much like to see him in 2024, if Randlet is not able to participate.
They’d eat us too, given the chance
I'd said 15% red state and 0.01% blue state. I've only had good BBQ at 1 place in a blue state and it was so out of place.
(((Brooklyn barbeque)))
Is this the new (((globalist/european style socialist)))?
Your food sucks...Ironic a Brit can say that, and it actually be true.
I've met him and was able to spend a little unscripted time and I can say he's really genuine. His wife is guarded but nice also.. he's just not what the country needed...
We didn't need a debater we needed a cage fighter... hence trump..
>British cuisine
The future will not look back kindly on people who think killing animals for pleasure is acceptable
I'm actually curious: what good blue state BBQ did you eat?
I'll concede Missouri (goddamn bushwhackers), but I can't think of another blue state that I'd eat their meat.
That isn't British
>The future will not look back kindly
what an incredible argument.
Meh, fuck off pussy.. go kys
>We're proud of our unnecessarily large portion sizes and obesity!!!! MAGA!!!!
Texans need to collectively die of heart attacks
What in tarnation!?!
A-user... why do you have thay video?
Funnily enough this isnt half bad tasting.
Is that half of a smoked chicken?
How are those tomatoes prepared?
Lol. Ribs at a catered business meeting is not recommended.
Full English breakfasts are awesome but you're still a faggot.
Missouri is a red state brother. Outside of the very blue cores of KC and STL the rest if the state is very red.
Cut them in half, season with salt and pepper, allow Muslim hoards to overrun your country, and pan fry them for 90 seconds in a cast iron pan.
Came to post this.
No worries faggot, I'll eat enough meat for the both of us.
Well dr otker makes the best frozen pizzas, so no suprise
>not wanting to be a member of the glorious omnivorous master race
go ruminate some grass or something faggot
what a stupid claim lol
a full english breakfast being good doesn't make various forms of bbq bad or other british food good
>disgusting breakfast
>can compete with TX bbq
British food is depressing, you guys have a sauce made from parsley. A sauce...made from the garnish. That's all I need to know.
>Dr. Oetker
>american cuisine
Dr Oetker...a Euro company, Not British....You fucking retard.
You are using a meme flag, your opinion means the square root of zero. Go stick a dragon dildo up your rectum you cunt.
>this triggers the Britcucks
I like how people in Br*klyn think their shitty hipster town is the center of the universe. And all the Netflix shows that are based there and all the (((new media))) like Vox and Vice and Buzzfeed are based their and live in their little bubble and so reinforce it.
"Donald Trump is universally hated all around the world from Brooklyn to Manhattan that's how I know I'm right"
those fries look like they were microwaved
why do americans put so much sauce on their bbq? All you need is some salt man
I know it, true to facts
But St Lou and Homicide City make the state blue.
Much like California, MO is a red state run by blue parasites.
wet vs dry bbq. its just different styles
That shit looks like cafeteria food, store bought rolls and everything.
>when he shreds the meat by just grabbing it
True food porn.
>i need 10kg of meat on my plate
>Butthurt brit wants everyone to like boiled meat and congealed blood as much as him
ow alright. i mean you guys like to born the outside which makes it crispy. i like that, but if you put sauce on that you get that burned flavour with sauce. its just weird
joe rogan is worse then that jack dude
I oven roast chips I've cut myself and they look pretty similar to that.
>no argument
stay poor lol
>implying your mouth isn’t watering
Hurf Durf British food is awful.
>eats nigger food
>argues about steak
>90% of their food is shitty soy new york instagram food
>the other 10% is oversized burgers and all you can eat ribs
America, you contribute so much to the world, except good food. You overseason, and pile up your fatty GMO shite on a plate, then give some cunt a tshirt if he eats it all without dying. Your arteries are clogged, your blood pressure is like your niggers, rising and eventually you'll die.
One of your most popular items is a hot sauce for fucks sake, you've murdered your taste buds.
not only does he have no good taste, it looks like he's fresh off the boat from Sup Forums
Says the country that's traditional food is being replaced and fused with Indian/Paki/Arab food.
I was watching a food travel program set in England and the show was suppose to be about "British Food" these niggas went to an Indian restaurant.
The head chef was dipping some form of tandoori chicken in gravy because "Brits love their gravy so we give them gravy."
Bunch of limey cucks sitting these chomping on yogurt chicken in gravy because Pajeet knows your simple palette and manipulate it to take your pounds.
to mock soyboys, of course
also, I can't figure out what those games in the background are
Is this for one person or shared?
All countries with more than 100 years of developed culture have some form of parsely sauce.
>enough meat for 5 days
>enough potatoes for two meal
You need to take alook at a food pyramid some time
The outside isn't burned m8, it's darker becuase that's where they put the rub, the outside bit on good BBQ is delicious.
Hurf durf you boil your meat....No we don't you utter prick, go masturbate your soy boyfriends twat. You burn your meat, douse it in sriracha, then think you are some world class food experts.
No, you are all semi negro mexicunts who all die of heart disease. Thank god.
english put too much vinegar on their fish n chips. your food really sucks.
Dutch food on the other hand is a secret gem, nobody knows about it but its one of the best in the world
>not liking black pudding
What's it like being a poofter?
mjam mjam lecker frikandel
It's a platter for a table of people.
it's fucking trash
pickled herring is ok but it's not even yours
>No we don't you utter prick,
Rogan can't cook for shit
But that is users choice, I personally don't put vinegar on my chips. Bit of salt and its ready to eat. Yank food is literally 50% condiment, 10% burnt residue.
It's an American appetizer.
You from Ohio too :/
British food isn't necessarily bad it's just most of your cooks can't cook for shit.
>pile of unsauced dry meat that wasn't smoked
??? as a south carolinian I am fucking offended
Fuck that soyboy minimalist shit. Nothing can compare to some good ole Carolina, Texas or Memphis bbq