Where my WUGners at?
This week with even less animation than the last!
Wake up Girls! ep 6
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Was getting rid of Yamakan a mistake?
Still downloading this, some webm would be nice.
Pan and zoom masterpiece.
More wug zoo stuff for the anons that like it.
Where my Wake Up Chads @?
What is even happening to WUG? That whole thing with the girl hiding in the costume. What the heck?
At least it didn't look as terrible as last week.
>wake up girls
Is that some foreshadowing?
Almost fucked up real bad there.
Future potato girls.
There was so little animation I had trouble figuring out what was going on.
Apparently Mayu undressed and wanted Yoppi to do the same.
QUALITY stuff but this was funny.
Huh? That scene would have been pretty clear just with audio. The WUGner didn't want to take the costume off or her ruse would be rumbled. How her ruse worked at all is another question entirely.
I guess they didnt have time to stylize the background.If this was the intention I dont think it mixed well with the QUALITY.
A raw concrete texture/photo slapped in here
Who was phone?
The QUALITY reminds me of early 00s anime. At least we can now confirm that WUG was shit regardless of Yamakan.
>the otaku didnt appear
They did nigga
What the hell, better looking too somehow. One dude missing though, cant be the photographer too.
>it's another QUALITY episode.
Somebody put WUG-chan out of her misery. Just how incompetent must someone be to fuck it up this bad?
I would like to hear what Yamakan has said about the anime, they guy seems to enjoy shitting on people after all.
Ganbare Wagu-chan!
>Literally mirroring a scene and calling it animation
Yes! Animal WUG should have more screen time .
Comedy of the season
>Find the WUG
That's cute as fuck.
I wish she would rough me up.
What's going on with this show? The last few episodes were like 70% stills. I haven't seen anything like this before. Shitty animation is one thing, but they aren't even trying here.
It's a shame because it was a very cute episode.
Reporting in!
I see Matsuda-san has finally decided to learn from the best.
This scene made my head hurt. What is going on with WUG anime?
Heh, I guess their budget finally became non-existent and the director said "Fuck it, let's go to an onsen, take a picture, and add a shitty filter."
Obviously they blew their budget in the first few episodes again.
Same thing happened in the original series.
For some reason, they like to animate Otaku leader really well. They probably decided that QUALITY-fying him would be too much.
>Sachou will never abuse you
Why even live, WAGU bros?
QUALITY is shit animation. They aren't bothering with animation anymore. It's all stills now.
Why is she so hot?
>episode full of stills and QUALITY
>they send spend their last yen on Yoppi.
Money well spent.
It's the experience from all those years spent as an idol. I bet she was even hotter in her teen years.
>15 posters in the thread
Yeah, WUG is pretty much dead and the QUALITY doesn't help one bit. At this rate, well might actually get a Wizard Barristers ending.
Who am I kidding, the last 2 episodes are already on the same level.
Based Yoppi is such a priority they chose ta animate one less idol for the majority of the episode to make it work within their budget.
Gentlemen, how do we save WUG?
More WUG Zoo Shorts.
They too want to get sloppy with Yoppi!
>two blues
>two reds
>no yellow, white, black, pink
what a shit sentai
Wake up thread!
I never got around to the movies and this show sure doesn't give me any reason to make it a priority, although they're so incredibly fucked I don't know if they're even going to be able to make a proper show for BD release.
They need to go back to their roots and explore the dark side of idol careers.
If anything, the movies are really good, especially the first one that came before the anime. WUG anime was a mistake, they should have gone with only movies.
Is she gay for Mayushi?
Looks like CG?
I mean, I just don't know anymore.
I can imagine Yamakan getting ego boost while the seiyuu are probably very disappointed for being in production disaster TWICE.
Yeah they use CG for dance sequences.
Yeah, those are cg.
It's pretty much the natural state for some of them
Minyami's voice acting was somehow even worse than everything else in this show though
>I can imagine Yamakan getting ego boost
You bet! I can't wait for his newest masterpiece next year.
everyone is
She's my favorite. I think her design has improved from the first episodes.
The animation might shit, but the ending is comfy as fuck. My favorite art of is pic related.
>All of you will be reborn
What did he mean by this?
This scene was funny.
Sloppy with Yoppi!
>no 3dpd this week
Should we start worrying? I wouldn't be surprised if by the 8th episode they switch seiyuus. They probably tried to tell us this during the scene where Nanami tries to impersonate Minyami. The stuipid fans wouldn't have noticed if she didn't trip during the concert.
Minami a best.
>they even re-used the animal and crowd stills.
I'm scared of what the future episodes will look like, WUG bros.
This dead thread needs more lewd.
Dont lewd Yoppi.
She looks the happiest when doing just that though.
Me on the bottom.
My waifu.
Has a show ever had a lesser budget than this pile of poo?
What a strong chin she has.
Me on the right upper corner after watching today's episode.
hello weekly dose of potato girl
I don't think I've ever watched a series with so much QUALITY. Sure, many anime suffer from bad animation, but it usually occurs in one episode or two at most. With WUG, the animation has progressively gotten worse that I'm sure we'll be getting a recap episode soon or maybe the episodes will be 5 minutes long.
Usually if a show just has a god awful budget up front it's more clever about its terrible animation, ending up so far behind schedule you replace half the episode with still shots is more of a competence issue which may or may not be caused by hiring cheap staff.
Then there's actas that just delayed the shit out of everything they made for 5 years instead. Unfortunately Long Riders still looked pretty crappy before they made the call and Regalia was still pretty crappy even after.
But at least Long Riders and Regalia were animated, mostly. This shit is a collection of stills. It's fucking ridiculous.
Weekly WUG threads
>ganbare wug-chan!
>I want to get sloppy with yoppi
>potato girl dose
Is there anything else?
Well yeah of course they were, that's why they finished airing months late. Someone is forcing this shit to broadcast no matter how utterly woeful it is for some business reason or other. They really should just do at least one week of live WUGs to buy time.
>They really should just do at least one week of live WUGs to buy time.
I wouldn't mind this. They are surprisingly competent idols.
Yamakan would have prevented this. No, he wouldn't have.
Honestly they SHOULD have pulled a seiyuu stream special if they already know they're incompetent.
After all, the unfortunate fact is that WUG's main draw is the idol seiyuu unit. The anime is just an excuse to keep the group going.
Why does it look like I'm seeing a hentail without sex?
At least the soundtrack is good.
Wew, green wug looks very cute. She's Kaya's va right? Not bad for 3dpd
>hentail without sex?
Are there even WUG doujins? I'm asking for a friend, of course.