Honestly have no idea why i didnt start watching this sooner. It's amazing

Honestly have no idea why i didnt start watching this sooner. It's amazing.

It's average, it takes a lot more than being subversive for a show to be good.

Also, the only barely good character is Kyoko.

Guess i just have bad taste then or something.

That's terrific that you're enjoying the series, OP. It's one of my personal favorites.

Now for your own good, abandon this thread and don't come back until you've watched the Rebellion movie.

Yea, sure, i'm only on episode 10 so that's probably for the better. Will check the archive tomorrow.

Why did it take 5 hours of screentime just to make the point that menstruation-fueled teenage hysterics are the most powerful, destructive force in the universe?

what is this thing?

doesn't hurt being thorough


your whole experience can be ruined with one pic, so leave now

>he doesn't know the average quality of anime nowadays
How new?

Most new shows nowadays are shit, it doesn't mean what would be average gets elevated.

Kigurumi. Acquired kind of taste.

Why hasn't it been topped?

Enjoy it and remember to never ever visit the threads on Sup Forums. They are filled with tripfags that do nothing but spam pictures and tell each other how much they love their shitty waifu till the thread dies.

it's a munchie box of its subgenre, like Gurren Lagann, humanity doesn't need a lot of them


Which one?

I want Apple-chan to put on a Kyoko costume. I'll walk him home gently.

>implying the the girls aren't good characters

Can you just fucking stop already.

Sayaka was a retard and Madoka didn't do anything for almost the whole series.

>for almost the whole timeline

Wow almost like they acted like children or something

Kyoukai no Kanata did it better.


Rebellion sure was fun

I only like it because of tsunami.

Kids these days are even as dumb as Sayaka?

>Madoka has a well established personality and we know exactly how she thinks, but that doesn't matter because user doesn't think she was useful enough
>Sayaka made mistakes so she's a bad character
I fucking hate these memes

Sayaka was the only well developed character. Yes she did everything wrong, but she had a whole arc and flaws don't equal bad writing. Mami died too fast, Kyouko came out of nowhere and suddenly changed her entire perspective on life for Sayaka for no reason, Homura was fun but absolutely one note, and Madoka was a plot device. Rebellion didn't change anything besides moving Homura further down the crazy end of the yandere scale. It's also very disappointing every time some story about suffering undoes 90% of it at the end. Have the stones to leave the dead dead.

>baby first grimdark
You should watch more anime, but first please go fuck yourself.

There's a whole pattern of "mediocre" things rising to the top and claiming as unique/original.

Evangelion did it with "emotional" Mecha anime.
Haruhi did it with "cute" highschool girl anime
Gurren Lagann did it with "manly" Mecha anime.
Madoka did it with "deep" magical girl anime.

In non-anime, there's Apple creating "smart" phones.
Halo creating FPS shooter games.
Starcraft creating RTS games.
WoW creating MMO games.


At certain point in time, with enough push, a common shitter rises up and takes the lead as a "unique and strong". Ignoring the masses of bodies the commoner has stepped on and their achievements.

>What? Souls exist and mine is inside this gem?
>Oh noes! I'm no longer a separate entity controlling a human vessel and became a separate entity controlling a human vessel.
>I can't express my feelings to my loved one like this.
Your body was always a fucking vessel being controlled by your soul. Your thoughts and feelings are still guiding your body, there shouldn't be a difference.

It's a really stupid excuse for drama, I don't know how it managed to work.

But Sayaka's inability to express her feelings had little to do with her being a magical girl.

If Sayaka really wanted to confess her feelings she would have done so much earlier. She had plenty of opportunities to do so but she never went for it. She probably always had some sort of excuse. Finding out the truth about magical girls only gave her yet another excuse not to confess.

How long ago was it that you saw any of those shows?

>There was a Mami.
Oh now I remember her.

The word you're looking for is revolutionary, not mediocre.

>Sayaka figures out her soul is inside of a piece of jewelry instead of her brain
>Sayaka has an identity crisis
>she becomes terrified of what kyousuke will think of her
I think Sayaka overreacted, but just because you think differently doesn't make her a shitty character.

If all you got out of Evangelion was that it was emotional then I really feel like you didn't actually watch the show

>Haruhi invented moe
>lists Sup Forums shit knowledge
Know you know you need to get back.

Yes it is. Wait until you get to Rebellion.

That technically makes them liches. Do they even need to eat or drink anymore? And do their bodies age anymore? Kyousuke might get suspicious when Sayaka still looks like a 14 year old at age 34. Or if she receives a disfiguring injury in a car crash or something and immediately reheals.

Its revolutionary, if you ignore everything else that came before them.

Saying "its revolutionary" is a hallmark of ignorance. Nothing in life ever is revolutionary. Its all an incremental change, which some might have forgotten and attribute as revolutionary.

mami is the best character of the show tho

They do age. Mami was younger at the time she contracted.

Their bodies function normally. They still need to eat, sleep, and shit unless they want to substitute all that with magic. Mami was noticeably younger in her backstory flashback. It is shown you can modify your body with magic.


Your average anime has always been shit.
Madoka received praise from even oldfag pessimists like Mamoru Oshii.

>Saying "its revolutionary" is a hallmark of ignorance

This comment shows how much of a contrarian pseudointellectual you are. You're right about the incremental change, but regardless of such, whatever pushes it over the peak it needs to reach rightfully called revolutionary on the simple merit that it was brought into the limelight.

It may not be revolution with respect to creating something new, but it is indeed revolutionary in the sense that it brings it into the limelight, causing a people to revolve around it henceforth causing a revolution of people flocking to and becoming aware of the genre/item/technology/etc.

Speaking of revolving around things, do you even wheel about an axis, bro?

I prefer Kyouko and Mami.

Eastern thought tends not to recognize body/soul duality in the same way Christian thought does so it's weird for them to be liches

>Eastern thought tends not to recognize body/soul duality
You are impressively ill-informed, user.

So Galois, Nash, Schubert, etc. did not write anything revolutionary?

Okay, but what would Kyousuke think if Sayaka cut herself in front of him and it instantly healed up? Wouldn't you be kinda freaked out? Whether or not you think she overreacted, I can't blame her for being terrified of all the implications.

Just say you didn't like it. It's not that hard. I loathe SAO, and Kyoani seems to keep getting more and more retarded each time, and I still recognize that a lot of people like them.

kyokou is shit, redditor


Is mami really that forgettable?

It doesn't matter since Sayaka has wished herself into a demigod. The show has shown crazier things than purposefully making your body pass as human. It's the point that Kyoko was trying to get across -- there's really nothing standing between her and Kyosuke. There never was.

nigga the yin yang symbol illustrates duality embodying one; light has dark in it, dark has light in it, and they both combine to form a complete whole. The notion of the soul gem separates that duality and removes them from that cycle. They're no longer two halves comprising a whole but two separate halves severed from each other. Western thought more traditionally defines the body and soul as separate; the soul is eternal, the body is temporal, and as a result the soul tends to overshadow the body, the soul IS in essence a person in its own right with the body purely as a means to interact with its surroundings.

That's just how women think, they don't use logic.

>They're no longer two halves comprising a whole but two separate halves severed from each other.
That was the point.

So they're incomplete without the other, which is what was trying to say. It's upsetting for someone with that mindset, unlike what was saying, where someone with a more western mindset of the soul being hierarchically more important than the body wouldn't be as upset.

>Madoka was a plot device
you have some fuckin nerve mate

>It's also very disappointing every time some story about suffering undoes 90% of it at the end. Have the stones to leave the dead dead.
See what I liked about Rebellion is that it made you question whether bringing them back to life was a good thing - Sayaka didn't want to come back to life since she was doing her duty as a LoC angel. But then when she's alive of course she starts getting attached to all her friends again so she has that conflict between duty and happiness. I really hope they capitalize on that in the next thing.

Thank you for explaining that better than I could user



Where is the fucking 4th movie.

never ever
The only thing holding Shaft back is Urobuchi and he doesn't seem to be playing ball.

Hopefully soon.

Do we really need more Madoka?


Yes. Uro better fucking fix his mess. I don't want to be left on this cliffhanger forever.

Yeah, Meguca suffering should never end.

Yes it should


I always thought the show ending was an asspull (ripped straight from Serial Experiments Lain), and Rebellion took the series back to where it was best.

What a fucking weeb fag

I always wondered if a someone ever had a cruel wish (like wishing some one was dead or for someone to always suffer.)

It's a good show.

Just wish we would get news on the apparent new movie they're making.